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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Yeah, me too. So she was 24 when she went on Brad's season. She always seemed older. That also meant she got pregnant when she was a teen, but nowhere did I ever see her ranked on or criticized for that, it was never mentioned. I would not have recognized her today, it's like her bright yellow hair was white/grey. I don't blame anyone for crushing on Brad. I'm right there with you.
  2. Let us know what props you would have brought. Inquiring minds want to know! Just remember balloons have already been done. I guess there wasn't time to clear the board back then what with all the promos given companies that provided second- and third-place prizes plus commercials inserted at the end for other corporate sponsors.
  3. Thanks @UYI for the clips. So the second- and third-place players got Lipton rice, Shake and Bake (Ha, I remember that!), Mr. Turkey hot dogs and bologna (Yum! not) and St. Ives hair care. So funny looking back. The show had nine corporate sponsors so Q-Tips and Cheerios made six, then three others probably had commercials during the episode, The Wheel intro was fun too. Up for grabs, an entertainment center worth more than $4,000 and a $32,000 silver Corvette, which is probably worth 10 times that now. Who knew? I remember Rice a Roni, not sure if it's still around. I never could figure what was such a "treat" about it. ETA: Mary Kitchen was a sponsor/gifter too. It's still around today, 40 years later. It was as difficult to find in stores as TP was at the beginning of lock down.
  4. Thanks for clearing up my Shawntel/Chantal confusion. I thought Chantal's TH said she was a funeral director, but maybe that too was Shawntel. I remember that HT date being almost as good as the Wisconsin dad's taxidermy animals in the basement freezer, whatever season that was. I remember liking that guy but the B-ette was too freaked by dad's dead animals for him to go further. I agree wholeheartedly about Emily's season. I remember her holding out for more $ and she got it, being the highest-paid B-ette in history. That might still stand. Because of her not being able to close her lips over the veneers, I paid attention to that last night so noticed how the room lit up by her glowing teeth when she spoke/smiled at Brad. I remember that scene with all Emily's guys in the swimming pool and the discussion/fight over Little Ricki being baggage. I just don't remember what guys were involved. Not that I need to! And yeay to Chantal still looking gorgeous and not having to pimp herself in Bachelor Nation. I also thought Jenni stayed true to herself. I didn't watch Deanna's season for some reason. Looking back, now I'm glad I did not!
  5. I'd be glad that stopped if I were ever on the show. Seeing this old rerun, all I could think of was, "Oh, crumb, I have to worry about my pants and shoes and socks and what my entire outfit looks like while I walk to the podium?" Not that anyone anywhere makes fun of what players wear these days.
  6. I was tickled to see the stage was originally covered in carpet, so now I know it was in the late '80s when I was in the Jeopardy audience. I googled it, and the carpeting was changed to the shiny black linoleum in 1990. As I've posted here before, Trebek would talk to the audience during commercials and when players were being switched, and I was aghast and highly offended when he told us that the carpet "sucked" and needed to go. I'd never heard such blasphemy in my life, even with me having been out of college a few years. It really colored my opinion of Mr. Trebek, and still does today, although I've cut him some slack lately. No one (except the stereotypical sailor) spoke words like that in public back then. My biggest thing about the very first episode is Trebek's voice. It was like a staged announcer voice, very nasally and fake, like people do when they are pretending to be a radio announcer at a party or when joking among friends. I'm glad he got over that. All those categories still left on the board! Not that anyone on this board would mention that these days. *cough* I was stunned one player jumped down to choose the highest-value clue. Shades of James! (Sorry for that mention, some of you posters.) Some of the answers (one?) got a BMS while others that should have gotten a BMS just got a big 'ole WRONG. It gave me a bit of vertigo when clues were revealed and the camera did a fast pan slide to show the clue up close. Glad that's been fixed. Trebek's tendency toward rudeness showed early with the Eve Arden was/is snark. HATED the balloon animal demo. WTH. What a jerk. Does anyone know that the "wonderful prizes" were for second and third place? Those big ceramic Dalmatian dogs Wheel used to have as prizes came to mind. Or, a year's supply of Rice A Roni, the San Francisco treat?
  7. I really enjoyed Brad's recap last night. It was refreshing to see a lead who could speak English sentences and have them make sense, something that's lacking in the franchise these days. He was also so good looking! I didn't recognize him today, might be the beard. But he's still as articulate and genuine, so IMO the guy is real. Although after showing two rejections in a row, then a third, I wanted to ask my teevee if he had those rejection speeches pre-recorded. I remember him choosing Emily but didn't remember his second choice. I also remember how much chatter went on about the Emily/Brad breakup. Brad was so gentlemanly about it last night, but seems to me it was Emily who was pretty much a shrew who wanted everything her way. I didn't like Emily on her season, in fact I strongly disliked her. But she was good on Brad's season and I liked her last night, so I guess I've mellowed over the years of watching cr*p contestants ruin this franchise. Her teeth really glowed white though, now that I have a HD tv. It was refreshing to see Emily refrain from telling Brad about Ricky and Little Ricki until well into the season, unlike today's players who dump a heart-breaking sob story on the lead the first night so they get a pity rose. It was fun to see some old favs now that I know them, like Michelle Money and Ashley. I had forgotten they came from Brad's season. Michelle really set the standard for villain, a role that is a required SOP these days. I thought Brad's "bombshell" news would be he got married or engaged or something, not just that he has a girlfriend after 10 years. I wish the BIG NEWS would be he was coming back to be the The Bachelor. I could totally watch a third season of a smart, well-spoken real person man. I noticed very few "likes" in any of the conversations last night. WTH is wrong with people today that they can't string a sentence together without gluing all the words to each other with a bunch of "likes." Next episode is Ali, so we'll see lots of Rubber Toe. And Rated R making his escape through the hotel bushes. Those were some good times even if Ali wasn't ... "all that" ... as the B-ette. Was hers the season where "Protect Your Heart" Casey was left on the snowbank after being kicked off the train? Loved seeing Ashley and JP. I was crazy about JP on her season, and I'm happy to see he (and she) are both the real people they were on the show. Unlike the Insta Shills that make up the cast these days. Also thought Emily's husband was good looking. I knew they met at church but had never seen a pic before. Good on him for being able to tolerate her! ETA: Didn't Chantal put Brad on an embalming table during her hometown? I wish they would have shown that part!
  8. So funny that the commercial that played here right at the end of this last episode was for Maury's show where he yells, "You are NOT THE FATHER!"
  9. It also possible Sherri was in on the whole dumping-bugs thing to begin with. I mean, most of these shows are scripted anyway, plus why would Sherri think those were real spiders or bugs anyway. She's that keyed up all the time? Yeah, I don't think so. It's her schtick for this show, like on Funny You Should Ask her deal is flirting with the show host, every time she gets a chance. Which means every time she is allowed to speak. The dumping fake bugs on Mama Doris is something I could TOTALLY get behind. What a GREAT IDEA! I'd pay to see that. (Except she'd probably ham it up too, worse than Sherri, so there's that downside.)
  10. Agree totally with this. Her not-so-smarts were reinforced when she wrote "latter" for what Rapunzel dropped out of her tower. (Suppose to be "ladder.") I was a "mic" person for what I thought she dropped.
  11. LOL at this. I'm all about this show being repeats since my antenna dropped ABC three months ago and I just got it back. So all those reruns are new runs for me. Can't wait to see more oldies. Or, in my case, newies.
  12. That makes me wonder if they ever get three guests who look similar. Like the flossing kid, if the other two had bleached white hair, wouldn't that make the questions more important and not so easy to recognize the real person if you had seen him/her somewhere else? Like if they had picked two older men for the menu guy and made the two extras be some profession besides Hooter's girls. (Although that would be funny.)
  13. Now I'm trying to piece together the true story of why Gilberto killed Tom. Because he did, w/o a doubt, in my mind. The wife said she broke it off with Gil the day before Tom was killed. If that was true, did Gil kill Tom because of that old stand by, "If I can't have you, no one can." The wife didn't seem to want to be with Gilberto, although Gil did tell the police in that taped interview that he had been over to see the wife many times after Tom's death. So what happened during those visits. If she didn't want to be screwing around with Gilberto any more, why was he over there so many times to see her. So many questions! Maybe she was so broken up about Tom's death, she didn't want to fool around any more. If she had been in on it, they would have gotten together a few months after the funeral, no questions asked. So I don't think she was involved. Odd that Gilberto got rid of (sold) that white SUV a couple weeks after Tom's death. Too bad police didn't look at it right away. You know, for evidence, like empty bottles of that drug and an empty coffee cup with drug residue in it. My thinking is Gilberto catphished Tom with a Be Naughty date, then stopped by while Tom was waiting for his date. "Hey, hi buddy, I was just driving by and saw your car. Everything alright? I just was at a (24-hour!) Starbucks and got this coffee. Here, you can have it ..."
  14. I never look up when the players are introduced so I totally missed that they showed those wall menus that are all photos and just names of the dish and price. That makes sense then that they all talked about photos. But it made the questions about where do you put the vegan meals or the wine (all upper right?) not make much sense. Still, I picked the right guy, the one none of the celebs wanted to talk to. For some reason they kept focusing on the two busty blond women. Go figure!
  15. I obviously missed the SNL ep when Russell The Floss was on as well as his TMZ segment, which I watch regularly, so I didn't have a clue. I did pick him though, and didn't all the celebrities also chose him? So you might be correct about them all recognizing him. I see The Floss everywhere but I've never been up to trying it myself though. Everyone within eye shot thanks me.
  16. They dropped that bomb, then never said another word about it. When Tom was found with his pants unzipped, my first thought was BJ. Although that could have been a set up by Gilberto too, arranging the Be Naughty (not sure if they said where they found that, on Tom's phone? In which case, Gilberto could have done it while with Tom, giving him the "coffee.") Then unzipped Tom's pants after he passed out so it would look like he was meeting a sex partner. Although I do know guys will unzip their pants when napping in their cars. At least, that's what I've been told. Plus dentists have all kind of gloves, so no fingerprints. The CIA phony badge was so whack. Like ... why? There must be more to that story. It was odd the CC footage showed the SUV in the far end of the parking lot, then driving away, but no person walking. Or was Tom's car in that same far end where the SUV was parked? I couldn't tell.
  17. I just watched the rerun of The Good Husband, where dentist Gilberto was having an affair with the wife of his best friend Tom, who ends up dead in a parking lot, Midazolam in his system. The show said Gilberto's taped interview couldn't be shown because he hadn't been read his rights (dumbass cops), so the jury missed the part where Gilberto said he didn't have any Midazolam, then changed his story when told his fingerprints could be on the bottles of the drug they found in his office. All of a sudden, backpedal. The two jury members interviewed said Gilberto could have given Tom the Midazolam to relax him and help him sleep. My question is, if that is true, why wouldn't Gilberto say he gave Tom some of the drug to help him relax. Wouldn't that have been a good question to ask instead of just ASSUMING that's what happened, jury guys? Gilberto could have said yeah, that was me in my white SUV stopping to give Tom the dose he wanted, he was my best friend after all so I did that for him. What I gave him was just 1/2 cc so he could take a nap, not enough to kill him. Sure, he'd probably lose his license, but maybe not if he wrote a prescription for the drug in Tom's name. Like Michael Jackson's Propofol. It's like those jurors didn't think any of this through.
  18. That's part of what made the comedians so funny for me. Howie, audience of one. Made me like both of them. The comedians, not Howie. Although him too I guess. I'd rather have that than Simon's constant stank face or views of Simon in his La Cage aux Folles outfit.
  19. Pick one: "Our homemade lasagna noodles are layered with a rich Roma tomato sauce created with roasted sun-dried tomatoes and imported Portabellini mushroom caps, sprinkled with Parmesan cheese and herbes de Provence, topped with hallmark alpine Comté and Emmental cheeses, and baked to a delicious golden brown: $8" vs. "Homemade lasagna: $8"
  20. So funny! Although it's said at the beginning that the real person is the only one guaranteed to tell the truth. Although I know somewhere, some place, there is a menu created in Comic Sans. I wonder how much the imposters get to study for their roles. For instance, the first Hooters was in Clearwater, Florida. One said that, the other said Anaheim. What if they both said Clearwater. I guess then they get another different question. So, never mind, I answered my own question. I find the difference between billiards and pool to be confusing. I looked it up and got even more confused, because then snooker got tossed in. They are all the same, except different. Eh ...
  21. I knew Joe Thomas, Cruz, Teter, and Woodley. I knew Jessie Graf and Dwayne Johnson.
  22. I totally guessed No. 3 for that one. He was the only one the panelists basically ignored, and was the answer to Sesame Street's "one of these things is not like the other." "Restaurant Menu Engineer" is such a whack job title. As a designer, I've created several restaurant menus and never would I call myself a "menu engineer." I thought the chains this person worked for were lower-level family places, those are the ones that have pictures of the food in the menus. The higher-class places have a bunch of BS to describe each dish, and sell items based on how they make the selection sound/appear in the customer's mind. They use lots of fancy adjectives, not photos. My question would have been, what's your favorite typeface for creating a menu. I guessed the creator of The Russell too. And Michael Ealy made me LOL when he called out "Hey Russell!" SO so glad the Doris trophy is gone. Now we have to work on getting the real Doris gone too. I saw another show not too long ago where a roach was in some woman's ear. So the spider-in-ear was no big deal to me. Dropping bugs on Sherri is always a fun time though.
  23. Stewart was my pick, far and away, but then I wasn't the lead on this show. Thought it was funny that Kyle was made to sit outside in the Chicago winter, snow falling. I guess maybe California PAs think that's romantic (it's not). And I guess that's all I've got to say about that! ETA: I read the links posted above. Don't you need a sperm donor for the IVF? Kyle? Anyone? Since she moved to Austin for a few months, they didn't try getting pregnant IRL? Those are the questions I wanted answered. Ha ha! Well, those plus as a former Bach contestant, doesn't she know she could have gone to see any of these men "after hours" or had any of them come to her room so they could get to know each other better? Happens on the Bach franchise every season, multiple times. So the "I really didn't get to know Kyle" thing doesn't fly with me. I still would have chosen Stewart.
  24. My antenna keeps dropping ABC so I haven't been able to watch for several weeks, until last night. It came back for a few hours (although it's gone again today). Agree that Diving Hole is a waste of time. If they are going to do it, I wish they would score closer, giving the real diver a more competitive but still losing score. As they are doing it, it's an obvious time-killer and waste of even killed time. I was surprised but pleased both players made it through the two windmills unscathed. The Beard Dude had some amazing almost-hole-in-one putts, but I was bummed at the end that he won. He was a total douche and I was rooting for the Polish golfer in black. Agree that the Distractor wasn't very distracting. The women should have had on beach-volleyball shorts. You know, the tiny bikinis that go up the ass. They're okay for the summer Olympics so should be okay for this show that's heavy on Uranus jokes. I still don't like the flaming dragon thing. No thanks.
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