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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I would have been all in for a Mike Johnson season. But a Luke season? That would be ratings gold, I tell you. GOLD, Jerry!
  2. Was that your Crystal(Blue) ball? Ha ha, I crack myself up. I agree about Spoken Word Man giving Archie a run for the win. As for the Bello sisters being or not being in Vegas, the balancing act from last year (forgot their name) that performed last night, it was announced they are now in Vegas. So yeah, look for Bello sisters on a Vegas marquee when their AGT run is over. He made me laugh so hard. I hope we (well, I) get to see him again. He is hilarious.
  3. Noah the Dancing Puppet Boy was the act I missed last night while taking out the garbage. I liked him before, his Pinocchio act was neat. I give him props for applauding Kenadi and actually being happy to be there while other acts look down to spare us from their going-to-the-guillotine expressions. Alex Hooper broke that impending-death mold while waiting for his results. No death stare from him. I noticed the camera did not focus on him as he performed his last acts -- balancing, this time! -- on the AGT stage. I'd go see one of his shows, at least he's not an old wet blanket. I hate that Divas and Drummer feel the need to stick a little kid in their act to get the AWWwwwww votes. Don't they know Cristina Ray has dibs on the little-kid voters. So bye, Drummers. Got a kick out of the poor-sport losers not even congratulating the acts that beat them. All except the Pinocchio kid. He was cool.
  4. With the receiver in her apartment in their basement. No kidding. Plus then I would have watched that season. Peter's is the first one I've skipped in all the years. He's just one big NO THANKS for me.
  5. LOL! Again, this could be anyone, I don't remember names. But I do remember the sob and back stories, so Football Singer I remember. Sounds like the kid is a real dick though, so glad he's gone. Singing one recorded song to play on the fake "live" show isn't exactly a full-time job. Thanks for the help!
  6. Same here! And it was an asterisk! I was hoping on the rerun at least one of the players would have gotten it correct.
  7. The Cheer squad: I like these guys, but what's up with the "We're athletes too" sob story. Then one says "Winning AGT would validate us as athletes." WTH does that even mean? Like Terry Fader, Kodi Lee and Darcy Lynn are now validated athletes? Dudes need to pay less attention to what other people say, unless those people have something constructive to say. This group was better than the dance crews still in this show. But then Howie says "Did you up it from last time?" Talk about not-constructive criticism. I want you to ask all the singers about "upping" their "game," jackass. Because next was the girl singer with the sick sister. I didn't see/hear her upping her game. Or song. Maybe she was better than before, I just don't remember her at all. I do remember the almost/maybe blind sister though, so there's why these acts have sob back stories, so we can at least remember the stories if we can't remember the act. Howie was an ass giving the Romanian puppets a red X just because he doesn't live alone and has no one and no family and he has a happy life and pandemic isn't hurting his personal or social or business life. Me, I'm the opposite of Howie, and that act, the girl giving the older alone woman flowers, love and a puppy, made me bawl my eyes out. So Howie, unless you want to trade lives with me, you can get bent. The three singers: The woman said "If you can't find the light, be the light." WTH does that even mean. The Compton drummer group: So many squatty potty moves, I lost count. I didn't care for them at all. The People Hate Me Because Of How I Dress sob-story singer has a really sucky sob story. I mean, come on. But she's a good singer, so I give her a pass. Just change your story. Plus your outfit last night was not part of the sob story, it was pretty fancy. The colorful comedian with the book was HILARIOUS. My fav act of the night. But what's up with stank-face, sour-puss Heidi and Sophia. You both are so "perfect" you can't take a joke? You both must be miserable in real life. (So agrees Heidi's multiple ex husbands.) I got a laugh from the WARNING - FLASHING LIGHTS WITH STROBE EFFECT! that ran across the bottom of the screen before the Bello circus sisters. We got no warning last week before some other seizure-causing act. The girls had to come up with a sob story this time. Maybe they had the same one before, I just don't remember. (Translation: Don't care.) Howie says the two guy singers who were brought back (I missed who got injured and dropped out) were just coffee-house singers. Is that a slam? What's wrong with having a cuppa and listening to some singers you enjoy, Howie. I liked them the first time and still do. I'd drink two or three cups just to stay longer to listen to more of them. Then the poetry guy came on. Hokey smokes, this dude ROCKS. Golden buzzer him to first place in the finale someone. I think there were more acts but had to take dogs out and garbage to the road for pick up today. Real life messes with my viewing pleasure sometimes.
  8. I only saw the last hour (because ANW) so am happy I missed Corrine and Taylor. I don't remember them being on Nick's season, they are just bad memories that don't need to be refreshed. Raven's hair was so fakety fake jet black, it really was apparent on my now-HDTV. She looks so much better now. Go figure. I never liked her much and had forgotten she was runner up. I know I watched, but I totally forgot Nick's engagement episode or even where they were for the final episode. It was a place after my heart though, those log/wood cabins are just my style, more than cabana beach sweaty places ... like where poor Roberto sweated out his proposal to Ali. I don't remember Raven or Adam from BIP, and I watch every season. I guess that speaks to how important these shows are to me. I do remember Nick putting Raven down on her back in that muddy water because all I could think at the time was SNAKES! I didn't notice Nick's tighty whities showing so much back then as I did last night. I have different priorities now I guess. It would have been funny if Raven's coat was still hanging on that hook where Chris hung Vanessa's fur. (I hope that was a fake fur.) It would have made sense since Raven was walked out and driven away w/o her coat. Nick's snot-sucking proposal has to be one of the most disgusting in Bach history. "I want to (snot suck) spend the rest (snot suck) of my (snot suck) life with (snot suck) you." Nasty. Vanessa was so pretty during that season. She didn't age as well as Raven, whatever that means. I know, shallow, but hey, these people sign up for our snark, right? Interesting Nick said Rachel and Vanessa stood out from the first. Poor Raven! I never thought much about Nick one way or the other, and supported him speaking up about getting dumped after having sex the night before in the FS. But I hope TPTB are now done with promoting him. Bye Nick. Not sorry to see you go. Juan Pablo next week should be fun. "Eets okay" right? Nice set up for Clare though.
  9. That was so much fun. I'm not a Grant fan,, but I do admire his attitude and how much fun he and others were having. I also vote yes on Speedos for everyone. Jessie rocked it, as she always does. It amazes me that competitors that fail on an obstacle during the season can get through the same ones when on a team. Maybe they just get more time to rest beforehand. Anyway, a great way to spend a Monday night, seeing my ANW heroes. What happened to Drew? ETA: Never mind. I'm reading the media thread about Drew. I really had no idea, never saw word one about this until today.
  10. Today's ep was a rerun of Week 35 of Season 36, Episode 171 that aired on May 18, 2020. Counting that week and the May 18 episode, there were four weeks, 20 episodes, that aired before Season 36 was closed. If that makes me look smart, know that it pays to have the FJ Contest records stored away here. (Gah, I still haven't gotten prizes mailed ...)
  11. I don't know. Billy Bones, the worst dancer, won his season of DWTS. There is no accounting for the level or taste, or lack of taste, of the American people.
  12. They could at least throw us a bone by airing the episodes starring @MrAtoz and @Gimmick Genius. Reruns of Season 35? Eh. No thanks. Is it so difficult to go back more years, like 10. Or even five. Com'on show. Bunch of lazies.
  13. Giving Jackie credit for that half answer was especially harsh after watching Nabir get docked for answering "Soul Sister" instead of "Hey, Soul Sister" on Friday.
  14. It's all scripted. GBs are determined ahead of each show, none are spontaneous. If TPTB want five acts to move straight on, that means Terry has to be one of the GB punchers. It's DRAH-matic! As for judges being part of the acts, AGT is a showcase for the judges as much as the acts. So of course the judges are going to be in the spotlight, not some audience rando from Podunkville. It's Hollywood, baby! (Or, Vegas.)
  15. It was fun watching both of you guys. Hoping for more of "us' to make it on the show. Tip: It won't be Saber! Nabir has a great voice. He could be a radio announcer, or tv guy, easy.
  16. Oh yeah. Again, the woman was the "different" one. WTH was with Mama Doris asking the breast-cancer survivor if she'd had her breasts removed. I would have told her it's none of her effing business. Obviously Mama Doris lives for her own boobs and so does her son, so I guess if you have them removed, you are no longer human much less female. I didn't like Doris before, but that was Instant Hate Forever for me. Breasts have absolutely nothing to do with the ability to swim. And that question had no business being asked.
  17. Again the show played One Of These Things Is Not Like The Others with the space station panel. The woman was the obvious different one; the two men imposters both looked too much like Gabby Giffords' husband, Mike Kelly. There was another panel of two men and one woman, with the woman being the real person. I just don't remember what that story was. Plus, of course, the blind artist was the guy with the dark glasses and dog, the obviously blind fellow. At least the Boob Statue wasn't awarded, but it was still shown, complete with a camera shot of Mama grabbing her own boobs. Eh.
  18. A most excellent burn. And I totally agree. Ditching the host's overbearing mother who won't STFU because she's the star would improve this show a zillion percent.
  19. @ams1001: Tasmanian Devils provide a fresh new answer to that age-old question, "What's for dinner, Mom?"
  20. Is Cristina Rae the woman with the cute little boy, she sang last on the live show? She did get the show's "best" spot in the lineup, if that's her.
  21. Granted, I wasn't paying 100-percent attention, but she kept flipping around in her appearance. There were at least three different Heidis last night. It's all so confusing. Well, confusing trying to figure how which Heidi is where when.
  22. Wow, I thought I watched this results show, but reading the above posts, I don't know who you guys are talking about. Who's Sheldon? Who is Christina Rae? Oh, never mind. It doesn't matter. When three Black guys and an Indian guy and a white guy walked forward to learn their fates, I became a mentalist and said America voted for the white guy. So hey everyone, watch for my mind-reading act on next season's AGT. The silks flying guy made it through. He had all his facial jewelry in tonight. And Ed Grimley spiked hair. He's quite the fancy boy. Terry, learn how to pronounce things before you announce things. Ankeny, Iowa is pronounced AYNK-any, not Ann-KENNY. Next week looked like a lot of singers. I know ... shocker. I love me some waffles. Two waffles and a sausage link topped with butter and maple syrup is THE BEST breakfast ever.
  23. I didn't see any of the so-called subliminal suns in his act, but he was fooling with a Rubik's cube while walking so I looked away from him because I figured the Rubik's was some distraction thing, so I stared at the California poster instead, thinking it was just part of the Universal Studio set. I did not see the word SUNNY on the poster though, just California written like it would be on a post card. Yeah, BIG FAIL mentalist. Seems like his last act or two were pretty weak as well. I didn't notice the masks on any of the dance groups. I only notice when people in my grocery are not wearing them. Otherwise, I pay no attention.
  24. I guess that describes me since I couldn't get all up for any of last night's acts. I did take a few notes though, so here goes. Dancetown Family had a bunch of good dancers. Combining that with some great lighting, set, background, videography and editing made their act an excellent one. They would not have been so impressive dancing on a regular old stage. I don't remember them from an audition show, but I liked them last night. Enough to vote? No. But still, enjoyable. Singer dude ... didn't pay attention so no comment. Usama comedian. The airport part was pretty good although sort of old news. Like almost a decade old news. Then he switched to dissing women, and dissing women again. And dissing women again. WTH dude. That was enough for Heidi, Sophia and me to give him the stank face. And the stank face he put on after his negative critique won him no favors, at least with me. I'm hoping he goes home to his wife/girlfriend/mom's house and finds all his junk tossed out on the front lawn and the door locked. Jerk. WAFFLE crew. So they lost some best friends, but from what. COVID, drugs, shooting or they just moved away. Inquiring minds want to know. But this was another group that had an excellent professional video filmed at Universal Studios, so they need to thank the pandemic if they get voted through. The mentalist guy ... what a bunch of BS. I drew a picture of a cartoon horse, but maybe having five years of art school prevents me from drawing a first-grade-level smiley-face sun. That whole act was a crock. I usually like mentalists but this guy ... no way, dude. You suck. Even I could figure out the watch being remotely controlled. Oh, sorry guys. Spoiler alert. Annie singer little girl. She was pretty good, but I was irked she stole "Annie's World" from Aidy Bryant's recurring SNL skit. Drummer guy. His playing might have been good or bad but no one could tell since the strobing lights put viewers into convulsing seizures. I guess that's one way to get through his act. I liked the Bone Breakers but that yellow weird background ... WTH was that about. I guess I only like them because the three judges are so obviously freaked out. What a bunch of woosies. I did want their bodies to spell out A G T at the end though, so i was vaguely disappointed. Jeweled singer has a great hook. He'd be just another club singer without the diamond mask. So good on him for thinking that up. I love the silks guy, but what was up with the editing, the camera kept going to the judges when it looked like he was having a problem or taking too long to set up part of the performance. That might have been why Sophia had a RBF the entire time she was watching him. Girl, you gotta lose that stank face. The show ended with a singer but my attention was totally gone by then so I don't know if she was good, bad or indifferent. Eh.
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