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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. LOL, that's me every season until around Hometown Visit time. Word to your post @tennisgurl. I went from being the biggest Clare fan to not ever wanting to see or hear her again. To quote Mr. Wonderful, "She's dead to me."
  2. I agree with this. While my antenna was going in and out due to the hurricane-force winds outside (80mph!) and I missed some of it, I was thinking we've never seen a convo where anyone asks someone's age, or their occupation, or they talk about normal life stuff. I know Tayisha is new to the guys, but the editing choice was ... interesting, to say the least. I'm sure all has been said on previous shows, TPTB just never let us see it. I can appreciate the men being happy that they are finally getting some attention. Although, given what happened to Broken Jason, they should be glad Clare ignored them. And there's Spa Guy who got blasted by her, and the "You're so beautiful" guy who got sent home. Yeah, these guys should give thanks Clare ignored them. They get to live another day. Clare also cancelled RCs, although that was to mack on Dale instead while Tayisha cancelled hers to spend more time with the guys. Way to follow the script, Tayisha!
  3. I open all cans with the side opener, and give the stink eye (Jeopardy clue!) to those with the pull top. So dangerous! Another plus with the side opener is the top can be replaced and the can put in the fridge if all contents isn't used right away. Although now I have lots of those plastic can-lid-closers. Even my vet gives those out with prescription canned dog food, and they are always a staple in dog-show goodie bag giveaways. They need to quit with the lids and give away side-opening openers! Odo, Worf, Odo, Worf ... hummmm ...
  4. As someone who can't stand Mariah Carey, I got a big kick out of the contestant saying, "Can I do Mariah Carey for $1,200" and Alex responding something like, "Yes you can." Heh. Melissa ruined her Vision of Love answer, and Alex responded to her too quickly instead of ignoring her and letting another player buzz in to answer. Lost opportunity for those two guy players. I immediately said Continental for FJ because that's what I used to fly to Texas. Pan Am should have been obvious, I liked that tv show that was on (for one whole season) a few years ago. I guess I can excuse myself since I never flew Pan Am. I also used to fly Ozark Airlines (Ozark spelled backwards is Krazo), TWA and American. Geesh, all of the airlines I used to fly are gone now. They just haven't been in any movies lately.
  5. He gives all men hope. So strange that the horse-riding date was just walking the horses around the sidewalks of the resort. No gallops out into the countryside for a picnic under a remote tent that's set up and waiting in the desert? Wow, lock down is really ON there. None of those fireworks set any part of California on fire, right?
  6. Blindsided! First drink of the season!
  7. Wow, Clare broke Jason. I hope the show covers the therapy he needs.
  8. I totally skipped the Clare/Dale interview because -- shocker -- I don't care. Old news. And CH's Big Drama asking "Did you guys talk/meet before the show?" Of course she is going to say no, just like John Gacy didn't kill and bury all those little boys under his house. Just ask him. (Except he's dead but whatever.) Besides, I don't care. Old news. NEXT! When Spencer got out of the limo and Tayisha was all, OH, he's HOT, then she probably "has met my husband," then Spencer gets FI rose ... I was all oh no, THIS again? Tayisha's going to do a Clare with Spencer. Eh. Someone rescue me from this stupid-ass show.
  9. I don't have the nerve to start an episode/week 5 thread. Anyone?
  10. When ever I see that phrase, I think of Mr. Obvious. "Long time listener, first-time caller." The Critter episode. "Huh. I never made the connection. Thanks Mr. Obvious, you're a life saver!"
  11. LOL! Because you'd be red-shirted for sure if that happened. And you know it WOULD happen. If Picard fell in love with me, I'd be the happiest Saber in the galaxy! Woot!
  12. I'm really sorry about your toe, but I need to know more about this conversation! ETA: Another interesting discussion would be Worf vs. Odo.
  13. Oh, my, you did indeed go through a wee nightmare, but I'm glad you are on the mend. Still on pain pills? Shocking there were more breaks than originally thought, but hoping you accomplish a complete recovery. Keep us posted on your progress. I did PT when I tore an ACL (got bucked off a horse the first time I tried to ride him when he came home from the so-called "trainer") and enjoyed it, thought it was a lot of fun. (Also helpful was a very cute therapist guy I could stare at. I know ... I'm creepy.) As for your quote above, I asked the doctor the same thing after my hand was slit open when opening a dog-food can. I had multiple stitches in the palm of my hand and up the fingers. When the doctor was done stitching, I asked him that. He was so nice and positive and kind, I didn't have the heart to say the punch line. Just, "Good, thank you." Although now I'm sure I wasn't the first to ask him. Afterward, I immediately purchased a side-opening can opener. No more sharp lids in my life.
  14. As soon as "barbed tail" was mentioned, I was all yeah, a stingray like the one that killed Steve Irwin. Didn't need the photo. Although my interests lie with the outdoors, conservation and animals of all types as opposed to operas, British monarchs and Shakespeare, so the clue was way up The Alley Of My Knowledge. That doesn't happen often on this show!
  15. I just "ass"umed you were resting on your laurels from winning Week 6, but your actual reason is understandable. Thanks for posting and catching up.
  16. How did your surgery go, @peeayebee? I hope your prognosis is a bright one.
  17. I'm hoping all the spec about Alex's replacement will be kept in the "Who is ... Alex Trebek's replacement?" thread. I read here for discussions about the show's episodes and clues. JMHO of course, not trying to be a mod or anything. Just pointing out there is a thread for that topic.
  18. @opus and @Prevailing Wind are playing hookie this week, so the Winner of Week 7 will be announced without their attendance at the party being thrown for @Mindthinkr. Yes, Mindthinker is the BIG WINNER this week, for being The Best Player of Week 7. Congratulations, my friend! Long may you reign. Well, until next week anyway. Celebrate!
  19. You mean, in the big lake they call Gitche Gumee, the shining Big-Sea-Water? Jokes aside, RIP those 29 brave men. There is a very interesting audio/video of the chatter between another ship and the Coast Guard, at the moment the Edmund Fitzgerald was lost, at the bottom of this page. The Edmund Fitzgerald in 1975 and 1995.
  20. Shout out to Alex with the answer of the German philosopher Kant. (See my post in the Alex Memories thread.) Shout out to The Final Jeopardy Contest with the answer of asterisk. Shout out to Steve Irwin (RIP) with the photo of the stingray. Shout out to Ken Jennings for saying the two most hilarious words I've never heard together before: "snot palaces."
  21. This is from Andy at TheJeopardyFan.com about today's episode: The opening of this episode contained a very heartfelt tribute from Mike Richards to Alex. The end credits of this episode contained a title card of “Dedicated to Alex Trebek / Forever in our Hearts / Always our Inspiration”.
  22. A Washington Post journalist I follow, Dan Zak, interviewed Mr. Trebek in 2016. Here is the article as it appeared in WaPo. Some interesting text not included in the article.
  23. "I'll take The Pen Is Mightier for $1000, Alex." I was in LA in the late 80s (for dog shows, of course), and on a day off some of us went to Grauman's Chinese Theater to check out the footprints. A PA from Jeopardy was making the rounds of the tourists, offering free tickets to tapings. Of course, we snatched them up and headed to the Jeopardy studio where we watched a full day of shows being taped. Alex talked to the audience between shows, although I don't remember more than that. We were in the top rows of the audience so didn't participate in the back and forths. (Side note: I was surprised how small the audience seating area is.) The only things I remember were the future contestants sitting in front of us, bee-bopping to the Final Jeopardy music, and Alex stating that the carpeting on the set, grey at that time, "sucked." That stuck in my mind, as I've posted in this thread before, because I'd never heard anyone use such a blasphemous word before. Hey, it was a long time ago, I was young! And that's as close to Mr. Trebek as I ever got, having failed every test every year to become a contestant. I'm still all weepy today. I can't believe he's really gone.
  24. Don't stress. There's always next week!
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