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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Watching Flex, it occurred to me how majorly awesomely cool it would be if she (or Jesse) won this season. Nice way to recover from the creepus who took home the $ last season. If runs were shown in the real order they were run, Chris DiGangi sure got his hair dried and styled quickly so he could cheer on Flex.
  2. If Jeopardy ever has the clue "This future governor removed the toilets from his Gold Coast mansion to avoid paying taxes," that's a Pritzker too.
  3. I haven't heard Clare talking about or dwelling on wanting kids. She just uses that when she's dumping some guy: "I'd never want anyone like you to be the father of my kids." That's her burn to insult some guy who's "wronged" her. In her mind anyway. If she's ever talked about wanting to have children as a pressing point in her life, I either missed it or wasn't paying attention. Women also don't have to be married to have kids, so there's that, too.
  4. LOL! So much this. Instead she had to come up with some I'm A Traumatized Woman excuse. Sorry folks, but that was crap. She should have just said "Oh, no, I thought there for a minute that you were Dale, but you're not, so get your grubs off me, creep. And GO HOME." At the very least, she should have just said she wasn't ready to kiss him then. For some crazy reason, I doubt Zach would have jumped her and raped her or hit her or knocked her down or even called her a school-yard bad name. My take is he would have just said, "Oh, ees okay." End of drama. But "end of drama" is not Clare's mission.
  5. TMZ posted Dale-the-model photos on its website Saturday, calling Dale "Clare's Superman." Jimmy Kimmel's people found the photos, and they were part of Kimmel's monologue Tuesday night. So the guy is a real legit working model. The proof is in the taco suit.
  6. Because you guys made me fascinated with Dale's ears, I found a photo. On the right is Dale, on the left is a generic guy from a stock photo service.
  7. My turn to say this. Although I never would, so forget I quoted that. I was just waiting for a FJ that I instantly knew. It helps I live in Illinois and for some reason I know who I.M. Pei is. Put 'em together and voilá, it's a FJ Miracle. Sorry to see Brian/not Bryan go. He was a good player.
  8. I was going to mention that connection (To quote First Time Caller: "Eh, Mr. Obvious, I didn't get the connection.") today, then Trebek ruined for me. So I won't. That Cuts Like A Knife. Side note to @opus: Valerie is a blond now. See cover of current US magazine.
  9. So now they can do "fiance things." I remember when some Bachelor talked about doing fiance things, I just can't remember which one it was. I am right about this season bringing in the watchers though. This thread is already seven pages the day after while last week's only went six for the entire week. So whatever plan TPTB had, it's working. At least here, and on assorted news sources today.
  10. My thought is, if the switch had affected play, they would have stopped, changed up the board and reshot that segment. But since it didn't, they didn't. This said as someone who has no voice in how the show is run, I'm just a person who posts here!
  11. While we have yet to hear from @Mindthinkr, it's time to announce the Winner of Week 6. And that lucky person is the player named @DXD526, who is being recognized for recording the exact same score for four straight weeks. We appreciate a player who can Stay The Course and be Faithful and Consistently Smart. Congratulations! Enjoy your special week.
  12. I didn't see the show yesterday, but Alex always says at the end of SJ and before commercial break, "NAME OF PERSON gets to pick first in Double Jeopardy." Did he not do that yesterday? I did read that TPTB determined the switch up didn't affect play, so it's a done deal the way it played out.
  13. My vote is this was The Plan from the get-go, to create The Most Dramatic Season EVAH and for Clare to "blow up" The Bachelorette, yada yada yada, all great talking points to get this floundering franchise back on its feet advertiser-revenue wise. And so far, it's worked. It also allows TPTB to get another Black female lead (just by accident! just by chance!) while they cast for the first Black Bachelor season. Leaves the franchise with a win-win-win-win. I also believe Dale was sent back into Clare's room by production last night, to interrupt whomever she was with at that time. Just to stir the pot some more. You know, for ratings and water-cooler talk. So far, it's working all in the show's favor. I'm guessing Clare is being well compensated financially, and she'll be just fine, able to support some dude when/if she ever gets married.
  14. I thought of one good thing about tonight's episode that made me happy ... Bennett aka Clark Kent for the next Bachelor? Other than that, I got nuttin'.
  15. So Clare is posting somewhere and complaining about her edit? Mad that they are showing what she actually said and did? HEE-larious. I need to see that ... where?
  16. Meet Clare, The Bachelorette Season 26.
  17. Well, for all we know, that could have happened before this season started. This whole DRAH-MA could just be in the "reality-show" script TPTB wrote and Clare/Dale are just going along with it. Dale's not a very good actor though.
  18. Oh, crap, now it's over and I didn't get to see all the guys walk out. Day-um. And now I can't unsee Dale's ears, so thanks you guys. And Tayisha is next week? Day-um.
  19. Yeah, I knew she wasn't going to give the group-date rose. Clare SUCKS. And stop with the "Dale's and I's relationship" crap.
  20. The only one she talks about non-stop is Juan Pablo not proposing to her when she was all ready to marry him. THEN it became a big deal that he told her he liked effing her although ees was okay when she thought they were getting engaged. Of course that was six year ago. She was engaged to Benoit after that, and they are supposedly still friends. I think the "trauma" is Clare's hook to be on this show, to finally find TRU LURVE. OMG, now Clare won't stop talking about Dale with Bennett. WTH. STFU about Dale Clare. Worst.Bachelorette.EVER.
  21. How about both equally, why pick just one?
  22. I hope. Clare went from being one of my all-time favs to being the worst EVER. She can't disappear into obscurity quickly enough for me. Feel sorry for any dude that hooks up with her. He's in for a miserable life.
  23. Oh, man, whoever ends up with Clare, good luck buddy. She's WHACK. I feel sorry for Zach. She doesn't even have the courtesy to send him home, she makes CH do it. Clare SUCKS. I strongly dislike her. What a jerk.
  24. Clare needs to STFU about Dale. Worst.Bachelorette.EVER.
  25. I wonder if Clare will stand up Zach J. on his date now too. I would be SO glad I wasn't on that cancelled group date that's turning into a cancelled cocktail party. I'd rather be back at the house bro-ing with my bros than doing ... nothing ... on some fake date. Clare SUCKS.
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