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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. So as expected, Clare takes Dale and leaves the group sitting around so they can bro some more and she can fool with Dale in her apartment and smell other parts of him besides his pants.
  2. How did I miss that part? What was I doing? That has to show up on YouTube later I hope.
  3. WTH, what was Clare doing all freaking day that she trashcanned the date. Man, these poor guys. Clare is effing up her own season. So now I guess it's a big mob cocktail party with Clare spending all her time with Dale and ignoring everyone else, even the guys that sat there all day and got STOOD UP on their date. Clare sucks.
  4. NOW the story is Dale came and rescued Clare from Yosef during their argument? Show, get it straight why don'tcha.
  5. The one bachelor that they kept showing during the RC who didn't get a rose looked so much like Robert Carlyle. I don't have a clue who he was. No good byes or final interviews. I don't even think CH said, "If you didn't get a rose, say your good byes." It's like TPTB want Clare's season over with stat.
  6. Yeay, Bennett and his glasses and shoes and fireplaces and martini and robe gets a rose!
  7. CH seems to be pushing the Dale/Clare thing. Maybe that happens on other seasons, but they've really scripted this to be The Most Drah Mat Tic Season EVAH. Conspiracy theory tells me this was all rigged/set up from the start. I didn't see Yousef being kicked off being THAT traumatic that Clare has to shut everything down, unless an hour or so was edited from their shouting match. This show sucks for all the other guys. Clare doesn't want them to "bro out" yet she won't spend any time with them either. It's a conundrum, amiright? I'd be for this becoming a new show, Bro-chelor Season 1.
  8. Why is Dale the only one around now. What happened to all the other guys who were walking with her? Oh yeah, producer manipulation. Keep on script Dale and Clare!
  9. Yeay Clare, she said exactly what I was thinking: "That's why you were NOT on that date" to Yousef. Points for Clare. Now send his whiny ass home, and the rest of him too, Clare.
  10. We had to listen to Yousef bitching instead of seeing Glasses Jordan talk to Clare and explain the stuff animal that we now don't know what that was about. Please, show. Ha ha! Yousef is talking about missing his kid and Clare interrupts to talk about HER. That's so Very Clare.
  11. It would have been more fun if Yousef had been on the naked dodgeball date and refused to strip, then got all the other guys to not strip too. More fun that having a shouting match, and he wasn't even there. Maybe he should be bitching out all the guys who came back wearing jocks, THEY'RE the ones who got naked. Bennett and HIS glasses - too cute!
  12. How much income does a contestant have to have already at home, in the bank, in a 401K, in stocks, bonds and stuffed under a mattress to not leave with $200,000 when given the opportunity while confronted with one last mid-deck card, and then bet and lose and be all hey, it's okay, I got $40,000. That just staggered my brain. Especially when you figure the take home after taxes was maybe $25,000.
  13. That was the best part of this episode for me. I was enjoying how much they knew about the business (show) they are in. Not that that should be surprising, but it is. I knew the answer to the Utah/Ohio clue as soon as those two states were said, so agree that spending time trying to think of Iowa was a waste. But the funny part is, I can (practically) see Iowa from my back door and I couldn't think of it either. Good thing Iowa doesn't connect Utah with Ohio.
  14. I translate that as "Figaro's Nose."
  15. The Sunday Funnies — Volume 5 What’s the deal with eBay. It’s so useless, I tried looking up lighters and all they had was 13 thousand matches. My boss says he finds it’s highly suspicious I am only sick on week days. I said it must be my weekend immune system. My boss said I should participate in the company’s 401K. I said, “401K? I can’t even do a 5K.” A couple experimenting in the bedroom needed a safe word. So they picked ‘meatloaf.’ Because they’ll do anything for love, but they won’t do that. Why shouldn’t you kiss anyone on January 1st? It’s only the first date. How do Amish girls know if it’s a romantic candlelight dinner or just another meal? I phoned into a radio contest and only had to answer a single math question to win two VIP tickets to a Justin Bieber concert and to meet him backstage. The DJ said, “What’s two plus two.” And I said “58.” I wonder how many vampires have been run over by people who back up only using their mirrors. I should have known the cemetery sale was a scam. I mean, it was a dead giveaway. What kind of cars do ghosts drive? A Booick, a Boogatti or a Maliboo. My wife and I decided we don’t want any kids. We’re going to tell them tonight at dinner. My wife is kicking me out. She’s fed up with my South American animal puns. I said, “Okay, alpaca my bags.” And, as promised ... The dung beetle joined the Navy. When he went on board his ship, the captain assigned him to the poop deck.
  16. As soon as I saw the FJ category, I figured it would be either Dred Scott or the correct answer.
  17. WEEK 6 • Oct. 19, 2020 — ONE asterisk * 26. Phrases From Literature. This 2-word phrase in “The Arabian Nights” may have come from an herb bearing seed pods that burst when ripe. * 27. Classical Music. Part of this famous 12-minute opening piece is called “March of the Swiss Soldiers.” * 28. Screenwriters. This once-blacklisted screenwriter of “Spartacus” got a posthumous credit & an Oscar for a 1953 film. 29. 20th Century Art. In occupied Paris, a German officer asked Picasso if he had done this masterpiece; he replied, “No, you did.” 30. 19th Century Supreme Court Cases. Part of the dissent in this 1896 landmark case read, “In respect of civil rights, all citizens are equal before the law.”
  18. The clue asked for a clothing part and all my pants and shorts have butts in them so, technically (or not technically) he was correct.
  19. I guess this thread is divided between people who are irritated when the boards are not cleared by people speaking in an everyday voice and people who are irritated by fast talkers who clear the boards. Pick a side, folks. I got a laugh out of the Royal Gorge bridge being a TS since I had to be carried off of it when I was there. Walked out to the center, looked down and was instantly overwhelmed by crippling vertigo. I'd still be there if my friend hadn't helped me escape. I guess the no-private-messages-in-FJ rule they made for James doesn't apply to anyone else now. I figured I had a good chance in FJ given my BFA and occupation and all. And I got the answer as soon as I heard German and Picasso. Being a right-brained person, the image came into my mind a bit before the left side of my brain released the name. At least I'm not goose egging the FJ contest this week. Yeay me.
  20. Wouldn't it be something if HWSNBN won again this year? Heads exploding in the editing booth!
  21. I'd watch baseball all day long if the Cubs were playing. Am I male or female?
  22. Last night I kept track of my answers and total Wall money. I liked the couple playing, I remember when he saved that baby, it was on the news, so was for them winning money. But Oh, My, talk about them not knowing anything. How did either of them even make it through high school? Anyway, I got both of the first questions correct that they missed, Childish Gambino (they need to watch SNL) and mouth of a river, so got $55,003 before the missed Romy and Michelle question left me with $10,003. I saw that movie so long ago, it was potluck remembering which was Lisa Kudrow. They didn't know "artery" (!) but did know Garfield loves lasagna. Now I have $70,004. Ball drop added more $, then I knew primal and Manchester. Shocked she guessed those correctly out of thin air. I also knew challah, which she didn't know, but that was only worth a buck. After all the green and red drops, I have $1,195,305. Wow me! Who doesn't know the capitals/major cities of Oregon and Maine are both named Portland. This woman, that's who! Somehow she got phantom and Dalia Lama. Now I have $1,195,416. Then the red-ball drop. Which proves you don't need to know jack on this show because the drop wiped the players out and wiped me out too. We all went home with a big fat nothing. Eh. That was no fun.
  23. My guess is they are not allowed to PASS so they will say something stupid that Jane can make fun of. Their wrong answers give her plenty of easy snark that she wouldn't have if players passed. This version seems to be more about cracking bad jokes than actually making a chain to earn money.
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