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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I would think she'd be a staple at the Wisconsin state fair. And she could do a Cheese Cow to compete with the Butter Cow at the Iowa fair. I was surprised I'd never heard of her. Wow, how can anyone not have heard of Ted Bundy?
  2. I never liked Ali and I did not like her season one bit, but the recap cut all the stuff out that made me dislike her, so I very much enjoyed the recap and now like her. Funny what editing can do! Also proves this show would be better if it were condensed down to one episode per person. Heh. The image of Kasey on the glacier, getting smaller and smaller, alone in the great white frozen expanse as the helicopter flew higher is an image that stuck in my mind all these years later as the most brutal good bye in Bach history. I just didn't remember it was All's season and the two-on-one with Rated R. I thought it was Jillian's and he was kicked off the train in the BC mountains. Although I guess the end was the same. Nice to know Kasey finally found a heart to love and protect. He'd be a great partner for the right person. I didn't remember Chris being on the show much less Ali's second one standing. But I did know he went on to have his own HGTV show with some other Bach woman so he recovered nicely. I did remember the proposal, with Roberto being all sweaty and wearing a suit too small. Although today, 10 years later, the tiny suits are in style so he looked okay last night. I didn't remember Roberto being so smoking HOT and smart and everything else. Wowza, he was some catch. Probably the best Bach contestant ever for looks and resume. Although JP is right up there too. I was disappointed they did not show Kirk's hometown, the guy from Green Bay whose dad had a basement freezer full of dead animals to taxidermy. I think after HTs, Kirk was the one sent home because of dad. Kirk was one of my favorites, handsome and seemed a nice guy. I remember he was a runner, marathons or something. We got a couple glimpses of him last night. They also didn't show Ali's meltdowns in the hotel when she fake collapsed in the hotel hallway after some emotional trauma. She got made fun of a lot for that, and when some future B-ette did the same, she got called "Ali." Which reminds me, CH made me laugh when announcing next week he said Jason did a "Full Mesnick." Ya'll will get to see where that term originated, although no one since has done it as well as the person it was named for.
  3. I don't mind AGT is doing a Best Of episode. In the 15 years the show has been on, I remember only three winners, the puppet ventriloquist girl, Terry Fader and Kodi Lee from last year. Everyone else will be new to me since they've been forgotten.
  4. Thank you @Zahdii for recapping The Chris Soules Murderer story for readers not familiar with it and what happened that night when a drunk Soules was driving home from some tavern. As @Mabinogia writes, Soules holed up in his house and would not answer the door when police knocked. They had to get a court order/search warrant to enter the house, which took two days, if I remember correctly. But Soules was sober by that time, of course. He hid his lying cheating murdering ass in that house until he legally was forced to go outside. The Mosher fields adjoin the Soules farm land. BS that he didn't know Mr. Mosher. In that small town, everyone knows everyone. Maybe someone in San Francisco doesn't know his/her neighbor, but in small-town farm-land Iowa, EVERYONE knows you. I live in the middle of farm country. I go outside and I don't see houses but I do see plenty of bean and corn and hay fields. I have to get in my car and drive a half mile to see a house. Last week I was driving to town for groceries ... 30 miles on country two-lane back roads ... and I came up on a tractor going the same way, slow-moving vehicle sign on its backside. I saw it, slowed down until I could see far enough ahead that I could pull into the other lane and pass it, giving the farmer a wave as I did so. Easy peasy. Of course, I was not drunk. But it made me think of a drunken Chris Soules. I'm not sure there is a word strong enough to describe how much I dislike/hate/want him to die/rot in hell Chris Soules.
  5. My winner money is on the singer who was found innocent and released from prison after 36-37 years behind bars. I watched the rerun a bit closer last night and most of it was familiar, I guess I had blocked most of those acts from my mind. I don't know what all those acts were though, when they just showed people/kids in the Zoom screen and told them they were going through/not going through. They needed ID signs, like "12-year-old singer." I'm thinking all the singers went through, but I could be wrong. Not that it matters. Simon do like singers ($$). I did catch Shaquira saying, "This dream is so close I can LITERALLY taste it." Which made me wonder, did the dream need more salt or did it taste like everything else, chicken? Inquiring minds want to know.
  6. I wanted him to lose for not being keyed into the obvious fact that the dog was distressed and highly stressed being there, you could see it in his eyes, plus the hyper panting and ears flat to his head reinforced the dog was fearful. To bring the dog into the arena because dog is "his best friend" was selfish, just so he could have a "hook" and photo op. The dog was fine in the dressing room; that's where the dog should have stayed. I was surprised DJ didn't get bitten when he put his face up to the dog's face as the dog's eyes said dog was melting down. Reigning Tie-an Will Suh-un keeps his title. Thank goodness DJ can pronounce Will's name correctly as well as the name of his show.
  7. I love all three of Fridays contestants. Love. I would have been happy with any of them winning, although I was pleased Michael got to keep his Undefeated title. Not many TSs, the only one I got was Friar Tuck. I guess the missed DD would be a SS (Single Stumper) instead of a TS. Got that one since my cell previously was via Sprint. I said Sylvania for FJ which, if you think about it, is the best answer ever ... if only there were such a country.
  8. Mama Doris taking a bite out of (and chewing/swallowing) that cheese sculpture that had been shipped across country and handled multiple times by multiple people was just nasty. But then it's Mama Doris, the poster girl for "nasty."
  9. The questions are obviously more difficult because I know for a fact you have not gotten dumber.
  10. Well, it’s still Thursday somewhere, so here we go. I’m late posting because I spent a lot of time today on Facebook after I found out my friend is spreading rumors about me being schizophrenic. Well, three can play that game. I think she started that rumor because I told her I dated a schizophrenic once. I had to break it off though, because he kept seeing other people. Last week I went to a yard sale just to browse around. Then I saw a radio with the volume stuck at 10, and I thought, “I can’t turn that down.” After I got back home, I went out to my backyard to do some work in my garden. My neighbor came over and wanted to know what I was doing, and I said well, I was putting all the plants in alphabetical order. He said “Where do you find the time.” And I said “Next to the sage.” While I was in the garden, a spider saw me and came over. Then it said, “What is it about me that scares you the most?” And I said, “Well, my new number one is that you can talk ...” Don’t say I didn’t tell you, but If you get an email with the subject line of “Knock knock,” don’t open it. It’s Jehovah’s Witnesses working from home. Two ducks are walking. One says “Quack.” The other duck says, “Oh my gosh, I was about to say the same thing!” Three condemned men are brought before a firing squad. To distract the executioners. the first man shouts “Tornado!” And half the firing squad runs for shelter. The second condemned man thinks, and yells “Oh no, lightning!” and two more of the squad run away. The third man thinks for a bit and shouts “Fire!” A guy from Mexico rides his bike across the border with two big bags of sand, one under each arm. The border guard thinks he’s got to be smuggling something so he stops the bike and goes through the bags, but it’s just sand. Day after day it’s the same thing, the guy rides his bike over the border with two bags of sand under his arms. The guard always stops him and goes through the bags but it’s always just sand. Then one night the guard bumped into the guy in a bar and says, “Listen, I know you’re sneaking something in. I promise not to tell anyone, but what are you smuggling in.” The guy says, “Bicycles.” And now for some sad news. Two chemists walked into a bar. The bartender asked them what they’ll have. The first chemist said, “Give me an H two O.” The second chemist said, “Give me an H two O too.” The second chemist died. See ya next week, gang.
  11. Loved when Trebek asked Eric Idle why did Monty Python's Flying Circus become so popular, and he replied because it's funny. I was a huge Python fan, watched it every week, and love everything each cast member has done since. Wayne Brady is so handsome, I could stare at him all day. Turns out he's smart, too. China Beach was my fav show back in that day. Sad that Wayne didn't bet more in FJ, but I thought Eric's charity was the best one, and the one that would get full benefit of the money without most of it going to PR people, advertising and promotional materials and CEOs and such. So I'm glad he won. Only TS today was shilling. I once had a dog I named Five Shillings. His mom was "Crown" Jewel. (Five shillings is a crown.)
  12. Charles was funny with his comment that he wasn't buzzing in unless he really knew the answer. Sorry that Martha won based on her inability to speak even one complete sentence in the form of a question. If she had cut out all the blah blah blah from each answer, maybe those last clues would have gotten revealed. Lots of TSs. I got Red Baron (it's a pizza brand too!), both zoo TSs of Illinois and Omaha (because I love me all zoos), Shirley MacLaine, Peter Lawford, Stephen Hawking and Buffalo Bill. If only I were famous, I could get on one of these Celebrity Jeopardy editions and do well. For FJ I said South Pacific and was so sure I was correct given JFK's Navy experience. Never gave Camelot a thought. But I did laugh at Charles' Cats answer, especially since in present day that movie is getting hot-coal raked mercilessly. So it was a timely/not timely good/wrong answer. In the shallow end of the pool, I haven't been able to watch any CBS shows since TV went digital, causing that network to be no longer available, so haven't seen Survivor for a decade plus. I had forgotten how cute Jeff Probst is, and how even better he looks on HDTV. Nice plus to today's episode.
  13. I was doing a lot of other things during this episode so missed much of it, the stories and who got put through and other whatnot. I'll watch closer on the rerun if I see that. I didn't see if the pigs made it through although I thought Simon said they didn't have many animal acts and needed more, right before they cut the "magic" dogs and made the red-haired lady cry. I only know the names of a couple of these acts (so don't have a clue who ITG is posting about). But I did catch the magician guy's name is Max, and he was all verklempt about moving to Vegas and now he's not allowed to perform. He didn't say whether it was because of COVID or he can't get hired for any gigs. But my thought was, if Vegas is too tough for you, move to Chicago. They could use some magic acts there, you'd get plenty of work. Then his act was SO BAD even I knew how it was done. Talk about the fakiest fake tricks in the world. Yet he made it through. WTH show. The harmonica guys got to star in their own music video. The filming and editing was the star of that performance because I HATED them. So did Simon who ranked on them for only singing a couple of words when Simon is all about finding singers. You dudes shot yourselves in the foot. Don't you watch this show? I have to say, the Ninja Twins made me LOL. I could have done w/o having to see Simon's slack-jawed dead-eyed face staring at them, which we were shown more than the act itself. WTH show. Oh yeah, right, Simon owns it. Nolan the guitar player ... man, his tuneless guitar strumming totally drowned out his voice. Why can't these people either ditch the guitar prop or learn to actually play a real tune. That would have rocked if he did a few guitar riffs in the middle of the song, but I'm guessing Nolan no can do. I thought Shakira's (?) song choice was all wrong, judges hate slow serious songs. Except last night they loved it. WTH show. The sword swallower made it through? WTH show. How's he going to "step it up." Maybe not wear tighty blackies next time? I was all about the comedians making it through but I guess none did. WTH show. Once again, unless there are more judge cuts, Bello Nock and his daughter disappear into infinity, never to be seen again. Until next year. At least when Bello performed solo he was told a big fat no. His daughter is his albatross, she and he just get ignored. That's two seasons in a row now. Meanwhile, we learn more about the egos of these judges: Simon loves to watch himself (stunner, I know), and Sofia thinks her shoulders are beautiful so they must remain uncovered. Eh.
  14. I don't guess before the clue is shown, but tonight I said Cutty Sark. Then got it correct after thinking, "Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria ... no, Mayflower." My money is on both Nathan and Harry knowing beer was the safe beverage while water was not back then. That's pretty common knowledge passed on in high-school history classes, They just didn't remember the Mayflower, but both answering Budweiser was pretty funny. I am a fan of Jodie's, and Nathan is a favorite favorite of mine. I've never seen the appeal of Harry until this show. Wow, now I'm a BIG fan. So, thanks show. More TSs: Father's Day (LOL at Don't Impeach Me Day), Dr. Livingston, Philadelphia, Walden (Jodie surprised me not getting that one) and Ft. Worth.
  15. So funny, thanks for correctly spelling her name. I kept wanting Sean to say, "Tiara, you mean like the diamond crown?" when they were together. I guess I thought "tiara" was where her sparkle came from.
  16. Okay so I teared up a little when Regis was introduced. Two hosts on the radio station I listen to had interviewed Regis when he visited Chicago in various years, and the interviews had been playing on the radio. They were so fun and funny. Both said Regis was the same before, during and after the interviews, exactly as he was on Jeopardy. He interacted with these radio guys the same as he did with Trebek, and they enjoyed him as much as Alex did. Yeah, I teared up okay, I sure did. It's been a while since I've done TSs, but I got clams, Alabama, Vogue and Erik the Red. There was another TS that I not get correct, even when I said it out loud to my teevee. So of course that one is gone from memory. I did not know Rasputin had a real name. I guessed Dracula. Go ahead and laugh.
  17. Because we did, I was able to figure out grandma two was the CIA disguise lady in disguise. Yeay me.
  18. I never was a Sean Lowe fan and was disappointed when he was chosen as TB. Last night's recap was pretty good though, maybe because it was not mentioned once his hook of being a "born again virgin." We got pounded with that during his season. After the televised wedding, they also skipped reshowing the train blasting through the tunnel when the camera focused on the outside window of their wedding-night room when its lights went off. This show has never been subtle or less than tacky. I always thought Sean was dippy looking, although I have to say he still looks the same today, half dippy, half handsome, and now he seems like a nice guy. Perhaps he always was, and comparing him to the JOs that are on this franchise now, he was one of the reals. I remember during his season Catherine was barely seen, and she was a shocker to be chosen at the end. Other posters (on TWoP then) figured she was the one because she got the best "she's it" music. But editing did not let us consider her. Which made us think Sean knew he was choosing her from the get-go so editing had to hide her from us. I swear they rode off on an elephant after the engagement, but maybe not or for sure CH would have shown that. I remember being so "WTH" about Tiara. When she's so "freeing cold" from being in the lake, she has one hand sticking out of the blanket like a frozen claw when if it were real, she would have put that hand in her armpit to warm it up. She might have been one of the early producer plants. Who knows. Was nice to see AshLee but no mention of what her life is like now. Like everyone is suppose to be happily married with a ton load of kids and you're a failure if that's not it. Was a hoot to see Des's tatted up brother. That was quite the event at the time, lots of discussion about tat bro back then. He was a real high (low?) point of Sean's season. I thought for sure Sean/Catherine were going to announce baby four was on its way.
  19. I haven't been able to watch this season so the reruns are new to me. Elizabeth toned down HUGELY this season so she's gone from barely tolerable last season to actually good this season. I wonder if players realize they would have to pay taxes on those prize cars, which would take all of the cash the tax man allowed them to keep. Would make more sense to skip the cars, take the cash and buy that auto when they get home. Still, this is a harmless way to spend a brainless hour.
  20. And yeah, that'll last. But right now both are getting the SM attention they live for, so there's that. Plus this chick is no better than the 25-30 women he made out with on his Bach season. The guy's mega wealthy, which tends to attract better-looking women for some reason. Fish, meet hook.
  21. Being part of the dog-show world since forever and involved with many breed clubs, the amount of anti-animal legislation we fight daily is staggering. PETA, HSUS and ASPCA are well funded by people who believe they are doing something good and do not know their monies are going to benefit people, not animals, and much is used to fight their right to own companion animals. It's a hot button when this is pointed out to people who support those hidden-agenda corporations. I just don't want @Mindthinkr to worry about her cats. Another thing people are not aware of is many "rescue" dogs are imported from overseas to be sold to people who want to "adopt" a dog. In fact, they are being sold a dog that comes from a country that has diseases not in the United States. Dogs are brought from overseas with no health certificates, and have caused some major (new and unknown) disease outbreaks here. People feel all warm when they think they saved Fluffy from some hurricane-ravaged city when in fact Fluffy was born in the Dominican Republic and sold to importers who then sold Fluffy to them while calling it an "adoption." Imported dogs are routinely shipped all over the United States to be sold as "rescues." It's a huge business.
  22. Thanks @truthaboutluv. Depressing. I would have sentenced him to two years hard labor on some Cool Hand Luke chain gang, then forgot when his two years was up and left him there. Forever. Somehow, I picture him out partying and catting around (with this new chick and without) when he should be farming the fields of the neighbor he killed. I really doubt this leopard changed his spots. (Wow, I am really spiteful today.)
  23. Chris Soules lives not far from me but I never saw a resolution to his killing his neighbor. Every time the local news carried the story, it was about how it kept being postponed. Is he still on house arrest? I wish him nothing but the worst.
  24. Some dogs have tested positive as well although other dogs in the same household have not. But cat COVID should be the least of your worries if you are afraid of animal haters. Know that PETA and HSUS (Humane Society of the United States) have been working to ban companion animals for years. The AKC has a legislative branch to notify dog owners about anti-dog laws in their state, laws promoted and paid for by AR (Animal Rights) lobbyists. When PETA first started, AR people would come to dog shows and open unattended crates, letting dogs run loose into the streets and fields and deserts. Because dogs should not be "owned." We all started putting padlocks on our dogs' crates when we stepped away. https://www.akc.org/legislative-alerts/ https://humanewatch.org/hsus-and-peta-are-in-bed-together-literally/ My friend who owns a training barn is aware that horses are on the list of animals to be banned for ownership. Bottom line: I would not worry about your cats, whether they be indoor or out. And if you want to donate to help animals, give directly to your local shelter, not PETA, HSUS or even ASPCA.
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