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Everything posted by MostlyC

  1. We did shots to celebrate Ollie smiling. And then saying... "I'm happy." Then I fainted. When I came to, I wondered if it was a dream. Or a concussion.
  2. Thorrry about the delaay in re....re....reopening thish topic. We mods may haf been drinkling....just a weeee bit. Oliver smiling broadly was swoon worthy.....so we all did shots to celebrate. We did shots to celebrate every time: someone pulled a gun or a knife, when anyone held back tears, when Nyssa looked terrific....Oh hell, we just did shots. OllieDiggle Bromance. sniffle. There's your porsche scene into the sunset people!
  3. This is the ceremonial Locking Of The Spoiler Discussion Thread! Come with me while we wear black and mourn the passing of another season of Arrow. It's an Irish wake, so there will probably be drinking. We might even break into a dirge or two. There are no more spoilers for this season. I don't plan to lock this thread it for the summer. Summertime will probably be rife with spoilers, "butterness" and celebration, moans of both agony and ecstasy, and general Arrow nuttiness. Season 4 Spoilers begin tonight at 9pm, EST.* *That's when we celebrate the season to come. I also expect there to be drinking. And possibly arrow-shaped canapés.
  4. Hmmmm....There seem to be A LOT of non spoilery talk in here. Tonight is the season finale- if you're not talking about what goes on tonight (and hasn't yet aired) then it does not belong here. Remember EvilReverseMostlyC? And Thor's Hammer? Further off topic posts will be SMASHED. (And if things get truly out of hand, I may have to lock the thread for the rest of the day). 'Nuff said.
  5. Hey folks, you've earned the right to post the episode threads yourselves. I'll still be around, but it seems you can all fly on your own. This is what happens when you have a forum that is well behaved and great.
  6. LOL. How old is the actor. Also, who would teach a 12 year old how to drive?
  7. The Author...I can't decide if I like the actor or hate hime.
  8. Take two: On to Mountain and Pacific Time!! (I'm so embarrassed).
  9. Henry conquers the Dark Side of the Force.
  10. They're making Googly-eyes at each other!!!
  11. Fauhawks + Clevilage! = Older than Regina
  12. Who's going to have Clevilage tonight? Emma? Snow?
  13. Felicity is getting married? To Oliver?! it's kind of getting repetitive. it's kind of getting repetitive. it's kind of getting repetitive.it's kind of getting repetitive.it's kind of getting repetitive. it's kind of getting repetitive. it's kind of getting repetitive. it's kind of getting repetitive.it's kind of getting repetitive .it's kind of getting repetitive.it's kind of getting repetitive. it's kind of getting repetitive. it's kind of getting repetitive..... Let's use the "Cats Chasing Their Tail Corollary" and move on.
  14. Ssssh, I have a secret to tell you: sotto voce: There is a character thread for all the character here. Lots of posts here could be there instead. I may have to start moving them, but it's not my first choice. Carry on! Only 3 more days until the season finale!!!
  15. Do you know that we've been given Thor's Hammer? And we're not afraid to use it. Let's stay respectful of others and graciously agree to disagree. Otherwise....Thor. And his Hammer. Also, Hulk's short temper.
  16. This is also known as the "Beating a Horse" corollary. Why it is kind of masochistically fun to keep going in circles and beating our chests and tearing at our hair, we should all dial it down a notch. And stay on topic. I would hate for my evil alter-ego (think if Ras and Malcom were truly evil and bloodthirsty and scary + Hulk Smash!) to emerge. She might have to mention the dreaded word" argumentative." And will start breaking out Thor's Hammer (who graciously loaned it to her). You don't want to meet EvilAntiReverseMostlyC. You wouldn't like her when she's angry.
  17. Hey hey hey folks, let's all get along. No sniping, No fighting, no biting* We're allowed to believe different things and be respectful of others. One more week, guys, one more week 'til the season ends. This may be both a cause for sorrow or celebration. *my grandmother's words.
  18. Are you guys TRYING to break me? Congratulations, you've broken me. SIX pages. *sob* The season ends next week, and then there will be no more spoilers until July-ish. And I'll be able to get some sleep on Wednesdays. Although I'll probably dream of Arrow, where the next season is less controversial, more exciting, less Hong Koma flashbacks, better flashbacks, more Diggle/Ollie bromance, more romance, the return of Fernlicity, and less Laurel who leaves Starling City to train with Nyssa. I've seen enough Nanda Parbat to last a lifetime. CAN YOU SEE WHAT THIS TOPIC HAS DONE TO ME?! It's only a tv show. It's only a tv show.... *rocks back and forth* Excuse me, I must go see the PTV therapist immediately. I have her on speed dial.
  19. I take it back! I take it back!
  20. Yes, Yes, a thousand times yes! Do you know that you guys have logged almost 3 pages today? That's almost 150 posts. No one can accuse any of you for lack of participation! I wonder if you will beat this streak tomorrow.
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