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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Why yes, today IS my birthday, how did you know? Heh heh. Actually, truth is, the greetings I got here is all I got for my birthday. It's a tough time of year for someone alone with no family ... Thanksgiving, birthday, Christmas, New Years, all just more days to me. I woke up this a.m. rather depressed, but being able to be outside on a sunny day, even if it was 30 degrees, and play some ball with the dogs perked me up a bit. I remember one year, I woke up and while coming awake, thought "Happy birthday to me." And that was my celebration that year. Some of my clients know my birthday, but none ever remembers. And I'm okay with that. Let's just say I'm used to it. The highlight of my day will be live posting The Bachelorette tonight. I am easy to please! LOVE your antique chest. Beautiful, and beautiful floor, too. You are a kind-hearted person. Actually, that chest would look pretty good in my house ... Hee hee!
  2. I thought of you when I came across this in Mr. Jennings' twitter yesterday. I couldn't download or find the gif, so here is the link. If you watch long enough, "something different" will pop in.
  3. Everyone has reported in, so now's the time to unveil the winner of Week 11. Because I could find no outstanding patterns, I resorted to my (empty) Anderson-Erickson French Onion Dip container that holds the number of every player. I shook it, I rattled it, I twirled it, and I mixed up all the numbers, then drew out Lucky Number 13, which translates to the player named ... ta da ... @GrannySmith. So congratulations GrannySmith, long-time player, first-time winner. Enjoy your week of glory, and may it not be your last.
  4. To all who were concerned and cared, my tv has all its channels today. A true birthday gift, from the tv gods to me. They just came back a bit ago. Good luck to @853fisher's friend today. As for the Laverne and Shirley theme, I could sing it when I was a kid and I can sing it now, a few years later, loud and proud. The younger set needs to watch less Netflix and more free channels that have reruns of these old shows. I could sing that theme song and all the words clear as a bell, then and now. "Hasenpfeffer Incorporated!"
  5. Still no NBC/Jeopardy channels today. Happy birthday to me for real. I did most of yesterday's clues on J-Archive, and got a laugh that @WhoisMark had Ben as Ben! exclamation point. I got all of the Yiddish category, but was sorry my favorite word, verklempt, wasn't there. Maybe it was in J6. Reading here, I seem to be the only one who knew Ann Proulx. I read her Close Range: Wyoming Stories before Brokeback Mountain was turned into a movie. And of course I knew Zane Grey. Although I liked Will James' books better than Zane's. I, too, would have bet the bank when I saw the FJ category, it was made for me. Then I saw the clue, and was all, oh, Spaceballs was later than 1975. So I had nothing, even though I saw all of the Python movies, including Holy Grail, more than once. But never would I ever have guessed that answer. Me = bankrupt. Naughty bits?
  6. Thanks @SoMuchTV. This happened before with the same network, I missed about a month of Jeopardy last year. For NBC to be fine all weekend and then go black today makes me think it's the station. When weather is affecting the antenna, channels will pixellate until I move the antenna. This makes me cranky, missing my fav tv shows for who knows how long.
  7. Just waiting for @Toothbrush to report in, then this week's WINNER can be announced!
  8. I did rescan, and all those channels are now gone, won't even show up in the directory. No more Jeopardy or the dozens of other shows I watch on those channels. Happy birthday to me.
  9. Agree that the Snickerdoodle clue stunk. I had no idea. Yeah, I know it's a cookie, but it's flavored with ... what. Go to the cookie aisle or where. It's suppose to rhyme with GRIN, so the only thing I could come up with, and what I yelled at the tv was ASPIRIN. Yeah, it should have said "flavored with this spice called ..." I've never made Snickerdoodles so have no idea of its ingredients. I loved that the first team got the $100,000 though. That rocked. I was wondering what someone who isn't familiar with Leslie Jones thinks of this show. She really is OTT. I guess most watchers are SNL viewers too.
  10. All the tv promos on all the days leading up to Sunday as well as my tv directory said a celebrity was going to win a million, but I'd never heard of David Chang so wasn't sure he was the winner. Until I looked at the clock and knew there was no time for a new contestant to get that far, so yeah, the show ruined the BIG SURPRISE that was no surprise at all. However, I did actually tear up when he won. It's been that kind of year. David is going to be on Kimmel's show tonight. Good thing he had that phone a friend since he thought two of those million-dollar answers weren't even presidents. Gah.
  11. No Jeopardy for me today. I rushed home from town so I wouldn't miss today's episode, but my antenna has dropped all NBC channels, can't get any of them to come in no matter where I put the antenna. Yeah, I even tried it there. Go ahead and feel sorry for me because I do. Crossing fingers tomorrow is better.
  12. Same here, which is why after I tell someone a story, I say, "Wait, haven't I told you that before?" Kind people will say no, but their eyes tell me that was (at least) the fourth time they'd heard it. It will be fun to see which episodes air, and if any player's memory kicks in for a couple perfect weeks. Don't count on me being one of them though.
  13. I had never heard of Ken Jennings or Brad Rutter, nor did I see any of their games. Jeopardy airs at 4:30 p.m. here, and I worked until 5. When we got flex time, I left work at 4 and was able to listen to Jeopardy on my car radio on the one-hour drive home. Who knows who the players were, I listened for the clues/answers only. The one and only time I heard about Jennings was on a day off when I was at a friend's house. At 4:30 she INSISTED we watch Jeopardy because some guy was on some hot winning streak and she had to watch. I guess that guy was Ken. I have no idea when Brad was on. Now that I work at home, I did see James' entire run and let's just say that out of the three in the GOAT tournament, he was my choice for third place. I do follow Ken on Twitter and find him clever, insightful and a lot of fun, and with a self-deprecating sense of humor. Much of it goes over my head, but that's why he's Ken Jennings and I am not. Once he replied to one of my posts and I about had a fangurl heart attack. As for the new host, I pity anyone who will be taking Alex's place. They will be raked online, which is why I won't go into the Alex's Replacement thread. Too much hate and vitriol. I will support whomever the show chooses as new host, because that is what Alex Trebek wanted. Plus it's not about what I want, it's that "the show must go on," and I trust TPTB to make that happen in the way that's best for them. Geesh, happy NOT happy anniversary to Ken today, I guess.
  14. Finally, some company. And my favorite kind, too!
  15. @DXD526, I had planned to stop the contest for those 10 episodes, but you make a good point. Let's go ahead and test our memory banks if they are episodes we've seen, and test our brains for any we've not seen before. I'd be all for everyone getting two weeks of fives, so let's keep the contest going, full speed ahead, until the last episode of Season 37. And good luck to everyone!
  16. @Mindthinkr goes slumming. Bless your heart!
  17. Yeay! Although so far my Table For One is literally a Table For One. So lonely here ...
  18. And so it being last in the alphabet was the second clue: "landlocked" and "last alphabetically." FJs typically contain two clues to point at the right answer. Hopefully, if you don't get one, you'll know the second. (Or not know either, which is more typically my case.)
  19. I was wondering if judges would give credit for former names so Zaire might be ruled correct. Then I looked at a map, and a tiny toe of the former Zaire touches the ocean. So, never mind. (Still, it was a good wrong answer.) Yes! Of course! I will perform a solo dance while you whip up something delicious. A typo, I know, but ha ha ha.
  20. Phil Hartman: "I'd be nothing without my beautiful wife Brynn." Me: "Ooooooh ..."
  21. I'm not sure that's legal, but then again, Utah.
  22. From the Aug. 18, 2019 LA Times: Coffee is still a no-go for Mormons even if you call it caffe or mochaccino. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has published new guidance that seems to be aimed at younger Mormons as a reminder that coffee-based drinks are prohibited. Forgiveness is granted. Abracadabra, eezy peezy! @lb60, is that you? A while back we had a discussion about what our most interesting interview topic would be if we ever got on the show. Based on that, I can't rank on anyone's interview, including Gabriel's. I just wish Alex would have asked him about the swim cap.
  23. As is certain a street in downtown Las Vegas. I didn't think not ever seeing a Stars Wars film or drinking coffee was such a big deal. Mormons don't drink coffee or anything with caffeine, and after seeing the first Star Wars at the second-run theater when I was in college, I never saw another. And I've never seen any of the Twilight saga, nor read any of the books. And I never took a drink of coffee until I was in my late 30s and a boyfriend showed me how to load it up with sugar and creamer so it no longer tasted like coffee. So I could have a real Never Have I Ever competition with Gabriel. Way to spoil my weak stab at his occupation of swim instructor.
  24. No asterisks this week. Side note: This week all boards were cleared of all clues every day. Not that it has anything to do with asterisks, but it is sort of an "asterisk" in itself!
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