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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. After writing the snark about Alex making the contestant bios about himself, I paid attention today ... and he was NICE! and said "That's good" or "Good for you" to each one. If I didn't know these shows are taped way in advance, I would have thought PAs were reading here and told him to tone it back. Go figure!
  2. I thought George Woolf's occupation at Santa Anita was a no-brainer, but again, it had something to do with horses/animals so big duh to all players for not even knowing what Santa Anita is. And big DUH to me when I kept shouting "THE BOOK OF MORMON!" for FJ and calling all the players morons (as opposed to Mormons) for not knowing that super-simple answer. Then, DUH, the clue was to name the CHURCH that did that advertising. If I had actually read the clue, I would have said The Mormons so as not to get caught in the Sgt. Pepper write-the-entire-name problem. But as it was, I lost all my money on that FJ bet and went home a loser. Bwah. Instead of Pinto I said Gremlin. And I was even around with friends driving Pintos when that gas-tank thing happened. I was really a loser this game.
  3. Mystery Author, I am so with you in wishing producers would rein in Alex during the contestant bios. If we all took a drink every time he turned one around to being about him ("I've traveled all over the world ..." "When I went kayaking ..." "That happened to me too when I was ..." yada yada yada) we would be too drunk to post here. I don't listen to the bios because of that, my Trebek dislike is high enough as it is. It's either all about him or he makes some kind of fun of the contestant, like they are really weird or something because they did ... whatever. (Something he hasn't done, so it must be for creeps only.)
  4. Thanks, DrScottie, for clarifying the FJ bets. I was feeling sorry for the champ if he had bet too little of his total, but I guess he did all he could do so now I don't feel quite as bad. I really have to move the pile of papers that is blocking the bottom half of my teevee so I can see those totals. Hah!
  5. As soon as the clue and photo for hinny were revealed, I knew it would be a TS. As I've said before, animal categories are the weakest on this show. Any my strong suit! So yeay me. I thought FJ was a no-brainer but I guess if one doesn't pay attention to horoscopes and that sort of thing, if would be a stumper. I felt sorry for the lady contestant missing it though. I didn't pay attention to FJ bets, but did the champ bet too little? If he had bet his full amount, wouldn't he have won? And I, too, was totally irked by Alex jumping in on Lonelyhearts when he should have asked for "repeat" or ruled no, and let someone else ring in. WTH Trebek. But then again, he's an asshat. And a really cranky one today. Gah, I mean "And my strong suit." Sorry, can't do edits.
  6. I must be the only one around here who didn't notice anything offensive about Ami. I did like her way of playing, though, as she was fast to get back to the board and quick with her requests, like: "Stars, $200" instead of "I'll take Hollywood Stars Who Appear in Television Shows for 200 dollars, please Alex." Or maybe I'm just mixed up with episodes since I went right from the Christmas ep on YouTube to the one-year-old rerun on network (it took me forever to realize the champ did NOT dye her hair overnight to blond, it was a different show, duh) to the new show one hour later. I did get the super-easy Yukon FJ, and I agree that Eta Carinae (What? Who? Ha!) was way obscure. I guess that was a clue writer's way of saying, "Take THAT, PTV snarkers, answer THAT one you big smarties!"
  7. Thanks Mondrianyone for the YouTube tip. I watched the Christmas episode, and there was Donna, all commenting and commentating just like the day before. The best was when Donna missed the first question, and the gal in the center also missed it. Donna pipes up with: "That's GOOD!" WTH? She was also jiving back at Alex, which actually I didn't mind since I like Alex less than I don't like Donna. And yeah, Santa will bring me coal lumps again next year for snarking on Poor Donna.
  8. Well, crumb bums, everyone got to see Jeopardy yesterday but me. I guess that's the equivalent of coal in my stocking since I have been sort of a Scrooge all this year. I kept checking the tv listings and flipping channels all night and nothing. Bah Humbug! I'll be back later today though, as Jeopardy IS listed for today -- hooray.
  9. Okay, so I haven't paid any attention to the "I'm Jane's daughter/I am Remy's daughter" (which is it?) storyline. But is the daughter dead? Or mostly dead? And did Weller kill her? Or mostly kill her? And is that Roman's big secret hold on Weller? I admit, I haven't paid a whole lot of attention, until this episode which was, surprisingly, rather good. And Weller/Jane being married has made Weller a zillion times more tolerable, up from zero percent tolerable last season.
  10. No Jeopardy today, football here instead. *yawn* Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all PTV Jeopardy! posters (and lurkers)! Stay warm and happy -- see ya'll tomorrow, I hope!
  11. When I think of the perfect Jeopardy contestant, Donna and Austin don't even enter that race. My clear winner is LaKedra. She beats them all in every way. I wanted her to stay all year long. But, obviously, I didn't get my wish.
  12. At last this show is getting kinda interesting, even though I wish there were no "daughter." Ugh to that story line. I could watch a whole hour of a Roman spin off, and I can't believe RichDotCom is maybe my favorite character now. Go figure.
  13. I watch Jeopardy reruns that are on an hour before the real show here. On yesterday's episode, the clue was something like, "Alaska's Denai was renamed for what president in 1980." And the guy answered "Mount McKinley" -- and Alex said that's correct. My problem: The clue asked for the PRESIDENT'S name, and President McKinley's first name was NOT "Mount." Just another irritating example of the whack judging on this show.
  14. Man, I can't even remember what FJ was much less if I got it or not. My brain is like a sieve on days when I'm not sick. Oh yeah ... now I remember .... my phone rang right when FJ started and I was torn between answering it or answering FJ. I ended up doing neither. Me = LOSER.
  15. Well, ClareWalks, you have found the first person who is annoyed as hell by Donna. Shut the freak up for pete's sake and stop with the 'Ohs" and "Ahs" and "Yeahs" and all the STOOPID side comments and just freaking play the game. Yeah, her betting it all on the DD was a bold move, but her constant squeaking and squealing made me lose all respect for her. It was like she was playing all by herself in her living room and all the clues and answers were directed at her so she had to get SOME comment in there. I was hoping some PA would shut off her mic between clues. Poor Johnny, I thought for a few that he was going to win. But he's only 12 (I mean, look at him!) so he'll be okay.
  16. Peeayebee, I would have written Dos XX as well since I shouted out Dos Equis right away, but my brain completely failed me as to how to spell Equis. So I would have written Dos XX and SAID Equis. It's a crap shoot as to how the judges would have ruled, but the label does have two Xs on it. As for Just Plain Eagle being a correct answer, I'd think that would have been a BMS, but then again, those crap shoot Jeopardy judges ... who knows anymore. Hooray for Dos XX ... Kit Carson's favorite beer! It would be fun if Johnny stays champ for several games, this after sort of becoming champ by default.
  17. YES! Eileen was also saying "hunnert," which made it confusing for me as I was listening, not watching, and I kept thinking that Kate sure was getting a lot of clues. Then I looked at holy cow, Eileen had caught the verbal virus. While I'm all for women power, I'm glad that Johnny won. LOL, he had to be stunned that he did, FJ was so whack. Typo alert! S/b: "Then I looked AND holy cow, Eileen had caught the verbal virus."
  18. FJ was an instaget for me, too, because I watch a lot of tv and The World's Most Interesting Man gets made fun of a lot. I thought Mr. Clean wasn't a bad guess ... IF Hemingway had been bald. I rate it a higher-level bad guess than Guernica for American Gothic. LOL that a picture of a planetarium was a TS. But I also guessed falcon, not golden eagle, for that clue since I can't imagine a golden eagle, bigger (heavier) than a bald eagle, landing on someone's arm with all its force and while carrying some varmint. But that just proves what I (don't) know. 'Bye Kate. And your hundert-some dollars.
  19. I'm glad I mostly listen and don't really watch this show so I miss all the shucking and jiving and buzzer busting players. Until you guys here alert me to pay attention to someone so that person bugs me too. Like Kate's "hunert" dollar wagers. Gah. Thanks a lot yous guys.
  20. Hey Toothbrush, did I hear Dorian Gray mentioned tonight? Shout out!
  21. Well, Toothbrush, if Dr. Toothbrush always gets WWII answers, that means he must have been alive during that time period. Right, Alex Trebek? /snark/
  22. I only watched this episode with half a brain, but I did make a note that the VIDEO DD of FLYING JETS in the category "Angels" was a no-brainer worthy of the Tournament of Pre-School Champions. But then the show redeemed itself with KILGORE TROUT! I was beside myself, I even own a copy of Venus On The Half-Shell. So, of course, it was a TS. WTH people. I thought Vonnegut was required reading for all eggheads. Side note: I googled the book and discovered it was NOT written by Vonnegut. There was much mystery around the "real" identity of Kilgore Trout, and the author's photo on the back of the book is hilarious if not mysterious. Because of that book, that's also the name I give Botticelli's Birth of Venus, it will always be Venus on the Half Shell to me. As for FJ, I said Iwo Jima, and like others, now I know it has a volcano! As for Alex ... it's seldom I don't think he's an asshat.
  23. Well, at least Guernica is a painting. So there's that. I just checked tv schedule for tonight and Austin is going to be on "The Year: 2017" on ABC. WTH, why him and why not Buzzy, who freaking WON the TOC, or Cindy or anyone but that douche. I was thinking about going to a movie tonight and now I def am going to be gone.
  24. DrScottie, your Guernica comment also made me laugh. Because nothing says Sears catalog like people dying in a Spanish civil war. Either Guernica is the only painting this guy could name or else he was trying to impress us with his (lack of) knowledge. Either way: Fail. But it's made for some great posts here.
  25. Okay, ClareWalks, I can't stop laughing at your dick joke. Wait ... you mean it's NOT a joke? Okay then. Even funnier!
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