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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. WEEK 11 • Nov. 23, 2020 — NO asterisk ** 51. Secretaries of State. Dirk Stikker, Dutch foreign minister 1948-1952, wrote, “Churchill’s words won the war”; this American’s “words won the peace.” 52. Historic Documents. One of the liberties listed in this: “No man shall be forced to perform more service for a knight’s ‘fee’…than is due from it.” 53. Singer/Actresses. This California-born woman won a Best Leading Actress Academy Award in 1988, when she had 2 top 20 hit songs. 54. Religious Words. This sacred syllable is sometimes said to be composed of sounds representing Vishnu, Shiva & Brahma. 55. World Geography. Of the 6 mainland African countries through which the Equator passes, this landlocked nation is last alphabetically.
  2. Kit Carson shout out! I wondered if Gabriel is required to wear a swim cap. I wanted to give Chandy a big shaking. What is it with female players who are afraid to bet for real in FJ, and during play they go up to the 200 clues while the boys are playing in the 1600 and 2000 end of the pool. If she had bet for real in FJ and got it, and Ryan did not, she would be the new champ. Probably best the way it worked out though, given her aversion for trying to win anything. TS Ted! and that photo was so clearly of a "ufo." Too funny no one even tried to guess that TS. For once, FJ was easy for me. A Brit who lived in Rhodesia used to call me in the middle of the night (daytime in Africa!) to talk about dogs. He said he lived in Rhodesia even though it was now called Zimbabwe. I looked it up on a map so knew it was south of the equator, so it had to be Uganda. Getting today's FJ kept me from tanking with another goose-egg week. Yeay me. Big props to Ryan for his $9,000 DD gamble. See, THAT'S how you play this game, Chandy.
  3. Thanks @WhoisMark. Yesterday's episode was preempted here so I went to your archive to play the game by myself. I looked up Sing Sing afterward to make sure it really was named that and that the player answered correctly. I have never had reason to doubt J-Archive before. I maybe was going to learn something new, always a good thing. But I never want to ever throw shade on J-Archive, it's such a valuable asset for fans. I still like my first and last prison name of Al Catraz though.
  4. Exactly. On J-Archive, the answer for the upstate New York prison was given as just "Sing." Was that what the player said? Or did Archive not add the second Sing? Or are prisons like people and just the last name can be given for a correct answer? It's sort of like that island prison in San Francisco Bay, Catraz, Al being its first name. Which is why I now feed round bales, those big five-foot-high monsters. The farmer brings them in with his tractor and drops them in the feed lot. I open/close gates for him. End of my part.
  5. My dream honeymoon was to drive to Maine, in October, for camping and hiking. I've sort of given up waiting, if it hasn't happened yet, it ain't gonna. Bright side, I ran the Maine category too, over at J-Archive.
  6. Oooh, Manet is my favorite painter. Well, besides Hopper. And fetlock ... my horse has four of those. I'm guessing The Last Dance was the Michael Jordan/Bulls docu-series. Man, it was some good teevee, even if you don't like b-ball. Because Jeopardy wasn't aired here, I read the FJ clue (at TJF.com) as "this SYMBOL ..." and I thought how can a word be a symbol. So I totally tanked. No way could I even come up with a bogus fake answer. And admit it, syllable looks a lot like symbol. At least it does early in the morning. Alex's Thanksgiving message was shown on the ABC news, so I got to see that. Heading to J-Archive to find today's clues!
  7. Hey, Happy Thanksgiving to all you Jeopardy turkeys out there. Long may you gobble.
  8. Jeopardy runs here on our local NBC affiliate out of Davenport, Iowa. Today we get a full day of Macy's not-parade and the dog show, then reruns of Macy's not-parade and dog show in prime time. I don't mind the dog show, of course, but I already know the winners having looked up the results a couple weeks ago. (Philadelphia Kennel Club) It is fun to see people I know, although entries were limited this year. Side note; Westminster KC that is always in NYC in February will be held in June 2021, outside, on Lyndhurst Estate in Tarrytown, New York. Only the top seven dogs in each breed will be allowed to enter. Dog shows are being held now in certain parts of the country with very strict requirements re: COVID, and no spectators allowed. One of my favorite sayings is "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!" When I was working at one printer, La Leche League was a client and I did paste up on many a LLL magazine.
  9. I have to say, @WhoisMark really is The Best. You rock, Mark. Thanks for all you do.
  10. I totally caught that and made a note to mention it here. I got a big laugh out of Ryan Gosling answering Ryan Gosling to a clue. I also wanted to add that Henry, IMO, looks like a (handsome) combo of Ryan Gosling and Nick Cage. I was sorry to see him go. I forgot to mention that rápido also could have been an answer for that Spanish adverb clue the day before. You know, instead of pronto. Same with ayunar. The photo category of PAWS yesterday ... I have to say that Border Collies seldom if ever have ticking, their legs are always white. I think sometimes this show gets its pictures from Eastern Europe or someplace weird. "White Ticked" is an AKC approved BC color but I've never seen a ticked BC ever, they always have white legs. And I've seen plenty of Border Collies. Side note: There is currently a competition going on as to how many words a dog can learn. The top five dogs are Border Collies, and word count is presently more than 100. The Lop breeds are my favorite rabbits. Go Henry! Cute and likes rabbits. TSs were Beat the Clock, League of Women Voters, slainte, Steve McQueen (so hot! and that movie is so good!) and bottom's up (I named a dog that once). Whitney Houston was a good FJ guess. Ha ha, another good wrong answer. I instantly said Barbra Streisand for FJ and was beaming at my brilliance after two days in a row tanking. I was so certain, I didn't even let AT finish reading the clue. Man, I've never been smarter. Then the real answer was revealed ... such a big DUH since Moonstruck is one of my fav movies ever. Today's intro was AT in Spartan outfit, which was last week's Thursday's intro. No Jeopardy for me tomorrow, it's preempted by some crummy DOG SHOW that no one anywhere ever wants to see. WTH network.
  11. I'm glad too. If I want to see COVID, I can look out my window. TV is for me to get away from RL.
  12. I know, right? (TM Emily) I'm stumped as to why they couldn't ride those horses somewhere other than around the resort sidewalks. And what's up with taking a dune buggy out into the blasting-hot desert to sit under some Arabian Nights tent. A helicopter ride is pretty COVID safe. But I guess the Entertainment Director this season thinks Lava Floor and Fake Pillow Fight is so hee-larious we don't need a puppet show, food trucks, tchotchke shopping, hiking, rappelling, bike riding ... It's like that resort is such an isolated hotbed bubble of COVID, those people aren't allowed to set foot off the property. Speaking of, I wish the room-service guy had been wearing a mask. Poor guy, if all the resort workers were quarantined there too. The show crew is all masked when we get a glimpse of them.
  13. Fabulous post, @Bliss. LOL at your bales no doubt weighed by the Canadian metric system. The boys I tossed bales with told me they were 50 lbs. and I figured if I could load 50-lb. bags of feed, I could toss a 50-lb. bale. They might have been spoofing me so I would keep working. We have a lot of the same background with cattle (love them), chickens, and in my case, sheep and dairy goats. My fondness for pigs dwindled a bit after dating a hog farmer. Insert your own joke there.
  14. I had a lot of questions about that clue/answer, which sent me on a search for other appropriate words. I think the problem is an adverb was asked for, and adverbs in Spanish are somewhat slippery. Fans of Speedy Gonzales know ándele and arriba, and I also think rápido works. But that's why I'm here and not writing Jeopardy! clues. Cormack McCarthy was a clue/answer not long ago. It pays to study up on answers that appear multiple times. At least this season the writers are giving Hamilton a break. I got the category of Farming easily since all I have to do is look out my window. I did LOL at the photo of the hay bale flying through the air, that was hilarious. As a side note, those bales are called "kickers" since the baler is set to "kick" them into the wagon. They are smaller and lighter than a typical 50-lb. bale. It also saves paying a bunch of high school kids to stack bales on a rack. This summer, one of the hottest days, I passed a field being baled, there were three guys on the rack the tractor was pulling, taking each 50-lb. bale from the baler and stacking them neatly on the hay rack. When that rack was full, they would get the "honor" of unloading and restacking all the bales in a barn somewhere. One time I bought hay out of the field at $3/bale, the farmer had the baler drop the bales on the ground. I drove to each bale and loaded them onto my truck. The farmer said he had some "$100 bales" in his barn, ones he stacked in there on the hottest day of the year. Sometimes you can find high-school football guys who want to chuck bales to keep in shape for sports. That's a real bonus when it's time to put up hay. "Of the big lake they called Gitche Gumee ..." That was hilarious that the EF was another clue. I'll bet it's not the last this season. @853fisher, I love your insightful and informative posts. Maybe because I have a tendency to digress myself.
  15. Well, give the girl credit for not saying, "It's, like, a lot." I've already posted what I thought of that scene. Ivan=10 Tayshia=Big Fat 0 Anyone who has no opinion about BLM, whether that person is Black or white, or about what happened to George Floyd doesn't exist in my universe. Happy Birthday @jade.black! Woo hoo! I remember we were both going on Arie's season. It was the show's loss that neither of us made it. We could have saved that season, and saved poor Arie. It was a LOL moment when Kimmel asked him if he was in his mom's bedroom. He sort of agreed. I wanted to know who all the pictures were. At least now I know how to spell Tayshia's name. I did not before, as proven by all my posts.
  16. Bennett was just on Jimmy Kimmel, taking a quiz via Zoom to make up for his "disaster" during this show's Junior High spelling/math quiz. He was SO cute and smart and funny. I'm really crushing on this guy now. The clip should be online tomorrow.
  17. This is as good as it gets for me. See you next Tuesday!
  18. Actually, next Tuesday IS my birthday. For real! Not looking forward to the Bennett/Noah showdown. I have no interest in that, since that also means Bennett is toast.
  19. I have no idea who that Black guy wearing glasses and black shirt/tie is who was standing next to salmon jacket, but hokey smokes, HOT! He's my pick for First Impression Rose because this is the first time I've seen him. Bye Doctor Joe. We hardly knew ye.
  20. Tayisha ragged on Ben last week because he was waiting for HER to come get HIM during the cocktail party, and she didn't like that. So she left the party w/o talking to Ben at all. She wants all guys to go after her full speed, not sit around waiting for her. So Ben was just going by her playbook.
  21. "Let's CHEERS! to our second rose!" Yeay! Cheers guys! Noah's rose isn't looking too healthy. Did Ed ever make it to Tayisha's room? Is he still wandering around out there, lost in the desert?
  22. Did we lose a day? This went from the 2 a.m. room crashing to an evening RC. WTH!
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