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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Yeah, once she recovered from the Stockholm Syndrome.
  2. Well, Lincoln isn't short on words. Maybe this season will have some actual conversations, you think? "Arie's a wanker." Ha ha! Banjo guy ... just no. NEXT ...
  3. Last laugh is on Lauren. She's stuck with Possum Man while she would have been the b-ette. Enjoy Becca's season, Lauren and Arie.
  4. Well, get ready for all the Becca Love to turn into Becca Hate and Snark after just two episodes of "her" season. Well, WTH, why not. Money, clothes, travel plus you get to kick some men to the curb. Karma, baby. *coughfamewhorecough*
  5. Harrison: I did not see that coming. Me: Bullshit, Harrison. *crowd applaudes* Me: Puke. I still want to know if that's Becca's reject ring.
  6. Yeah, what was up with one of them (Caroline? I still don't know WTH she is.) said that NEEDED to be shown. No it didn't. It was all for ratings and "breaking the Internet" promoting the show. Why don't they just leave the cameras rolling in the Fantasy Suites if we have to be subjected to everything. Meanwhile, there is Arie on the couch saying blah blah blah and Becca asks him questions that he's not going to answer anyway, unless it's something he made up or was scripted for him. Waste of time. Come to think of it, it's possible TPTB gave Becca questions and Arie answers. So there's that. Nothing real here folks, move along. (To This Is Us! It just came on ...)
  7. This is possible the best thing to happen to Becca ever, in her whole life, from this point forward. It's a BIG WIN for her.
  8. TM Kasey Kohl. Tia could at least give him credit. I know, right? I was stunned TPTB allowed Arie to be busted like that. I guess America AND the show hate Arie!
  9. He did. DRINK! She won't. She'll accept that Neil Lane ring tonight (just guessing that will happen, not a spoiler. But it would be hilarious if it was the same one he gave Becca.). Because: FAMEWHORE.
  10. Unfortunately, she signed a contract that lets TPTB film and edit that film anyway they want. She is contractually obligated to appear on the after shows. I hadn't thought of this, but I think you are on to something. I can TOTALLY see Fleiss planning this. Arie signed a contract too, so he has to do what TPTB tell him to do, and they can film/edit however they want.
  11. Poor Becca doesn't have a choice but to "see" Arie tomorrow night because she signed that contract. I've never liked Sean Lowe, but I do now after reading his tweets posted above.
  12. WTF, he can't freaking LEAVE already? He sits there ans STARES at her? And keeps saying, "I'm going to go." And sits there and stares at her some more. WTF!
  13. A Big YES to this. TPTB is getting everything they want out of this. CH just said "it's blowing up social media." So gang, Fleiss wins AGAIN with this hateful dreck.
  14. LOL at CH's scrinched up face, like he's just came from dental surgery, as he announced the commercial break. The DRAH-MAH is KILLING him!
  15. Talk about Neil Lane's Groundhog Day ... will Becca's ring do a Groundhog Day of its own and go to Lauren?
  16. Oh, god, Arie's giving his "I'm an asshat speech."
  17. This made me burst out laughing too. You win today's Internet, Armchair!
  18. OH NO! The flower breaks off Becca's rose! Is it an omen?!
  19. And Neil gets his ring back, this after it's been showcased on tv talk shows and People magazine covers! It's a win win! Best Groundhog Day ever!
  20. First out of the limo is kiss of death. Poor Lauren can't read the room. I wish she would have looked at Arie, seen his face, and said, "I decided no way would I marry you, deal's off. Bye" THAT would have been the most dramatic finale ever.
  21. Poor Neil Lane nothing. Guy got another comped trip, this time to Peru. Plus more exposure for his rings. It's all Groundhog Day gold to him. The only time I remember him not showing up in person, he didn't go to Dubuque, Iowa, in the middle of winter for Chris Soules. But he's sure there for those European and exotic island beach locations!
  22. Drinking game: One shot every time Arie says "I love that." Stock up on the booze.
  23. That was just full out rude, and I blame Arie's crappy family for that. No kidding. Lauren goes to one of the greatest places IN THE FREAKING WORLD and all she can say is "It's crazy." Becca gets a crappy walk around a flea market yet she can come up with fun comments that actually describe something, she jumps in puddles, talks to a llama. Yeah, she's way out of Arie's league. Arie can have Lauren, I'll take Becca.
  24. How to describe Machu Picchu: "It's crazy." "It's insane." Repeat. Over and over. It's already happened to me and he hasn't chosen yet!
  25. Who the h*ll is Caroline? She was on the WTA, but I didn't know who she was then either. Now TPTB bring her back AGAIN? It's taking a whole lot of work for editing to create "the most scandalous bachelor ever" out of one of if not the "most boring seasons ever." Is it just me or does anyone else not care who Arie chooses?
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