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Everything posted by magdalene

  1. Alice is not too bright, is she? Her great escape was so badly planned and executed. Somebody has got to kill her awful husband before the series ends. For this to be on any level satisfying drama he has got to die. Ralph and Madeline plumbed such depths and the slippery Maharaja screwed them over. Ouch! I felt sad for Ian and he started drinking again. Also ouch!
  2. I never cared for Susan what's her name, she always came across like a dingbat to me - but now I lost respect for Viggo Mortensen.
  3. If - hopefully - Trump loses Pence will probably run for president in four years. He is not going away. When that was the thing to do his ilk would burn women at the stake. And pray fervently while doing so.
  4. "Orange Hitler" seems perfectly apt to me. Like Hitler Trump has had the uncanny ability to bamboozle and brain wash a lot of people. Like Hitler Trump is a racist and xenophobe who is playing to the worst in people. And he already seems to have part of the FBI ready to do his bidding. It's not that big a step from a Trump presidency to how the Nazis rose to power in Germany.
  5. Too late for me. I watched Bill Maher and I need to get drunk now.
  6. CNN is saying that Hillary is no longer at 270, which made my stomach drop. Then I remembered what a ratings whore CNN is and how Republican biased they have become. Most watch more dog vids on youtube....
  7. The FBI being right-wing and maybe corrupt doesn't surprise me. They have a rather dubious history of being biased towards the right. Didn't they go after "commies" during the fifties? And isn't it the "glorious" fifties the average white male who has a hard-on for Trump wants to go back to? I always laugh when some old white guy complains about being "persecuted" and "powerless" now. Some white men are so used to having all the power that having to share it with other than white men makes them feel "small". As to the FBI - maybe they ought to spend more time hunting terrorists and less time going after political targets like Hillary Clinton.
  8. So how does this ratings decline compare with the decline that is usual for the show after its season premiere episodes? Did it lose more audience than normal for them?
  9. magdalene

    S07.E02: The Well

    Well, I was ready to give up on this show after last week but I decided to watch this Carol episode and by the end of it I was loving Ezekiel and his awesome Tiger. Ezekiel is smart, wily and funny - and he hasn't lost his humanity. Plus, he was actually able to help Carol a bit. I am sure the assholes who run this show are going to kill off the tiger in no time flat but I was so pleasantly surprised last night that for now I will be watching the Ezekiel scenes and skipping all the Negan crap.
  10. Nods. I am so disappointed in CNN. I expect biased "news" from Fox, because they are Fox. But CNN has really declined in standards and quality and their election coverage has been favoring Trump for months now.
  11. I am not surprised this series was canceled. Personally I would rather not watch a show that humiliates and degrades its female characters like this. I am spending all my time watching and feeling horrified for Alice and now poor Madeline. The series looks gorgeous but the moral rot is just too much for me.
  12. Considering how much US pace viewers dislike Ross already right now I am wondering how much they are going to dislike him once he forces himself on Elizabeth and cheats on Demelza?
  13. Nobody knows that Caroline did this but the banker she arranged it with - so she is not "scoring points with Dwight".
  14. I love Caroline, looks of a porcelain doll, soul of a dainty bad ass, and the Poldark's Christmas fairy.
  15. This show has quickly become my little Sunday night escape. Another charming episode and the brats are growing on me - like weeds, heh, heh.
  16. Completely off-topic: I like these new Trump nicknames so much more in comparison to calling him an Orangutan - which was so unfair to these lovely and gentle primates.
  17. I have always suspected that some of those people you see on TV claiming to be still undecided voters are really Trump groupies playing possum. Or attention whores angling to get into a focus group. Or lazy and/or just not very bright. Because it's not like the two options are so much alike that you really would have to ponder "hmm, which way to go..."
  18. I don't buy it. I think it's much more likely that his political affiliation biased him against Hillary to begin with. When he couldn't make criminal charges against her he decided to give her a verbal spanking for being "a naughty girl". Which is certainly not in his job description. Then when these e-mails were brought to his attention he decided to stick it to her right before the election. I read he went against what his boss wanted and I hope he ultimately loses his job over this.
  19. Maybe it's time to appoint a different director of the FBI? Maybe somebody who actually does their job without using their job to advance their political agenda? You know, I never even knew the name of the FBI director before all of this. I'll certainly remember it now. I worked the entire day with a bunch of Trump supporters who told me what a wonderful man "so misunderstood" and "populist" he is. Gag. I lost a lot of respect for some people in my life over the last year.
  20. If you were unfamiliar with the source material and/ or the old show and if you bought into the Ross/Demelza romance hook, line and sinker the Ross/Elizabeth sex would of course be very awful. I remember as a child watching the old show I felt terrible for Demelza because Ross cheated on her. I had little sympathy for Elizabeth who I thought was a cold fish, and even less sympathy for Ross. Especially if one is watching this like a romance - cheating being one of the big no-no's in the genre. And the whole dubious consent factor of the sex makes it all extra squicky. Luckily for me I never held Ross Poldark on a pedestal - because he sure would have fallen off it then. I continued to love Demelza but I never shipped Ross and Demelza again. I transferred my shipping onto Dwight/Caroline, ha, ha.
  21. Pretty good show tonight - and Bill was so happy about landing "the big one".
  22. The Trumpster is saying that today's e-mail crap is Hilary's "Watergate". Pardon me while I go and throw up.
  23. Comey had to do this now?? I find that highly suspicious in its convenience for Trump. Isn't there a rule that the FBI is not supposed to make rather vague - at this point - statements of this sort that can influence an election? Yes, there is a 60 day before an election rule and he did this a bit more than a week before the election. Makes me want to grind my teeth.
  24. Nods. Ralph is certainly the most interesting character of them all to me.
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