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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I thought about @Prevailing Wind when I drove by this Official Roadside Attraction on Tuesday. The BW pic is what it used to look like; the color pic is now. Some things do not improve with age. This is Sauk chieftain Black Hawk, near Black Hawk State Park, Rock Island, Illinois. He used to guard a big shopping plaza. Now he's surrounded by ... nothing.
  2. OMGosh, the Curse didn't even occur to me when all three players missed the Emma Peale/Diana Rigg clue AGAIN this time. But yeah, that's def spooky creepy. *knock wood and spit into the wind*
  3. Alan had dark hair! So much this. I watch just to pass the time, have some fun, and to see you guys here every week. I really am not invested in or serious about any of the acts.
  4. Weak excuse, if you don't mind me saying so.
  5. Spyros vs. DanceTown. WTH, NONE of you? Talk about a harsh psych. I would have put both of them through if I were king. Broken Roots vs. Double Dragon. I guess Roots was the right choice, even though I HATED their Ring of Fire extravaganza at the Bates Motel last night. Brandon Lee vs. Thomas Day. Thanks, America, for kicking the lying-ass Ugly Sweater Boy to the curb. I hope he stays there. Jerk. Shakira vs. Roberta. Agree. Roberta is the better singer who doesn't have to rely on screeching to shout a song out. This show is SO SO SO much better without Simon and an audience. It's actually tolerable, and I figured out tonight that it's because of no Simon. Long may that last. OMG, it's the Audience Twins. Who the heck are these chicks, aunts of some PA or something? Dunkin: Alan beat Archie and Malik. Okay I guess. Then Archie beat Malik. At least I think he did, I sort of drifted off at the end.
  6. You actually saw the act high points on the results show. So, good choice of a time saver.
  7. LOL! Yes, this time Alan flew around on chains, so the judges commented "It's CHAINS!" You know, like we dumbass viewers couldn't tell he was hanging from chains instead of silks. It would have been funny if the judges said "We thought he quit to play football, wasn't he charging people money to see his football video?" when Ugly Sweater Boy came back (from the dead, apparently) to tell his fake Mommy-has-COVID story.
  8. I actually paid attention to names so can include those this time. Luckily, I made notes about each so I can tell which name belongs to what act. Double Dragon. I'm not a fan of these ladies, but they sure got a great video edit. Not sure they would be interesting or even sightly good if they were trapped on a stage without all the super-special editing effects. DanceTown. I liked their salsa routine from last time better than this jive, but still they were very good and entertaining and interesting to watch. Kudos to the videographer and costume designer. The set, costumes, background were beautiful, and editing was stellar. Made this act awesome. And GOOD ON THEM for wearing masks. There are enough maskholes in this country so it was nice to see professional dancers staying safe. Broken Roots. LOL they were at the Bates Motel. They should have been singing Ring of Fire. I thought this performance was cr*p. Loved them before, hated them last night. You dudes sucked. Spyros Bros. Hey, so they dropped a couple. I thought the act was stellar and fun and wow, they were at Hogwarts and got Disney fireworks tossed in for free. A-plus from me. That, plus the one bro was really funny in his after remarks. Score! Thomas Day/Ugly Sweater Guy (TM ams). WTH, now dude has a COVID excuse for last week? Big fat liar. He could have "phoned" it in last week if his COVID lie story was true. Everyone else managed to work remotely. My guess is, football got canceled so now he's all "Hey, what about ME?" I hope he gets kicked out and never heard from again. Hate him. Alan Silva. I could really do w/o hearing all the judge comments while he's performing. Are they suppose to make an act better? Cuz it's not working, show. And what was up with the "Portions pre-recorded" that flashed on the screen? Aren't all his "portions" pre-recorded? His kid's pre-act recorded portion made me tear up though, so there's that. Shakira. Just another AI singer who shouts a lot while supposedly singing, but that's what they all do now. *sigh* Brandon Lee. Oh, dude, he's going to beat my Archie. Malik the Drummer. I just don't like him for some reason. Archie. He was wearing one beautiful suit. 11-year-old singer. Battaglia something. She got the pimp spot last night. I really liked her, thought she was best of the night, for singers anyway. She has the pipes and style for Broadway, like that boy from last year. Broadway bound, baby! Meanwhile, Heidi's hair and outfit was exactly suited to me. Loved both, maybe because I would buy that outfit if I found it at Good Will, and my hair looks like that every day. So, yeay me.
  9. I either missed that or had forgotten about it. Or both, ha ha. I thought ocean sex originated with Ben Flapjack and that model chick whom he chose, but whose name I've forgotten. But maybe Flapjack's season was after JP's. Agree that this show hated JP, he got a cr*p edit during his season and a worse one the other night.
  10. That's not always a bad thing, unless you think it's Friday and turns out it's really Tuesday. That's a downer.
  11. In all seriousness folks, I dropped the ball on getting S36FJ prizes out because I didn't want to go to the post office. I'm pretty much freaked about going anywhere, and have been since March. I did go to the post office a few weeks ago and am still alive I guess, so I promise to get the prizes mailed, once the winners make their choices. And that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.
  12. Well, there's normal and then there's Abby Normal.
  13. He was wildly popular on the Bachelorette season he was on. I don't remember whose it was, but someone here will know. He was funny and handsome and popular with the other guys. I remember they did a western-movie (fake) shoot and JP was so funny in it. The other guys ribbed him about his accent and he was just so cool playing along with the jokes. TPTB picked him as Bach (I'm guessing) because he was a fan favorite, hot, plus OMG not a white dude from middle America so look how progressing Fleiss is. His accent is appealing, one has to admit. I had forgotten Andi was on his season. I try to forget Andi whenever possible. So thanks a lot show for bringing her back into my memory bank. Ugh. I didn't remember how beautiful Sharlene was/is. I kinda thought she was not "all that" on JP's season, but I remember her leaving because, while JP was her idea of hotness in bed, once that wore off, there was nothing to talk about. I can sympathize with her on that fact. I never hated JP and liked his season, although I did feel sorry for Nikki, who appeared so head over heels about him. JP is exactly like so many men I know ... their favorite line is, "You have the most beautiful eyes, I can see myself in them." JP has gotten through life by never having to do anything with women but cock his head like a puppy when they speak, to show he is listening (while not listening), using the tried-and-true hands-on-her-face seduction technique, being a good kisser, and telling all women "Ees okay" to make them feel it really IS okay. Because they want it to be. I don't know why Clare didn't leave after he said whatever it was to her in the helicopter. WTH Clare. That's on you. I did actually LOL when Clare left in a huff at the not-proposal (because he didn't choose her? After she was dissing him so badly, she still wanted that Neil Lane ring? WTH Clare.) and JP said, "Hooo, I'm glad I didn't pick HER." Then he tells Nikki "Don't get cranky" after he professes his like for her. Yeah, I know plenty of men like JP. This was one of the best seasons ever. So the recaps are ended and we don't get to see Chris Soules? I understand his season was KILLER. I thought Clare's season was already half done being filmed. Yet CH said they are going to start taping soon? What's up with that.
  14. Jeopardy! Season 37 is almost here. Yes, it's an amazing time! And continuing with the amazement is the new Season 37 Final Jeopardy Contest. Face it you guys, you know this is fun. I hope everyone from S36 will be back to play S37, and new players are welcome and encouraged to participate. There will be prizes awarded at the end of the season for a variety of winners, so if you score high, low or somewhere in between, your chances of bringing home a prize are excellent. Plus, it's FREE! And I promise prizes WILL be awarded. *cough* And asterisks will be back! If you know the answer to a FJ clue that stumps all three players, you'll get an asterisk for that day. And qualify for more prizes at the end of the season. It's a win win! FJ clues will be posted weekly, so even if you miss a day or two, you can catch up here. Then post your score for the week. I will give your post a "heart" once it's been recorded. Remember, this is all for fun. No finger pointing allowed! Discussion of FJ clues and answers is allowed though.** I hope to see lots of familiar and new avatars here, starting next week. Questions? Just ask! **Please: No comments or FJ discussion until the week's clues are posted and scores are posted. Late players thank you!
  15. Well, bless your heart Your Majesty. Your sweet treat was not needed, but it's nice to know I am needed. Yes, of course I will host the new Season 37 Final Jeopardy Contest! Although I need 30 lashes with a wet noodle (TM Lisa Loopner) because the certificates and prizes won in the Season 36 contest are still sitting here collecting virtual dust. I guess some other things have been distracting me from my Contest Host duties ... *ahem* I hope we get all our players back, and more. Everyone is welcome and participation is encouraged. Anyone can win a prize! ANYONE! (I'm looking at you, Reader.)
  16. No Jeopardy here today, Labor Day. Golf instead. Hope everyone is having a nice day, and none of you have to labor on Labor Day.
  17. Same here. No one asked the celebrity cake baker about who starred in any films about baking or who's on that Great British Baking Show, or whatever it's called. Plus "White Knights" isn't exactly all about tap dancing. I knew about the octopus-stuck-on-face story, I remember the news reports when it happened. I didn’t remember the victim was a woman, but I knew it wasn’t one of the twins. The vampire blood thing ... I couldn’t even watch that segment. Big no to that, show.
  18. I thought Terry said something about wild cards, so my vote is yes!
  19. I agree, it's braaahtwurst. But thinking about how Trebek pronounced it the naughty-sausage way, brAt, reminded me of the Bill Swerski’s Superfans sketches on SNL, those Chicago Bears fans would have said brAtwurst. And they did! Hear it about halfway through the below video when the waitress brings the brAtworst. Da Bears! Hoping for a Bratwurst category when @Clanstarling gets on Jeopardy so we have reason to throw shade. (As if we need a reason ...)
  20. I didn't hear Broadway Physics the first time either, but I agree with you, it would be a swell category. And I'll bet the writers could come up with plenty of clues, no problem. Speaking of hearing things for the first time on this rerun, I cracked up when Trebek pronounced that Wisconsin sausage treat as "brat," like "Your kid is a real brat." I'm near Wisconsin and love a good brat. Only we Midwesterners/Wisconsinites say brat with a soft a, like bra with a t on the end. I've been to more than a few braaah-t fests. But now I'm wondering if in other regions, and Canada, it's pronounced like a naughty sausage, "bratty."
  21. Agree. He's also talented with a burn. His Twitter posts are a bright spot in my day.
  22. I grew up in the Midwest, spent lots of time in the deep south, and Celina (and her clothes) wouldn't get a second look anywhere. I don't get why that's a sob story. Are females suppose to wear high heels and waist-length hair extensions to be "accepted"? My closet is full of Celina-esque clothes and no one has ever made fun of me. Not to my face, anyway!
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