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Everything posted by ouinason

  1. See, I agree that kids are not sinners for behaving badly as toddlers and preschoolers, so on that point Jessa is wrong. But... children are sociopaths. They just are. People aren't born with love in their hearts and compassion and caring. All of these good traits are taught as they grow. babies don't understand that the toy belongs to someone else so they can't have it. They don't know that hitting is bad, or that they are supposed to care for other people's feelings. It's all learned behavior. And that is ok. That is why children aren't baptized in a lot of churches before the age of 7, and it's why there aren't baby jails. We learn as we grow that certain behaviors are bad, are sins even, and we reflect that we did bad in ignorance and we repent that. I know for a fact that I bit my mother when I was a baby and wouldn't unclench until she nipped my arm and startled me into it. I didn't know better then, now I do and I feel bad (admittedly not very) for it now.
  2. Beauty is, KT isn't going to stick around, she only ever pops in for a bit here and there. So, Julian can get the heart attack moment and then be dad to offscreen kid, because Birt isn't an asshole like Olivia. Again, I just thought the reveal would be funny. Not actual having another baby on the show.
  3. Quick, when did Brit bang Julian? Odds on a surprise? I mean, Brit was super devastated that she had to give up Ben, so I could see her getting pregnant on purpose the first chance she got not being on the run with creeper dad or in jail. I mean, I doubt it, but that would be funny as hell.
  4. He was cured of being a serial killer, being a terrible person is a whole different issue.
  5. Maybe the Joe/Kendra announcement is purposefully on Joy's due date to funnel attention from her so she can have a little more privacy. As far as the "B" on the address thing goes, there are times when more than one building or more than one family are at a single address and splitting it into "units" is practical.
  6. Is it bad that I feel a tiny zing of glee every time I think of the WCTH uber "Halmark" fandom's reaction to DL's gay actor character on the Rookie? I feel like a bad person, but then again, hehehehe. He could not have picked a more opposite character and audience.
  7. With Friz, as with most of my fav saop couples, I'm just going to skip the fuck out of this stupid story. Every couple has a clunker or five over the years, and I have serious doubts that this bs is going to tank them. If him skipping out on their wedding didn't do it, I doubt something like this will.
  8. David looks about as in charge of that family as the kids do. And just as terrified.
  9. we all knew the public reason for KM being off set was bs anyway. KS and FF have always brought out the absolute worst in each other, whether they are paling around or being hateful to each other. I am not surprised by anything either of them does anymore, especially with the other around and feeding into it.
  10. None of the Quartermaines have raised any of their children, except Tracy with Dillon. It was all boarding schools and other people's hard work. Come to think of it, most of the parents on this show are super hands off, not even because the kids are off screen, just because they suck. Lulu, Maxie (with James) and Liz are the only actual parenting parents on the show. ETA: Alexis was, but her kids are grown.
  11. Yeah, 3 other shareholders sold out. I think Lila might even be of age and done it herself. BL isn't all to blame, but she is right there, eating their food, not paying rent, keeping it a secret and generally being a pain in the ass, so I get Ned lashing out. AFAIC Sam is the real asshole here. And it's a good thing she isn't Jason's POA cause she would have signed over anything he owned the second he lost consciousness. Good call bro.
  12. Who's shares is Val trying to buy off of Sam? Scout's? Does she really have the authority to sell her daughter's inheritance? That sounds sketchy as fuck.
  13. I guess Sam has no faith in her relationship being able to last. It would make me sad for her, but she did it to herself. Also, have these people never heard of Skype? or Google Hangouts? Or Facebook Messenger? If the entire fucking world can go into quarantine than these two morons can deal with limited contact for a short period of time.
  14. Yeah, have to admit my first reaction was "so glad Brook hasn't been in any pairings" because you know they would have written it in. I'm still surprised that they didn't write in ER's last pregnancy as some kind of "Miracle". Happy about it too.
  15. Yay for AS. Happy news is always appreciated, but damn if we don't all need some good vibes these days.
  16. I admit that as a teenager I watched EVERY soap. I had multiple VCR set ups to record all three networks every day. I was a mess in the mid 90's over these shows. HOWEVER, those crazy ass fans made me embarrassed to admit to watching.
  17. If anything, Spencer's name should have been Mathew Stefan then maybe Spencer or Laurence for Laura or something.
  18. I always hate Carly tons less when she's not around Jason and Sonny. Well, she's never really not all about Jason, but her years away from Sonny helped a lot.
  19. OMG, if Joss started looking up to Brenda as some kind of role model, or even just liked her, Carly would EXPLODE!
  20. I laughed at Jason's response to that comment about Janna because of course her followers think that they know every single detail about her life and are in the perfect position to judge. Although now I'm sad that they DO read all of these shitty, mean spirited comments. That's, like, the first rule of being "famous", don't read the comments, or the forums.
  21. I admit to being a bad person when it comes to mask wearing. I have tried several masks and I just can't breath properly or keep the bridge of my nose covered properly so that my glasses don't get fogged up. I went grocery shopping yesterday and had to wander the aisles with no glasses even though I'm legally blind. I ended up describing the stuff I wanted to my husband (who cannot shop to save his life) and hope for the best. As soon as I can hit the parking lot and in my car that mask is ripped off and I am gasping for a full breath. I have straight up bailed at the checkout line because I can't stand it one more second and booked it to a isolated outdoor spot to take the damn thing off and take a few breaths. I have even pulled the damn thing away from my face slightly to pull in air on occasion. Like, I understand that these are bad behaviors with the mask situation, but I have no idea how to get around it without having a panic attack or passing out. It's freaking embarrassing. And those little wires in the mask do not really help, because when I get them settled properly they block my lower visual range and make me move my glasses to the end of my nose, which makes it much harder to see. And whining about masks is totally ridiculous under the circumstances, but Lord forgive me, I am fit to cry about the whole mess. Like, are there masks that aren't so confining that are still protective? Will this annoy me less when it's not freaking 90 degrees in INDIANA for goodness sake!!? (I for real moved away from Florida so that I would not have to deal with this heat BS and we don't even have AC up here in midwest yankee hell). Grumble, grumble, premature old lady bitching.
  22. As much of a little shit as Spencer is, I am always grateful that he's one child that Carly couldn't successfully steal. I can't even imagine what John Jacks would have been like. /shiver.
  23. I think that person is confusing being unapologetic about who you are with owning your actions. Carly owns who she is and has given up trying to change or feel guilty about that, which is a good and strong character trait. However, she hand waves her BS and pretends that she has already made amends, or she was right so it doesn't matter. That is shitty selfish character trait. Now, Carly has admitted that she was wrong about certain things, but not to the people that she hurt. She admitted she was wrong about AJ, but said it to Jason after AJ was already dead by her asshole husband. She admitted she messed up with Tony, to Bobbie, long after he had died. But she would die in a fire before she ever admitted wrongdoing to the victims of her actions.
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