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Everything posted by MostlyC

  1. I, too, am bitter about the lack of Shirtless Oliver (and getting Dig and Ray shirtless is an inspired idea). And...Salmon Ladder, how I miss thee.
  2. Surprised The Author took the ink and went to Rumple. Mirror World next week, but I like Barbara Hershey as the evil queen mother. The two actresses have fun chewing scenery together.
  3. Didn't they already say a couple episodes back that it was Arkady's connection to the ship is that he owns it? CBS, your promo department seems a few bullets shy of a clip these days.
  4. Fellow Bitterness-ers! A gentle reminder that THIS IS A SPOILER FREE THREAD. We are not allowed to be bitter about an episode that has NOT YET AIRED. Ahem. If you wish to talk about spoilers, there is the oh-so-loquacious Spoiler Thread discussion. Trust me, the spoiler-disccusion-folk talk a green streak at the speed of an arrow. Pray continue (in the right thread).
  5. Sheesh! I go away and in my absence you post 18 pages worth of posts? Have mercy! I owe the nice and wonderful mods who covered for me in my absence about a trillion dollars worth of drinks. I said, "it's just one episode, there's no way they will post that much. I'll even pay ya per page." Thank you wonderful wonderful mods: Stacey, Lisin, and Silverstormm! Your checks are in the mail, and drinks are on me for the next trillion dollars. I may not even have to watch the episode now, after reading your 18 pages of your posts. I don't know if I should be terribly terribly proud of you, or terribly terribly worried.
  6. Hello Once Upon a Timesters! This is just a nudge to remind that is the thread for All seasons, and All places. Not Just Season 4. In fact, there are character threads, and episode topics (for season 4). Let us try not to "Cross the Streams" while we cross over into different OUAT places and discuss all the seasons.. Great. I just crossed the streams by going off topic to quote Ghost Busters while still talking about UOAT. Pardon me while I go warn myself.
  7. Is this a tongue twister, or a call to the Candyman?
  8. ....And you have hit 500 pages. It only seems a little more than a year ago when this baby thread was born. It's growing so fast. Is it dusty in here? sniffle Congratulations People! Here's to the next 500 pages!
  9. I am curious and spoiled enough to ask the question here, but do you guys think Oliver and Felicity will get back together post Nanda ParBAt, or do you think it will be chalked up to a desperate hook up because they were about to lose each other forever (or as long as forever is on a cw show)? TPTB are a bit vague and I am not sure if we have any concrete, irrefutable, evidence for the end of the season. What do you guys think?
  10. small voice I'm a Wardemptionista. He'll never be a goody two shoes like he was, but I think if they Tahiti him, why not let him come back full time? Stranger things have happened in the Marvel Universe. And he has nice abs. ducks tomatoes
  11. "The field of fire of a weapon (or group of weapons) is the area around it that can easily and effectively be reached by gunfire. The term field of fire is mostly used in reference to machine guns." But then there is fun with Google!: A Major Battle from GoT, An Australian tv show, A Corey Hart cd, A board game, A paintball experience Or an episode from Deep Space 9? I kind of wish it was a corey hard cd, because the idea of Sam, Callen, Hetty and Granger trying to sing an angst filled 80s cd with a straight face could be more than hilarious. What would you choose?
  12. Cruella becomes road kill. Damn, now I feel bad for her.
  13. Hey, we have an awesome relationship, you guys and I. I want it to be as lovely as it has been, so: If it is spoilerish or a spoiler, please put it in the spoiler bars (or go to the spoiler discussion). And Buffy the Vampire Slayer was a great show- and it has it's own topic where you can talk about it. Here, we discuss the Arrow relationships.
  14. Some of the more recent posts belong in character threads. Be mindful when you post here.
  15. Some actors I know (who have played seriously EVIL characters) said Hilter supposedly liked Dogs and Children. They take whatever shred of good that is in them, and build the character from there. The while supremacist characters (NOT the actors) don't think they are evil; they think they are right. shiver. Needless to say, it must be a tough job for the actors.
  16. GUESS WHAT?!!? 1) I have just hidden/deleted a ton of posts that belong in the Flash Episode Thread from Last Night (yes, even the post I am quoting). Yes, even articles that talk about the Flash and Felicity/Ray/Cisco go there. b) I don't believe there has been confirmation if Laurel/Barry meet up. And if it has, it's hasn't been aired yet so it belongs in the Spoiler Discussion Thread. iii) People like Laurel, so please respect their opinion, even if you think they are wrong. It is okay to agree to disagree. (Shocker: Some people like Felicity too!). d) Please stay on topic 5) Do you want us NOT to watch the episode? You can use the RC to report, and we like that you do, but MUST you do it during the episode? I might miss a fernlicity sighting, and maybe some Arrowmance moments!, Sob! Waaaah! Someone pass me the kleenex.
  17. Lovely People, Many of you are veering off topic. There are several non-spoilers here, that belong in character and other threads. I've already posted about this, and you are making me a sad, butter, cranky Mod. I don't want to be cranky. So....going forward, off topic posts are going to be deleted. Courage people! It's only 8 hours until the show!
  18. Posts that start with "I hate [insert character here] should not be here- it should be taken to a character thread. Hating characters is not spoilery. In many cases, it's public knowledge who hates or loves which character on the Arrow Topic. What, you think we don't read all the posts? Dun dun DUN /cue scary music
  19. Felicity's interactions with Cisco On the Flash does not belong here. It belongs in the Flash Episode Discussion. Further off topic posts will disappear in a......Flash
  20. So....who do you think is bringing home the Beacon? Will they fry it up in a pan?
  21. There seems to be some confusion about where to post, given the upcoming episode. We have determined that for now: Do you want discuss the Flash episode this week with Arrow Characters, then it belongs in the Mind Your Surroundings topic OR the individual character topic for that particular character (with spoiler bars if you feel it might be spoilery). Other examples: Do you want to talk about Laurel's development in what happens on the Flash Episode? Then it goes in the Laurel character topic. If you want to talk Laurel and Cisco's scenes and interactions? It goes into the Flash Episode thread. You want to talk about Wells? Or Barry and Iris: The Flash Thread. Should you want to talk about the two shows coming together for the "Spinoff Kick Off," then it belongs in The Spinoff topic. Please note that there is a whole Flash Episode Topic and Thread in The Flash Topic where most conversation about The Flash episode should occur. It does not need to be discussed at length here on the Arrow forum. If you have further questions, PM me or one of the other Amazing Arrow Moderators (who are Just. That. Cool).
  22. Just a quick reminder that characters on Flash belong in the Flash topic (unless they are actually showing up on an Arrow episode).
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