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Everything posted by MostlyC

  1. must....not....quote...song. Ah, to hell with it. Sing with me: "Shot Down (DOWN!) in BLAZE of GLORY!!!"
  2. It's almost impossible to be bitter about my favorite crush Liam Neeson, so if you're going to talk about him and his acting, take it to Mind your Surroundings. grumbles sotto voce: Bitter about Liam....sheesh!
  3. Here is my wild speculation about season 3. Because I have a crazy over the top imagination: The series picks up two or three years later. The musketeers come home from the war. In the meantime, Milady has become a spy for the Duke of Buckingham (the new big bad)- and sometime lover. The Duke is also having an affair with Anne, because she thinks Aramis is dead, so why not? Athos comes home to Milady back to her old tricks, and is furious that she slept with someone else. Lots of misunderstanding about Athos being late..and they sleep together at least once. Because, they have mad chemistry. Aramis comes back and is devastated that Anne is in love with someone else. Of course, upon learning that Aramis is alive, Anne pines for him and vice versa (and eventually baby #2). Porthos get to be bad-ass and gets lots of secret missions. Louis is still a foppish jerk (still not happy about the signing the execution of his fine). Curious to see what others speculate. We've got like 9 months or so to kill.
  4. Is there going to be a third season? Yes. Those two have mad chemistry. Annoyed about Aramis. I get why he's going to have to avoid the queen, and that he did the whole bargaining thing with god, but if my semi-catholic upbringing serves, god doesn't bargain. Nevertheless, atoning for his sins in a monastery is certainly a common thing. I am guessing that this is will explain his celibacy for the rest of the series? He mentioned about his Love for the queen, and not in a duty to my country kind of way. And practically speaking, better to have an heir than not, since the show has hinted at the King firing blanks (as it were). But the shipper in me hopes for more Anne/Aramis angst and stolen kisses. Because the king is an idiot, and he signed the death warrant rather than even bother to talk to his wife.
  5. If nobody else is going to post it: http://tvline.com/2015/03/20/ncis-los-angeles-season-6-video-densi-sex-machine/
  6. I am trusting you all to not post until the episode has aired. I would hate to regret this action, especially since I did not lock the thread for the last new episode.
  7. I want Ashley to medal. This might be the best shot she has.
  8. Let us be wary of making sweeping statements. I am certain that there are Laurel fans out there, and some post here.
  9. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and everyone must politely respect other people's posts/opinions on this board. If one is unable to be polite, then there's a lovely ignore button that I would encourage one to use. Agree to disagree and move on.
  10. Meh- I am happy for the actress of course, but I'm not sure I'm thrilled that her character is coming back. I like it that the cast is (relatively) small.
  11. Please STOP repeating your sentiments. If you've said it once, you don't need to say it over and over and over and over again. Also, we know that many people don't like Ray. You do not need to repeat yourself again and again and again and again and again. We don't want to have to add a NO BASHING RAY policy to the forum, but if this continues we might have to.
  12. Since the answer is always "...because, script," I'm just going with the flow and loving it. The interactions between Zoe and Lemon, Lavon and Wade- how adorable AB and George are (even if their romance was rushed) and the quirkiness of the town, and Brick's birthday silliness. It looks like it's the end of the show, and if the threads are not being tied up neatly, I'm enjoying the sprightly fun of people getting their happy ending. It's a nice antidote to the other more popular (but infinitely depressing) shows that I watch.
  13. Oh Lexa, that was cold. I don't see Clarke forgiving you any time soon.
  14. Sacré bleu! Mais ils survivront pour combattre un autre jour? Plaisanterie.
  15. Night on Bald Mountain. Mussorsky rules! This Fantasia bit scared me to death as a kid. LOVE it! Could Disney not afford the rights to use the actual music?
  16. Please keep in mind, this is a topic for discussion of the Nanda Parbat episode. It's fine if you didn't watch it; however, it's about episode discussion, so there's only so much you can add to the conversation. If you'd like a recap, please tune in tomorrow for the site recap on Previously.TV.
  17. A reminder: This is a spoiler-free thread. The Bitterness thread where you talk about how much you don't like what has happened IN THE PAST on Arrow. By definition, spoilers are things that HAVE NOT YET AIRED. Ergo, it does not belong here until AFTER the spoiler has ceased to be a spoiler.
  18. The discussion about those who have screened future episodes does NOT belong in the Media thread. They are spoilers and should be discussed in the Spoiler Discussion thread. Further Posts will be deleted.
  19. See, Neil in his undies for the Tonys would have played much, much better. The Oscar crowd tonight seems determined not to have any fun. I wonder why.
  20. Me too! I thought that was....wait for it....awesome! That song makes me smile- makes me think of some good friends because it's practically our theme song. I think Michael Keaton is chewing nicotine gum because he can't go outside for a smoke.
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