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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Long story short: The diablo fellow said his brother was picked on as a kid and withdrew, spending a lot of time alone in his room. The diablo gave him a goal as well as confidence. And since they are brothers, the speaking brother also learned diablo so they could perform as a team. Story works for me. I imagine it takes quite a while to develop the skills they both have, hence yes, they are well into adulthood now. When the choir spokesman was showing the places where he lived and slept when homeless, now empty parking lots, I wondered where all that city's homeless are living now. They aren't all in the choir ...
  2. No. (insert jokey face emoji here)
  3. I don't always get to watch this show, so last night was new to me. I knew the snake-bit guy as soon as each was asked what kind of snake bit him/her. The middle guy was the only one who named a real snake. The other two were just pulling made-up names out of the air. Not that any of the panelists knew it though, obviously. I love me some Pee Wee Herman. I didn't know he's been on before to fool the panelists. Pee Wee's Playhouse was my must watch every Saturday morning back when. I didn't pay a lot of attention to the other groups. But just was glad there was no Mama Doris Boob Statue awarded, so thank you show for that.
  4. I'm assuming last night was a rerun, but it was new to me. For the Beatles song about Paul's privates, I thought the obvious answer was Norwegian Wood. Great answer, not a match. Oh well. For the menu question, I thought the DWTS judges would have scored the peppers a 10, not "spicy." I'm a loser again. The antenna dropped the station for the question about getting the knight out of his armor. I said she would have used a magnet, but based on my previous answers, I'm guessing no one said that either.
  5. I just saw a commercial, the ShamWow guy is selling ShamWow masks, and it made me laugh because of the center UFC poser saying he used ShamWow towels on injured fighters. One panelist wanted to know where he got his ShamWows, and the fellow said he bought generics off Amazon. So funny!
  6. Barf. I guess they can thank Nick for making other men, any other men, look good by comparison. So, thanks Nick!
  7. I'm watching some of the acts on the rerun. I was in such a mood Tuesday after such a dreck day, i hated everyone. But tonight I actually watched the Diablo Bros and liked their act, and was amazed at their talent. I just can't remember now if they made it through. But now they are right up there with Archie and some other act I liked but cannot remember. Heh. Yeah, most of this show goes right out of my mind after viewing. Sometimes while I'm still viewing.
  8. Wow, interesting. He would come on the local tv talk show every year when Ringling came to town. Surprising/not surprising to hear he's not "all that" in person. It's interesting to hear stories of famous people (Bello is famous IMO) and what they are really like IRL, when the camera is not on them. Some are real jackasses.
  9. This rerun was new to me, so I was glad I hadn't seen it. (Well, that, plus no Doris award. Yeay to both!) I was irritated by the panelist questions for the un-conjoined twins. They were all obviously twins, so they kept asking twin questions that all had answers for? How about: where were you conjoined (body part), how old were you when the operation was done, where was operation done, have you seen the doctor since then, blah blah. Thank goodness Anthony stepped in and asked a couple that actually applied to helping decipher which were the imposters. Didn't help me though, the real twins were my third choice out of three. The UFC cleaner (ugh) was obvious to me because this show likes to play One Of These Is Not Like The Others, so that told me it was the woman. Didn't even need to ask any questions. Although the center guy's trans reveal made me question my choice. He would have been a great choice. The tattoo guy was too obviously someone who looked like a UFC fighter, so he was auto out for me. I played the same One Of These game with the three Bat/Bar Mitzvah guys. It had to be the Black guy in the center, not the one that looked like a rabbi. The planking guy though ... didn't have a clue on that one!
  10. I heard that joke multiple times and never got it. I had to do an online search for the explanation. So extra GOOD FOR YOU! that you caught it first time. You: Yeay. Me: Duh.
  11. I’ve decided it’s time for some Friday Funnies. Whether these succeed is strictly up to you. This week on Jokes That Need No Punchline: Captain Hook walked into a second-hand store. A cowboy asked me if I could help him round up 18 cows. I said, “Sure. 20.” I bought a BB gun from a Tyrannosaurus. He’s a small-arms dealer. This is weird. Everyone at the office is naming their food. Today I had a sandwich named Bill. Yesterday I had leftover lasagna named Karen. My friend is so upset, he’s missing one piece to his 5,000-piece puzzle. He thinks that’s bad, I’m missing 4,999 pieces to mine. Hey, did you hear the new joke about the boxer? I can’t remember the punch line. I went to a coffee shop yesterday and ordered a coffee with no cream. The barista said, “You’ll have to order it without milk, we’re out of cream.” This was a freak accident. A photographer was trying to take a group photo when a giant wheel of cheddar rolled over and crushed him. Witnesses say the people being photographed tried to warn him. Hey guys, I was told to describe myself in five words. I wrote “lazy.” And now for some sad news ... The person who invented the boomerang hand grenade died. Okay, I’m done with trying to be a people pleaser. If that’s okay with you guys.
  12. This was a new episode for me. I laughed SO HARD at Riggle fangirling over Josh Duhamel. Riggle: Josh, what are you doing later? Josh: Uh ... What happened to Garret that he had to drop out? He was my fav to win it all.
  13. I have to say, I do like the contestants who look upbeat during the elimination round and can at least smile for their last time on national tv. The ones who look like their death sentence is being pronounced and they are going to be handcuffed and marched off to the gallows or firing squad ... gah, get over yourselves. (Unless that's what the show really does with the losers ...)
  14. Thanks for reminding me. I had that blocked. It was indeed horrendous. She has no manager who could have stopped her? Because it was brutal. I wasn't really watching. Did the Little Girl Pet Partner start crying? She's gonna be scarred for life. She might have to move on from dogs and take up fire breathing to get herself back on track as an entertainer. Can't do The Boob Bounce in loose-fitting clothes!
  15. I've become fascinated with the top of Terry Crews' head; it develops a deep V in it when he speaks. Then goes away when he's quiet. "Fascinating." TM Mr. Spock
  16. I'd like to see the episode where @proserpina65 might have won if she didn't make those two wild guesses. There's a joke in there about Brad's swaying, but I'm not typing it here. Besides, he could eat a whole pizza in bed and I'd let him stay, too.
  17. Well, she could have said she was voting for Double Dragon because they do a great drag act for being straight women, and she likes they are fat, even though she never will be. Take your pick for voting reasons! Thinking back, yeah, I'd vote for the pig review over the little-girl-who-is-not-a-dog-trainer act.
  18. I thought of you want I wrote those reviews, ITG. Not sure if that's a good thing, but there you are. Or, were. In my brain! Thanks for reminding me Vinnie Markus was the so-called rapper imitator. Hey, I listen to rap, I like Pitbull and Eminem and others, but Vinnie Markus, you are no Pitbull OR Eminem. He doesn't change his voice between imitations, it's just Vinnie Markus trying to hit the beat and drop the mic. Not working for me. Man, no one even had a good sob story to get me to even try to vote for them. That's weak, show, weak I say. The results show tonight should be interesting. How hilarious would it be if no one voted at all and they all went home? Well, BAD Salsa can stay. But that's all. I hope Keenan finds something else to do next live show. I love you Keenan, but dude, you added nothing last night.
  19. LOL! I didn't pay attention to the category (a problem I have) but now I can see why the first player answered "Oklahoma." Because everyone knows "Oklahoma is OK."* *ETA: It's on their license plates, for anyone who has never driven there.
  20. Yes. It was sort of a Reverse Jeopardy Curse, only a Good Reverse Curse! I actually thought Alex would have said, "Yes, that other O state" after the first player responded "Oklahoma" and the second player got it correct. Golden chance missed.
  21. Kelvin Dukes, the little kid, got a pro video but was a "meh" singer. I could see him on Disney channel though, but he'd better hurry up before he's not cute any more and out of a job. Shape group dancers. Best part was afterward when no one could answer why they named themselves "Shape." Gay singer. So does mom not like him because he's gay but now she does because she has cancer? That so wasn't clear to me. But I suspect it's similar to Contortionist Boy's estranged sisters now becoming his BFFs. AGT will do that to dysfunctional families. Oh: I didn't care for his singing all that much either. Heidi is in disguise tonight. Good, bad or doesn't matter? Not sure. BAD Salsa was a better dance duo than the Latin couple that made it almost to the end of WOD. By a mile. But why, when they are being pro videoed, didn't they edit the couple of small errors out? If they can sound mix those singers, they can edit that video. I wrote down "Vinny Markus -- don't think he's good." But can't remember what his act was. Forgotten. I guess that says it all. Alexis the Dog Act. The editing even included several "audience" close ups as well as judge close ups. The dog climbing the two ladders while stretched between the two was impressive. But I wish the kid would quit getting praised for being such a talented dog trainer when her two parents are in the background setting up the tricks. No, Alexis is NOT the pro trainer judges want us to think she is. She also needs to learn a bit about dog breeds. Like Wolfhound, for one. Dumbass kid. Bonavega had a good video intro and an act that I HATED. I wish my power had gone back out during his routine. Diablo guys ... best part of that act was Howie's jokes afterward. They were actually funny. Keenan is too nice. I'm disappointed in him, he had nothing to offer anyone. Kazakstan Girl Singer sings through her nose. I was disappointed in her performance after a cute video opening. But Howie says she's "already a star," so who needs AGT anyway, right? I guess she was the best worst of the average-below-average singers. Guy on fire ... I was doing something else during his act so didn't see it. But I wasn't impressed. Regular-people contestants get lit on fire by dragons on Holy Moley so this guy could do nothing to impress me with his flames. The choir. Last act of the night. And that's my review of The Choir. I could find no act to vote for or wish a win for from this group, sad to say. I guess BAD Salsa. All the rest can go (stay) home.
  22. Your trip could end up being The Big Ditch for real. No one remembers Mr. Kasich ran for POTUS on the Republican ticket in 2016? He was my favorite out of that group. I don't think one audio/visual clip of him this week eclipses that presidential bid. We discussed that here the first time this tournament was aired. I believe the lock down had started then, or at least the pandemic had. Although the episode was taped before that happened.
  23. I actually might BE a prude but I'm also a militant feminist and don't see why women have to accentuate their boobs with low-cut and revealing gowns while men wear just normal clothes that cover everything up. I also object to beach volleyball outfits where women wear thongs up their asses and men wear baggy pants to their knees. Same with ass-tight women outfits on Titan Games while men wear baggy knee shorts. I'm all for men wearing tiny Speedos if women have to be constantly sexualized. Family show or not, it irks me.
  24. I saw Keenan was to be Simon's replacement this week. That will be interesting, he's smart, articulate and funny. I hope he does well. I did think Kelly was a good replacement too. I know this is Simon's show, and I wish him well, but it would be interesting to have him replaced every show. At least judges now don't have much of a role, except to persuade viewers to vote one way or another. Editing and act placement will do the rest to get viewers voting "correctly."
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