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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Actually, it's if Colonel John and Double Dinghy Day had a baby. Which they did. Fleet Admiral
  2. Both India and Thailand are accepted answers for question 7, Diplomacy. Pulsar and neutron star are both accepted for question 9, Astronomy. The contest host is not a hard *ss about controversial answers. Maybe some other things, but not this contest.
  3. I think the person running the FJ Contest will allow neutron star. Just as long as you really didn't say neutron dance.
  4. My Magic Cottage Cheese Tub contains the numbers corresponding to all FJ Contest players. It's magic because when I pull the numbers out, those players magically become WINNERS! At least you said quasar, a close but not cigar answer. I couldn't even come up with Red Dwarf. My brain cells bailed out of my head as soon as the clue was revealed. I did read on Andy's TJF site that a woman discovered the first pulsar, but two men got the Nobel Prize for "discovering" it, and she got the shaft. Draw your own conclusion from that fact.. Not a problem. I can't remember past yesterday much less a year ago, so you are forgiven!
  5. Again a FJ with two answers! WZ was pretty "out there" in the cosmos, all while being an excitable boy. (Excuse me ... my ride's here.)
  6. Same here. I didn't get to see yesterday's show but was thoroughly charmed by his today bow tie. I was bummed when he did not win. For a moment during FJ, I had hope. We have three players for the Jeopardy! Northern Illinois Edition! Woot! I was chasing barking dogs and loose horses during the middle of today's show. Was "Fleet Admiral" a racehorse question/clue? Is so, I got it without even seeing that part of the show! Whereas my head would explode if even one player would be able to guess my alma mater.
  7. You would see some real dumbassery if the contestant bank was confined to northern Illinois and I got on the show.
  8. I started doing Weekly Winner about half way through last season as a way to spotlight different players and add some interest to the contest. Criteria is different every week. This week, @Grundoon59 had the highest score. Other weeks, the winner might be the lowest score, or the person who has the same score over a period of weeks or keeps repeating the same numbers in a pattern. If two people keep getting the same scores for a period of time, two winners are declared. I also might choose a number from the Magic Cottage Cheese Tub and that person wins. Note that all the Weekly Winner gets is a virtual high five and a hearty (virtual) pat on the back. And bragging rights!
  9. I swear I heard all 10 finalists got cars, but I just checked and only the first- and second-place winners do. I believe the winners have to pay California taxes on the car, the reason many car winners refuse the prize. It would break their bank.
  10. I'm a couple days late posting the WINNER of SEASON 37 WEEK 1 ... that highly sought-after honor goes to ... (drum roll) ... @Grundoon59 Yeay! Congratulations! And here's to many more successful weeks ... for all players.
  11. I feel the new set is just fine, I'm good with contestants not being jammed together. Plus at certain times I can see the risers they are using, so that's fun. And it's not often we get a group shot of all three players, we still see them one at a time, so them being further apart is no big deal. We're not suppose to see the audience (except during breaks when the camera MIGHT pan over it) and def aren't suppose to hear them. So audience not being there ... I can't tell the difference. The difference I see is in the quality of the clues, especially those two totally crap FJs in less than two weeks of play. We've had not-so-good players in past seasons, but never FJs that were not researched and thoroughly vetted before getting on the show. I mean, try using a search engine, people. That's if there are any people back there verifying clues at all this season.
  12. I'll see you there. And I am still laughing at the bongo gif. It's like I'm there! I hope so, so BAD Salsa can come back and win that.
  13. I know, right? I'll miss meeting you guys here every week. I'm going to have to scrounge up something else to snark about.
  14. Brandon won. Good For Him. Broken Roots jinxed themselves with the double kings crossed fingers. One is good luck, two is a jinx. So they only have themselves to blame. Congrats Brandon! I'm hoping for a resurgence of basement coffee houses and poetry slams. You know, the ones where we'd all snap our fingers in appreciation, beatnik style. Good times!
  15. I thought all 10 finalists got a car because I wondered how the sisters would get it to Germany.
  16. Cristina Rae coming in third actually brought a ray of light into my dark day. I don't care who wins now, I'll have forgotten about it by tomorrow anyway. But thanks for that third-place laugh, show.
  17. Cristina Rae's little boy is OUT! I wonder what Ugly Sweater Football Boy thinks now that he's out and Broken Roots is still in it to win it.
  18. You can expand that to white male singers. Wrong decision times a zillion, but I'm not surprised. I posted before that America isn't going to vote for anyone with an accent.
  19. Yes It's my favorite song, it's played multi times a day on radio. They were hot lovers who couldn't "make it past the kitchen," but eventually they split. An earthquake made them think about dying so they got back together for end-of-days sex with no ties, just great sex before the world ends. Well, my favs are gone. Soon this show and its winner will be gone from my memory.
  20. Not sure about two tweens singing about getting together with an ex for sex with no commitment.
  21. LOL! My eyes keep getting drawn to a certain area in Terry's pleather/leather/plastic pants. They fit oddly, or maybe it's not so odd. I guess all the judge hilarity is to make up for them not getting their face time during the recorded acts. V.Unbeatable and BAD Salsa won the night for me. That was spectacular. And Archie rocked his duet. I pretty much zoned out during the other singers.
  22. You need to watch Songland. That show is The Best and we learn what goes into making a hit song. Ryan Tedder is on that with Ester Dean and Shane McAnally. Ryan rarely sings so it's a treat when he does. Alan Silva and his brother would have made it to the finals together as a Danger Act. I've never heard of the woman singing with the Bello Sisters and the Silva Brothers. And I keep up with pop music pretty much. I guess not enough.
  23. I would be watching Guardians of the Galaxy if my antenna hadn't dropped ABC. The recap made me realize why I like the pre-recorded acts on the Universal sets ... no switching to the judges 20 times per act so they can be amazed, shocked, stunned, scared, blah blah. We actually get to see acts from start to finish. If they continue with that, no audience and no Simon, this could be a pretty good show. Anyone complaining about the final acts being crummy needed to see that recap and be reminded of all the acts your brain thankfully made you forget. Cristina Rae gets to sing with Ryan Tedder? Holy cow. All my votes tonight go to Ryan.
  24. Yes. India is accepted as an answer in the FJ Contest. Note also that The Eagle & The Elephant is the name of a far right-wing hate group that google has blocked, but other search engines will find. I'll bet its members are glowing over the publicity Jeopardy gave it yesterday. As I said before, Jeopardy writers are ... fill in the blank ... so far this season.
  25. And tonight, AGT Finals, starring Terry Crews' shoes! First act. Girl singer. Next: BAD Salsa. Hokey smokes, at one point I yelled out "JEEZ-us", what they were doing was so whack. I wanted them to stop, it was more than I could take. And I mean that in a VERY good way. This act rocks. Although I don't know that America will vote for people who have accents. I did though. Next: Girl singer. I got a laugh from Sofia when she said, "Here you are with your shiny dress." Nice burn, Sofia. Brandon Leake. For the first time I didn't care for him. Maybe because I don't have kids and could care less about the OTT parental "my-kid-is-the-best" thing. He got the first NO vote from me, after me loving his other performances. Broken Roots. Man singers. Bello Sisters. So much "girl power" bunk. Stop talking about "girls can do whatever they want" because that's BS. And Sofia or Heidi, I don't know which, saying AGAIN Howie was drooling was the grossest and just rude and offensive and nasty. Archie. Best of the night. I enjoyed him. But he got raked good by the judges. "Nice suit" said one. Burn. Poor Archie. I hope he wins just to tell Sofia and Heidi to STFU. Next: Girl singer. Alan Silva. I enjoyed his act, he was right up there with BAD Salsa, although BAD Salsa is still my fav. Cristina Rae. Gets the pimp spot AGAIN because this show wants her to win. She said, "I owe that little boy everything." I say, yes you do. You'll win because your kid got more air time tonight than you did all season. She would have been gone weeks ago if American tv prevented little kids from being used. Meanwhile, Sofia's red lips stole the show from Terry's shoes. I couldn't stop staring.
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