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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I think we saw him in The Before Time, when that other b-ette was starring. I remember him from the earliest episodes.
  2. See, I told you guys Bennett was trolling everyone. He rocks. Ha ha. Now everyone hates Bennett because he won. So much for "grown-ass men" (TM Bukowksi). More like diaper-pants babies.
  3. What is "boo-gee"? God, Ashley just blew snot all over the room. So gross. I guess she hasn't changed since we saw her last.
  4. Show stole that bungee challenge from Titan Games. Thieves.
  5. Ashley and Jared ... not exactly a stellar couple to hold up as an example ... of anything. Plus please give Bukowski credit for his trademarked "grown-ass man." I think Bennett's trolling the group.
  6. No scores yet for @dgpolo or @Good Queen Jane. I hope you both are okay and will post your scores soon. The contest needs you, don't leave us now! Meanwhile, this week I have to recognize FIVE players. Yes, five players. Four of them got their first perfect score of a ... wait for it ... 5, five, FIVE, and one player achieving her highest score so far this season. In alpha order, the WINNERS OF WEEK 8 are: @alliana, @helpmerhonda, @M. Darcy, @Prevailing Wind and @Trey. Way to go, Team. Congrats to all of you brainiacs. On to Week 9!
  7. Wow, missing the first three questions. Harsh. I didn't pay attention to anyone's name, just noticed one dude had long blond hair that didn't move when his head moved. Hairspray, anyone? I hope that wasn't Travis.
  8. I had this on last night but I only watch during the question portion and skip the unfunny Jane "comments" portion. It was down to three payers and the third was going to be voted off and the final two go head to head on rapid-fire questions, my favorite part of the show, when all the NBC stations/affiliates dropped their signals and all I got was a black screen. The stations came back on when the closing credits were rolling. I don't care who won since I didn't pay attention to any of the players. I'm just bummed to not see the final quiz off and how much money the winner got. I wish Jane would quit with all the BS unfunny comments, they drag this show down. I watch for the trivia, can't tolerate Jane's scripted not-humor.
  9. Fran the Nanny got a "Good for you" from Alex. That's the highest award given by the Legend Trebek.
  10. Obviously, nothing is wrong with you now that you are typing with capped letters again! You have to throw them a bone once in a while or they get cranky..
  11. Wow. Awesome. Thanks for sharing those photos. Amazing.
  12. LOL! Nacho Libre, (great movie!) plus the episode of The Bachelor/ette where the guys got to (read "had to") become luchadores to win the heart of whatever woman it was in whatever season it was.
  13. I wasn't paying close attention so don't know if there were any TSs. As for FJ: It still amazes me that FJs I easily get are missed by so many. It shouldn't though, because I live in Bizzaro World, where everything is backward. Especially me.
  14. Wow, how did you get out of that one? LOL! Reading here, now I remember Dinty Moore was the answer to the last clue. But as in real life, I wouldn't know where to look for it. Canned meat aisle? Next to Spam? Or soup aisle, next to Chunky? How about near the corned beef hash in a can ... wherever that is. Maybe on this show, canned meat, soup and CB hash is all together ... wherever that is. We kids used to get served Dinty Moore for dinner on occasion. Haven't had it since then though. But I can mentally picture the can, clear as day. I def could have located it if I could have found the right aisle.
  15. I'm actually enjoying Leslie's blathering more than watching the contestants. That she calls the man players "Boo" cracks me up. I was glad the two women winners in the first half hour didn't go for the $100,000. That doesn't always work out so well, so glad they were not greedy. I don't even remember the winners of the second match. My mind had wandered by then.
  16. This is not unusual. I have my own stories, and have heard them from others. Alex did say in one interview he was blessed to have so many nice tributes while he was still alive.
  17. I think the writers have forgotten about the bones and expect viewers to do the same. I never did care if Red is Liz's dad ... or mom. I do like the ending of Tom coming back to take Agnes back to NY with him. She can live with him and all those dogs that have been there with Tom and Mr. Kaplan all along. Three (? I've lost count) dogs and one cat. Too bad Lizzie doesn't know about 23andMe or Ancestry.com. Could have saved about six seasons.
  18. Thanks @opus. I was going to turn over from Supermarket Sweep to see the end of The Simpsons, but was too lazy to pick up the remote. At least I saved the lives of a few Kleenex with that.
  19. There's a daughter? Who knew. You can remove "middle-aged" from that top sentence. Then it works for me. And lot of others!
  20. The Sunday Funnies — Volume 8 Can we all agree that in 2015 not a single person got the answer correct to “Where do you see yourself five years from now?” I asked Siri what the weather was going to be this weekend, and she said “Where do you think you’re going?” The word “politics” is derived from two words: “poly” from the Greek meaning many, and “ticks” meaning blood-sucking parasites. I had to call my doctor. This election has lasted more than four hours. It was difficult for Nevada to count all the votes because they go seven, eight, nine, ten, jack, queen, king, then have to start all over again. The Pillsbury Dough Boy was serving some cake treats when he bent over and I saw doughnuts. Hey, how much does it cost to hire a church singing group? You mean a choir? Okay fine fancy pants, how much to acquire a church singing group. I was offered a job cleaning mirrors. it’s something I can see myself doing. I hear they made a documentary movie about constipation but it hasn’t come out yet. What do you find when you look up a pig’s nose? Hamboogers. I know, I know ... s’not funny. I want to open a restaurant that fuses Chinese and Middle Eastern cuisine. It’s going to be called Wok Like An Egyptian. Speaking of restaurants, Dung Beetle checked out Yelp so he could go to the one with the most reviews that said the food was crap. Dung Beetle ... The Sunday Funnies Mascot. (No joke.)
  21. Do you really think the writers know what the "secret" is, and if so, that "it" will be revealed in the finale? Good luck with that. I'm for that. It would be the Aram and Ressler Dating Show. I'd watch the heck out of that. I was really sad to read here that the actor who played Glen died. Glen was up there with Dembe as best character on this show.
  22. I answered Thelma and Louise while the question was being read and before any of the answers were given. Yeay me. Some years ago there was a big-winning show dog named Robinetta.
  23. Oh, I LOVED that show. It's one of many favorite shows I miss since that channel changed its direction and my antenna can no longer pick it up. I liked everything on it. (I see Poldark is being run back to back. I still look at the listings even if I can't see the shows.) But back to ATK ... Chris kind of fell out of favor with me after that lawsuit. It was creepy to see his "new" show. Not sure I'd want to see him on any old reruns.
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