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Everything posted by cynicat

  1. You're not alone. I thought she was an angry, bitter, nasty bitch looking for laughs by making fun of all fat people. I saw her as a 'mean girl' and didn't think her comments were particularly funny, in fact it was getting uncomfortable. And then Whitney walked in and made it all about herself, as if Kerryn was attacking just her. At that point the mood changed and it suddenly WAS about her specifically, opening the door for a full on fight. In that scenario, Kerryn was clearly more skilled at debate and Whitney was left in the dust.
  2. It makes me think of the Erin Andrews ordeal where a stalker took nude pictures of her in her hotel room. Some people thought she was overreacting, but I'm sure she felt exactly the same way you described.
  3. Also, even if I was 3AM stalking, I sure as hell wouldn't admit it.
  4. I feel like they're trying to imitate the harlem shake, but I'm not totally sure.
  5. Too bad, you could have had the 50 year old baby blue toilet that I just threw out in a remodel. Along with the blue sink, the blue tiles, and the yellow/blue geese border.
  6. I really like that ad. The Dad isn't made to look incompetent, it's just that the final word is from Mom which is kinda true to life in many cases. I think it's also because the little girl is so damn cute and she pulls it off.
  7. We've seen him with the hat off before although I can't remember which episode. IIRC he's totally bald/shaved under the cap. Not sure which one or if it's a combo bald and shaved.
  8. Hmmm, tough choice--do I want my butthole to smell like lemon verbena, passion fruit or citrus ginger?
  9. I agree, that genetics are a crap shoot. Unfortunately, you can't know at 32 if you won the genetics lottery. You only get that luxury retrospectively where at 90 years old you can brag about your unhealthy habits.
  10. I travel a lot for business, so I'm in hotels all the time. I leave $5 a day with a little thank you note and there have been many times when I got a very sweet note back!
  11. I read this too quickly and thought you were talking about Peeps.
  12. I caught a few episodes and have been trying to decide if it holds up. Overall, I think it does. When I was growing up, I was sure that high school would be exactly like that! I saw the episode you mentioned, and Aretha Franklin was amazing. Also if today, a guidance counselor told a student that college isn't for everyone, his parents would sue before the sun went down. Special snowflakes can do anything they want!
  13. I'm thinking the internship was created specifically for her, and there were no other candidates.
  14. Did he pour vodka into his coffee, or was that a cup of soda?
  15. I just quickly browsed that store and wow. That's a whole lotta crap. I can understand the clothing, in fact I think it's very smart on her part. The rest of the crap though, is going to end up as landfill. A power bank with Whitney's picture on it? Really? Oh, and Lenny is modeling some of the men's apparel
  16. I've seen places where all 3 are under one roof. We started calling them Kentucky Taco Huts.
  17. Rick Kitchen, I was on exactly the same path. Whenever she says, "how can you tell it's summer in Louisiana?" I immediately talk back to the TV and say "because it's 10,000 degrees outside."
  18. I find it hysterical that in meetings with high level executives and renown scientists, everyone to a person will virtually clap with glee and take big sniffs if there are scented markers at the flip chart. Myself included.
  19. I hate to tell you this, but a machine like this already exists in hospitals. I give to you Cubex
  20. Looks like we have the answer about Prince. He died of an opioid overdose http://www.reuters.com/article/us-people-prince-idUSKCN0YO25V
  21. I wouldn't say this is a favorite, but it does make me smile. I may need to work "Booger McBoogerson" into my daily conversation. Or at least use it against my older sister.
  22. Yes, to every comment on here about two completely self-absorbed dimwits. My burning question in all of this: who is taking all the pictures?
  23. Cute, but it will never beat Kitten Mittons:
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