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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I saw the FJ category and said, "Well, I'm screwed." And I was, and this after going to church/Sunday school every week from toddler to adult, Bible school in summer, teaching Sunday school as I got older, singing in the church choir, belonging to church youth groups, yada yada yada. Job was the only name I could come up with. I still don't know who Abraham was or his kids. And that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Episcopalian, baby! However, I did know what a cubit is. So there's that. I also knew Geneva, Margaret Bourke White (that Life cover is uber famous) and LifeLock. I just knew WAT-son had to be somewhere in that category, either Bell's or Jennings'. Turdsworth made me laugh. Who knew dudes were so funny back then. It's like Sean Connery was playing Celebrity Jeopardy on SNL.
  2. I paid attention to the money in tonight's episode. The players need to be stronger and let a chain get going to make any amazing money, but I guess $69,000 (maybe $40,000 after taxes) is a nice pay day. But still, a banking technique pretty much doesn't exist in this new version. Tonight I strongly disliked Tiffany, she had quite the attitude. Maybe the contestant pool is so small they have to take whomever they can get. Southern California wanna-be actors are getting a lot of air time lately on game shows. Anyway, I'm glad John won.
  3. Agree 100 percent. There is so much negativity and hatefulness IRL, then I turn on the tv and there's more nasty talk just for the sake of being snotty. Is this what the American public wants? Does it increase ratings? What happened to good sportsmanship, like wishing the remaining players good luck when you are voted off.
  4. I actually know the answers. Yeay me! (Because I thought of both while waiting to see if Australia was correct.)
  5. I checked that out since I was pondering America, wondering what the official name is of the country in which I live. It's really the United States, so if anyone had said America, it'd be a no go. Amazingly, I immediately said Australia so had some extra time to fly around the globe and see if any other countries fit. I haven't been keeping track of TSs but I did get Wyatt Earp. Big fan of Tombstone. Doc Holliday wasn't a bad guess. "Who's your huckleberry?" The fact that I read Slow Waltz in Cedar Bend yet couldn't come up with Cedar Bend, and even when Cedar Bend was said it didn't seem correct, gives one an idea of what I thought about that book. When Trebek said he was looking over his shoulder at Ken taking his job, I was all oh, GREAT, now we have to read all that Ken hate and Ken spec on the boards. I don't know why no one is talking about Sarah or Jimmy from the Clue Crew taking Alex's job. Or some person who is actually a professional host. We saw what misery a show can be when Vanna took over for Pat. She's been on Wheel since forever, but man, that was painful.
  6. So that means the more correct answers in a row, the more money is in the bank, correct? But these people have been "banking" after just a couple answers, so then the money goes back to start, correct? And when someone is wrong, the money starts over again. Have I got it right? I watched the original but never paid attention to banking or money available or won. Actually, I barely remember the show at all, just Ann's taglines. "GOOD BYE!"
  7. Agree to the bolded above. I had the feeling tonight that this is going to turn into Survivor. I want the smartest person to win, not the meanest. I still don't know how they are suppose to bank $500,000. Jane makes fun of them missing out on the money but I don't know how they are suppose to get more.
  8. This show is difficult to watch when there is an obnoxious contestant who makes it to the last round. She might think she's "hot stuff," but honey, you be a dumbass. She ruined this episode for me.
  9. I know. I hate when that happens.
  10. I missed the first hour due to it being windy so my antenna kept dropping NBC. I'm hoping this episode will be rerun later in the week. I was sort of stunned to see Kevin Bull get a WWWA though. What's up with that, show? Joe Moravsky is my favorite ninja, and it was exciting to see him not only go up the Mega Wall but get second-fastest time on top of that. The Power Tower run was exciting, and Joe was the complete competitor, the first thing he did after hitting the buzzer was to check on/say something to Michael, showing the guy from last week how to be a gracious winner. I did like Michael's teammates better than Joe's, so I'm sorry they won't get to continue on. But ... next year? Meanwhile, Megan rocks.
  11. If only the clue had mentioned it was a tower: "Begun in the 1170s on former marshland, this tower has been called a "perfect imperfection" & a "legendary mistake." I've never heard of Julie Walters. Until today. I smiled when one of the players said Silvia Plath for the suicide person since this show always uses Silvia Plath for answers. Until today, first time ever. Must have some new writers this season. @bybrandy, your text game sounds like very much fun. Lucky you!
  12. Everyone has reported in, and everyone had a most excellent week. Some patterns are starting to emerge, which makes me happy. But one player stood out this week for continuing to improve each week, recording a higher score each week since Week One. And that player is .... (drum roll!) ... @zoey1996. Congratulations Zoey1996! Be kind to the rest of us as you celebrate your crowning achievement.
  13. I kept seeing Fire Marshall Bill in that cold open. Not a fan of the "new Biden."
  14. There are seven of us here so far, and more are welcome to join us!
  15. Welcome to my table. I will pull up a chair for you. If I remember correctly, you are a good cook ... *wink hint wink*
  16. The Sunday Funnies. Volume 2. How many weight lifters does it take to screw in a light bulb? Four. One to screw in the bulb and three to stand around saying, “You’re getting huge, dude.” How many teamsters does it take to screw in a light bulb? Six. You got a problem with that? Why was the fraction apprehensive about marrying the decimal? He knew he’d have to convert. Psychic hotline costs $5. The lady who answered the phone said “Can I get your name?” What a rip off. I come from a family of magicians. in fact, I have two half sisters. My friend doesn’t understand cloning. I said that makes two of us. My wife left me. She said I’m too insecure. No wait! She’s back! She just went to get coffee. 2020 is such a crazy year. People are making apocalypse jokes like there’s no tomorrow. One time I exaggerated so much, I died. Oh, and by the way, the man who invented autocorrect died. May he roast in peas.
  17. Trivia: I named a dog Three On A Match once. (Litter sister to Three Hundred.) Too bad I haven't seen the show for two days so missed being able to answer that clue/question.
  18. Yes to the replies to this. I've recorded you as 4/5 with one * for your correct answer to Tuesday's TS/FJ. Excellent week for you!
  19. @Bliss! Stop in again soon and let us know how you are doing. I miss your posts here. As for your "eye candy," just remember that "the truth is out there!"
  20. The title "Monday-Tuesday Correct And All Charged Up For A Big Week" (and then tanking) can be shortened to ""The Saber Playbook."
  21. Congratulations on your Big Boy Smarty Pants.
  22. You don't unless you want to. I record the totals on my Season 37 Excel sheet. Anyone who wants to know his/her total as the season goes on can ask me and I will probably tell.
  23. Even The Wall itself hated this couple. Thanks @ottoDbusdriver for the great recaps. "They're gold, Jerry, gold I tell you!"
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