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Everything posted by ouinason

  1. The tweet that KM's mom wrote about why she is on leave seems weird to me. Like, it sounds like an excuse. Perhaps KM didn't want to abide by the mask rules and the PTB put their foot down and suspended her for the two weeks. Or maybe she was seen out around town without one and they refuse to take a chance on it. I'm not saying this is fact or anything, but the ... defensive tone of that "we don't know why they insist on two weeks quarantine" is weird.
  2. Dante pushed hard for a divorce, so I don't see him getting on Lulu's case for having a relationship, but I DO see Olivia pushing and pushing and PUSHING him to get back with Lulu.
  3. That's totally true. If Sonny and Jason were gone tomorrow, the entire Mob would be over. There are no other main cast mobsters at all except the two of them. Even the people who were in it are out (Julian and Ava).
  4. I was reading an earlier post about "The Old Guard" changing the race of a character from the comic to better fit the actress that was cast and it reminded me of something that probably bothers me more than it should. I think that a lot of people in the entertainment industry think that Asians are interchangeable. A quick example is that Fresh off the Boat cast a Korean descended actor as a Chinese man. I mean, I'm a white woman and I noticed right away that Randal Park (besides having a Korean family name) wasn't Chinese. I have no idea why this has continued to bug me for so long, I just feel like there are HUGE cultural and even some physical differences between Asians and you can NOT cast Vietnamese people as Japanese and you also can NOT cast a Philippine as Thai. These are very different people. It's like casting someone Italian as Swedish and expecting it to be "close enough". Either cast people that are actually ethnically similar as these characters, or don't make the character so ethnically distinctive. Obviously Louis on FOTB is based on a real person. So, you know, cast a Chinese actor.
  5. No way would Sonny risk using Carly's business for his illegal shit. She could up and divorce him at any second. Also, Carly wouldn't want to let him be involved in her business for the same reason. Look how well it worked out when she and Jax divorced.
  6. They would get married and then a house would fall in on them. Also, I'm still patiently waiting for Sasha to OD or something. She's the last one standing of all of Michael's exes. I firmly believe that Nelle will survive long enough for them to somehow hatesex their way into another child or another marriage, or both.
  7. Is it a carriage though? It looks like a generic cart that stuff can go in. There is nothing "girl" about that thing.
  8. Morgan and Lauren SHOULD HAVE gotten remarried, rigged a paternity test to show Morgan as Avery's daddy (which I still think is true) and then gotten custody and run off with her.
  9. I don't understand how Ava thought that putting Morgan in a state of mind that made it more likely that he would accidentally or psychotically harm her daughter would somehow protect her. Like, putting someone in danger to protect them from danger is moronic. Sleeping with Morgan when he was with Lauren, Ava's own fault. Faking her death and leaving her child to think she's dead and then showing up as some "aunt" and confusing the shit out of her, Ava. Tampering with Morgan's meds, all Ava's own doing. Revealing her sleeping with Griffin and tanking her sexual harassment suit, all on Ava. Now, some of the blame is obviously on Lauren too, but a significantly smaller amount. And really I put most of the responsibility of nurturing a healthy relationship between parent and child on the parent in general. I mean, it's not like there was no justification for Lauren being pissed off with her mother. She didn't just wake up one day and decide that Ava was a bad meanyhead. Now, siding with Sonny about Avery in any way prior to Morgan's death was some grade a bitch bullshit, but after that? I can see there being some reason for Lauren to be all "OMG how could anyone trust this woman with a child?" Especially since Avery lived with Morgan, which put her in proximity to the crazy that Ava was nurturing there, and with no ability to understand or defend herself if something happened. Just like with Mike, when Ava lost her shit about him being around Avery. You put her in that same position woman, so take it down just a notch (not that she was entirely wrong, but a bit hypocritical).
  10. Yeah, it's hard to feel sorry for Ava when she does things to herself. The unfair BS, sure, but the fire and scars and her shitty relationship with Lauren was all her own doing, so she can twist.
  11. Peter's maternity hasn't been established because Anna doesn't want to know. She remembers giving birth to him, and it makes no biological difference, so she sees herself as his mother no mater what, and Robert is pretty pissed at her about it. She also hasn't told Peter that there is a question there, which is pretty shitty of her. I mean, sure, she thinks she's the better option as a mom, but after everything that has happened a little honesty would probably serve everyone better. But, you know, TFGH.
  12. Franco was definitely a bit much in the beginning, but I don't think I would define it as stalkery. I mean, he needed to take several steps back at certain points, but I never got the impression that he was menacing or anything, though the show did go to lengths at times to frame him in that way to amp up tension and red herring him as a suspect in serial murders... twice. That bothered the shit out of me actually. Like that creepy ass elevator scene where they played Liz as absolutely terrified of him for like half a minute and then it was fine. That is terrible. I do like Friz, but I find it sad that this relationship is the longest lasting one that she's had, and that this is her longest marriage as well. Poor Liz couldn't catch a break for decades, and the one time she has it's been sort of an anxiety hammering ordeal for a good chunk of time. I'm actually glad that they are basically back burner for a while because the minute they get front and center, people start dying.
  13. I know that they aren't popular here, but Franco and Liz moved pretty freaking slow. They had their first date in June and their first time in January. That's glacier.
  14. The biggest impression that I got from Jana's Father's Day post was that Jim Bob, once upon a time, actually pushed strollers like one of us heathens who have not yet found the holiness to leave that to the womenfolk as god intended.
  15. Terribly unpopular opinion... The Office and Parks and Rec were not funny.
  16. Playing it straight, BSG. Playing it for laughs, Farscape. Playing it for WTF crazy, Lexx.
  17. It's super weird that you can't find apple jelly. I buy the store brand one at Kroger all the time, though I haven't looked recently to see if it's affected by the pandemic.
  18. Hey now, Zuko talked out of turn! He needed to be put in his place!! Really though, screw that guy. I agree that Shaun's parents on "The Good Doctor" are serious crap, but I think that Park Shi On's parents from the Korean "The Good Doctor" were actually worse. Hare to imagine, but damn. I was watching "The Great" last night and Peter tells his aunt that he had a dream about his mother eating a chunk of his flesh (fever dream after being poisoned) and her response was "she only did that once, and it was a small piece", so... yeah.
  19. Somewhat connected. I think that Stargate SG-1 was better in season 9 and 10 with Claudia Black and Ben Browder than it was in the couple of seasons before that (barring a few good episodes). It was really getting stale.
  20. Jamie Bamber is so hot that I'm pretty sure the entire "Fat Lee" mini arc on Battlestar Galactica was simply the show trolling all of the drooling fans. Apparently we were supposed to be watching for plot or something.
  21. You would think they would do more services each week to help get more people into the church more often. Getting out of the habit of attending church is a problem that many preachers have with membership. You get used to staying home on Sunday morning and you don't really feel the urge to go back. Even good Christians can fall into that.
  22. Canceling SA isn't in the cards, but not supporting them and giving your donations to a different organization is a good idea if you don't agree with their policies. I prefer Lighthouse Ministries (or did, when I was in Tampa) to either SA or Goodwill. I don't care for the SA and I think Goodwill keeps a stupid percentage of their money.
  23. Or maybe Jill got this cool stuff for her kids and is excited to share.
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