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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I know exactly what you are saying and agree with you. It's the show's mindset, though, for there to be sob back stories, and the sobbier the better. I guess that's for ratings. While I don't quite remember Ted Mack's Amateur Hour, I think then people just came out and did their act. These days of reality teevee, that's not "good enough" any more. You are not alone in your wish for this to be a real best-talent-wins show. Check out how many viewers totally FREAKED when Bobby Bones, the worst dancer, won DWTS. People are still mad about that. But ... voters. So I do admit Archie's history has hooked me and I hope he wins. Whereas Shaquira's "Everyone called me fat" does nothing for me. And that other singer who said she was "bullied" because she wears guy clothes ... eh. Who cares. Although speaking about being fair to all contestants, I'm still irritated that the pigs had to perform with one take via an amateur cellphone video while other acts got the professional Hollywood Beyonce video editing with multi-takes, aerial views and sound mixing. What's up with that. So there's reverse unfairness on this show too! ETA: The acts that do not win are still being seen around the world, and on YouTube, so they aren't exactly going to disappear if they do not win -- unless they want to disappear, of course. While many American Idol winners have disappeared, some who were eliminated earlier are now big stars. So there's that upside to not winning too!
  2. Like on The Match Game rerun last night, filmed some time ago, before COVID. The fill-in-the-blank clue was SOCIAL ____________ and of course, DISTANCING is the obvious answer. But not then ... it was MEDIA. No one had ever heard of Social Distancing then.
  3. The 2020 College Tourney is being rerun starting today. *sigh* Why can't we get the tournament from two years ago, or a decade ago or something other than one we recently viewed. The old Brad and Ken episodes got dug out of storage and were so much fun to see, either as a refresher of the way things used to be, or something new for first-time viewers.
  4. Tyson didn't recognize the Slime Lady, he just knew she was at the Kid Awards. So he asked all three if they were there, and 1 and 2 said no. 3 said yes, so that was the tell. I didn't even see the Kid Awards but heard about the slime being part of the show, so that also told me No. 3 was Slime Lady. I actually thought Tyson was funny. He so wanted to guess correctly every time. Maybe he was taking it too seriously, but I can see all high-end pro athletes being competitive in everything. He did come up with a few funny lines. I'd take him 10 times a show over one time per show Mama Doris. Gah, she is so useless and a PITA. Just let the celebs speak and STFU.
  5. So much this. It could have been Ken, James and Leslie. Brad did make an endearing remark in his interview, he really worked in a record store and was hoping someone would hire him in IT after seeing him on Jeopardy! I wonder if that happened after he won the million.
  6. Thank you @CrystalBlue! Much appreciated. Sending a virtual -- and distant -- handshake and pat on the back.
  7. I liked one of the panel saying the cake guy was the middle one because he "didn't need to be there," which made sense to me. He could have been home making thousands stirring up a cake for some new celeb. Rumor should have asked HIM for a cake, not the imposter. Also, being an older dude, he wasn't the obvious cake baker, which made him the obvious cake baker, if you follow that thinking. I cut Tyson some slack when he said if his guess wasn't right, he didn't want to play any more. They made a mistake showing video of the B Boy, who obviously was a bigger white dude, not the smaller Asian fellow No. 3. Then the show irked me when the real B Boy was doing his 30-second demo the camera kept cutting to the judges. WTH. Camera people must be unionized and those were the same operators who film WOD and AGT. Seems Anthony asks more questions than the panelists. I guess the guest judges are just there for ... what, to win a boob statue? Very seldom is a good question asked, except Tyson's about Slime Woman being at the Kid Awards. I knew slime was featured there so it had to be No. 3. And funny Tyson was at the award show so knew it too. Big mistake on the imposters' parts!
  8. I enjoyed the final game Friday. Loved Bob betting it all on the DD, even though it didn't work out for him, and I liked Eric starting at the bottom to try to catch up with the bigger clues. Brad sort ruined his "Oh, golly" regular-guy image he got from buying a second-hand pickup when he revealed he also had a Camero. Corvette next, Brad? I thought of you @proserpina65 every time Brad swayed back and forth behind his podium. Which was constantly!
  9. I have never laughed so hard as I did when Football guy was helping Cookie Lady out of the water. And yes, it did get "awkward," but man, was that hilarious. I was glad Cookie Lady won, but I wish Football guy had been playing another competitor so he could have qualified too. I loved, loved, loved his pants. No one judged the Duck very well, I knew both were going in the drink as soon as they took off too late to make it. The shark seemed further away this time. Maybe it was the camera angle. I'm pretty sure I would have been swimming if I were against the shark. Rooting for Cookie Lady to win it all. ETA: A commercial calling for mini-golf fans to audition for next season means there will be one. I hope, anyway. This show is good goofy fun.
  10. LOL. If this is the basis for "last straw," you should have quit watching a decade ago. Because I had no power Wednesday (derecho!), would someone be so kind as to list what acts went through, please? And thank you. (TM Captain Kangaroo)
  11. All of the above. It's nice to see an older gentleman singing with a good voice, not screeching and shouting nor being required to have a Minnie Riperton five-octave range displayed in every song. Sinatra didn't have to shout or screech or sing soprano to have a successful career as an easy-listening vocalist. I not a fan of little kids "amazing" us with their "grown-up" vocal range. I enjoy his voice and his songs. His back story doesn't hurt, for sure. It's the best one ever on this show, and TPTB makes sure everyone has a back story. I liked Kodi Lee regardless of his story, I would go to one of his concerts (if he even does them). I don't remember Shin Lim (SHIN LIM!) having a "story," nor Darcy the puppet girl, but I liked them too. But Archie's story is tragic, and let's face it, more compelling than Shaquira's "I was fat" and the ever-popular "I was bullied." I might even award Archie the first-place prize if he didn't sing at all. If this were strictly a "talent" show, most of these contestants wouldn't even be on, so there's that. Oh, and Archie also doesn't currently have a show in Vegas or anywhere else, unlike some of the other "talents." This show doesn't distinguish between amateur and professional "talent." Professionals are solicited to be on this show every season. JMHO, of course!
  12. Sarah Cooper hosted Kimmel a couple night ago and was fun and funny. I enjoyed her very much, one of the best guests hosts he's had this summer. Obviously, YMMV. Or rather, YMDV.
  13. I'm late to the party since I was in the middle of the storm that hit the Midwest on Monday and we've all been without power (and some without houses) since. Power is still off in vast portions of Illinois and Iowa, five days later. I'm one of the lucky ones, power is back, although I keep getting automated calls from ComEd informing me that they have no idea when power will be restored. *knock wood* I thought the pig act really got the screws put to it. Everyone else had professionally produced videos with editing and zoom-in camera work while the pigs flat had to perform in real time without benefit of anything. The refusing pig could have been edited out, the film sped up and so on and so on. But no. TPTB wanted the pigs to be slow and boring (boaring ... ha). I did get a kick out of the hog doing dog agility stunts, the tunnels, weave poles, triangle climb. I could have edited that footage to make that act fun and exciting, but no one asked me. *sigh* Next we get Ukulele Boy who has a professionally produced music video complete with lighting and film edits and multiple cameras and sound mixing. Eh. All that could have help the pigs. Nice house, Shaquira. Wish my parents were that wealthy. And thank you Kelly for noting that she was flat and out-of-tune at the end of her song. The salsa kids ... WTH. They, too, get a professionally produced video that would have complemented Beyonce. No way was that "live," it's not dark in LA at 5:30 p.m. Then they freaking appear ON STAGE? WTH? Why did they get a pro video when they were there live the whole time. I call cheat. Poor pigs indeed. Now estranged-from-his-family Frenchy is all tight with the sisters again? I call BS on that. Those chicks just wanted to get on AGT/national tv and got back with you, Frenchy, for their own fame. They don't give a care about you. Unless you win the million. Then count on being invited to come live with them, they forgot how much they loved you during those decades when they shunned you. Make sure to put those loving sisters in your will, Sucker. I mean, Frenchy. He does need to learn to do something besides put his left shoulder out of the socket though. *yawn* Bello and his daughter finally get on teevee! Yeay! Although those two creating the Wheel of Death for this act is a bunch of bull. Bello did Wheel of Death all by himself when he auditioned several years ago. They neglected to show THAT audition. I thought the brother (Petey?) was very good filling in for Bello, I caught a few glimpses of him. It should have been a brother/sister act. Now the hilarious comedian is cracking us up, we're ROTFL at his hysterical story of getting COVID and nearly dying. His tears are SO FUNNY! Then the story of his wife giving birth, he says "Push" multiple times, then the baby holds his finger. OMG, I am laughing so hard my sides hurt! The world is shaking from the mirth pouring forth from America, we all NEEDED this bright spot during These Trying Times. How does Kelly know Michael Yo? Inquiring minds want to know. The two Silver Singer ladies ... I liked the Ninja Twins better. Don't hate me. But again, why do they get a professionally edited video when there they are, standing on the stage. WTH is this imbalance about? Thank goodness for the Sword Guy, who is a billion times funnier than the comedian. Although a mosquito bite is funnier than the comedian. Still, Sword Guy gave me some laughs, although his schtick with Sophia got a little edgy, like she wasn't following the script well enough. One of my fav acts of the night. Meanwhile, Heidi is still a dick. Archie ... my choice to win this show for so many reasons. I tried to vote but couldn't access the vote page online even though I tried multiple browsers. Twitter also did not allow me to vote. I guess I'll have to trust you guys to not put the comedian through.
  14. I agree. Dancers could be WOW all season, in every performance, then lose some steam in the very last one and bye, you're gone. I really didn't care who won in the end since I always forget a week later who won any of these reality shows. I was just glad to see the salsa couple drop out of the top two. Once that was done, I was going to be fine with whomever won. I just disliked "Derek's parents" for so many reasons. Does the show think routines are embellished and made better by the multiple loud interjections of "HEY!" and other judge exclamations? So distracting. Can't TPTB just let the people dance and let us see their routines as they were meant to be? (Answer: No.)
  15. Gah, that's suppose to be "rolling SHIP." Forgive me, I've been under electrical stress lately.
  16. You and your TeeVee Boyfriend Brad. I noticed Tuesday that he was riding that rolling ship again. Get the Dramamine ready for today, guys!
  17. Monday, a friend in western Iowa was driving to Omaha, arm out the window, tooling along, when the *ahem* derecho went by him. He said all of a sudden he was in the opposite lane, struggling to gain control of his vehicle and keep out of the ditch. Lots of semis were not so blessed. So you were lucky to make it home safely, Browncoat. One thing about loss of power, no gasoline, and for people who live in the country *ahem* no water. For anything. The grocery in the town 20 miles north of me is still out of power, so closed. I haven't been to my little town to see what's open/not open, and am wondering if the stores where I shop (30 miles west) will be open tomorrow. I enjoyed Leslie and India looking at each other and laughing like they were saying "Get a load of that Brad Rutter" during Tuesday's game. Brad was way fast on that buzzer. And it was nice to see India again. All three of Tuesday's players were pleasant. Yesterday was Chuck Forrest again, his third time. Did he do The Forrest Bounce this time? Because he did not the other two times. Makes me wonder how he got so famous for a move he didn't do all that much. Or ever, maybe.
  18. Add me to the list of people who had never heard of a derecho until some smarty news/weather people discovered the word to describe what hit here. My mailbox is still flat on the ground, broken off at the post. I'm expecting the PO to fine me, but good luck finding somewhere to put the notice. Anyway, we always called what happened here straight-line winds. They are worse than a tornado. But Monday's event was stellar to say the least. Here's another explanation for what happened Monday. The cow part made me LOL. https://www.theonion.com/chicago-pd-condemns-black-lives-matter-for-creating-vio-1844686924
  19. I'm a victim of the 75-100 mph winds that ripped through the Midwest Monday. My power was out 20 hours, then came back Tuesday. So I got to see Tuesday's show. I originally posted after Leslie won her day that I really liked her but she needed to step up her DD wager and she was too chicken in her FJ bet. I guess that didn't change. *sigh* @opus and I were thinking along the same lines ... if Leslie had bet to win this game, the whole Brad thing never would have happened. After power being on 25 hours, it went off again today for eight more hours, so I missed today's game too. At least power is back on now *knock wood* because ComEd tells me it's not suppose to be back until 11 p.m. Friday. And today's Wednesday! I keep getting automated calls telling me they don't know what the problem is, but I'm in the same boat as some 171,000 others still without power. An improvement over the original 625,000 powerless in Illinois and some 500,000 in eastern Iowa.
  20. I used to be a huge fan, and was one who said Kelly needs to be a judge on The Voice, on American Idol, have her own talk show. Now we get Kelly Clarkson 24/7 and I'm all about not seeing her any more. I love pizza, but eating pizza for every meal ... it doesn't take long before I say "Give me a burger. Or salad please. No more pizza. For a LONG time." Give us a break, show. I would rather Eric Stonestreet come back. Or, frankly, anyone else.
  21. So did I, I had to look it up. Of course, I've already forgotten what it means ...
  22. Now I know why I've been gaining weight. That explains it, I love my dreams!
  23. Wow, I'd terminate Fader's show just for his being a big loser creep in his personal life. What a jerk.
  24. You mean neck-down-newborn-hairless guys like Kurtis Sprung? Why do these dudes wax everything yet leave five-inch-long pit hair blowing in the breeze? Maybe Kurtis can tell us why he shaves his body but ignores his pits. I wish he would at least braid them. Or put on a shirt. I've yet to see any guy anywhere shave his pits, like it's a sign of his masculinity. Reference: The Bachelor franchise.
  25. I have to say, while I love Kurtis I was massively distracted by his pit hair. I mean dude wanted to show off his abs for JLo no doubt, but every time he raised his arms, which was often, all I could see was gross pit hair flashing me. I'd rather guys wear a shirt. It can be Spandex and form fitting, but please, spare us your nasty pit hair that's long enough to braid.
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