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Everything posted by MostlyC

  1. Oh, I'd forgotten the sartorial choices of Pierre and his stylist. Donna looks like she belongs in an uber conservative part of Texas with that red cowboy/so very patriotic get-up. Also, what is that weird flower/white ruffly shirt she wears when she tells Brenda that she's dropping out of school to become a supermodel. This was also the episode where "Damn, I wish I was your lover" made it's first appearance. I weep at the loss of that song due to whatever. I thought it was perfect for Kelly and Dylan with their soulful, tortured looks. How old is Brooke? She's too old to be in high school, even by Andrea standards. Sars, Dave and Tara, your color commentary is awesome, as always. If it's any consolation Dave, I took one class of french before I chickened out and went back to Latin.
  2. I could be very very wrong, but I heard that Shannon gave/ran the pledge of allegiance at the republican convention that year? Is that why there was a political subplot in her honor and/or snark? At this point, I thought that there was tension between Shannon and, well, everyone. Which was why she was sent away to Paris. Supposedly she and Tori were having a lot of fun partying. Aren't I veritable font of potentially mis-remembrance? I am sure someone remembers the whole drama better and can correct me. I still love the moment of sexual tension between Dylan and Kelly after the tug-of-war contest. I thought they had good chemistry that "summer." Oh David, your summer music is...words fail me. /cue cheesy music. I hope you guys play that ALL this summer of deception recaps. Tory and her brains adventure. Was this one of her "I want to be a comic actress so let me make up stuff" moments?
  3. Ah yes, the epic Dylan walks away with Kelly (in a red dress!) while Brenda gets on the bus to LAX. I adored Kelly during the summer of deception. She seemed to be the only one who actually had qualms about the whole thing. Wow- the wardrobe department must have really hated Ian during this episode. I truly wonder what happened to the doublemint triplets. Did one of them work on Saved by the Bell?
  4. I think I love this recap most of all. Yes, Kelly appeared on Melrose Place, and I think she even bailed Jake out of jail. They claim they didn't ever have sex, but I maintain they did (that's my story and I'm sticking to it). Some of the exposition; "you sleep with my daughter, she think she's pregnant." "Andrea has a thing for me" is about bringing the new viewers, since so many shows were in reruns (remember those?) over the summer and 90120 would be the only new episodes on tv. I forgot that Dylan's Dad was physically abusive (or was this the first time we learned about it). And while I get that Dylan has abandonment issues, so it really messed him up that Jim and Cindy were so upset. Brenda should have been the one in serious trouble, not Dylan, but it's easier for Jim to blame Dylan than it is to be mad at his "little girl." I like Kelly a lot. She hasn't turned into a saint. But Donna has. Shut up Brandon. When did he get to be the Wise Sage of the Walsh family?
  5. ....damn my cable company for not carrying Universal. I don't think I'd even know how people did if there wasn't social media. It's hard being a skating fan out there (even if my favorites aren't skating as well as I'd like).
  6. Timey Whimey, wibbly wobbly....I bet the continuity and timeline faeries are mad as hell right about now.
  7. I'm surprised Emma didn't whisper, "Close your eyes," before she stabbed him.
  8. Is friday night the death knell for the show? What are the other media outlets saying?
  9. Mostly a Filler episode, I think. Hear, Hear!
  10. Well played, 90120 and Sars and Tara. Just when I thought an episode couldn't get any worse after the CardioFuck, it proves me wrong. Bray-Brandon is beyond a jackass. I have never wanted to smack someone so hard in my life. Why Jim and Nat didn't, I will never know. Good news, though; The cook Willie actually shows up (or is referred to) in later years. In fact, I think Willie's son is in the "squash it" episode. So there's actually a teeny weeny bit of continuity. So teeny, so weeny, but still. MegaBurgers on the house! Put it on Nat's tab!
  11. Secnarf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glxh9ZgP7kc As of now, the listings indicate that this episode will air November 23rd. I anticipate that it will change, but you never know.
  12. I have left the date of this episode blank (for now, due to the "assholes"* who attacked Paris). I will adjust and edit all the dates once we know what they are. *John Oliver, HBO; Last Week with John Oliver; November 15, 2015
  13. THE Sudan. It's THE Sudan. Having been in Africa, I don't know a single Sudanese who calls it "Sudan." Unless it's South Sudan, but that's its own country. steps off soapbox They're leaving the door open for Jada to return. Hmmmmm....
  14. Wow. Worst episode, thus far, EVER. I don't know what was worse, the sartorial offenses, the karaoke, or the last (for the moment) temptations of Dylan and Brenda. Funny that the writers had Kelly drop the Anvil of "they were meant for each other."
  15. Trey, it looks like this is the episode that was supposed to air on December 7th. I haven't seen an advance copy so I do not know how or if it will affect the storylines we saw in last week's trailer.
  16. This episode may or may not be air next week. We'll see what CBS chooses to do.
  17. This episode was originally scheduled to be aired on December 7th. The recent attacks in Paris have caused CBS to shuffle their episodes around.
  18. Thanks for the update BetsyBoo. When they reschedule the episode, let us all know and I will change the date in the title of the thread.
  19. This episode has been pulled in the light of the terrorist attacks in Paris. At the moment, we believe this episode will air on November 23rd.
  20. I going to think about this episode as The One With All The Awkward Pauses. Your audio clips have sealed the deal for me. Brandon, I thought, got around. I was pretty sure he had sex with every girl he went out with. We just didn't get actual confirmation so it didn't piss off the advertisers. Also, his attitude towards Andrew is beyond appalling. One of the Five Ways to kill Brandon needs to be: Andrea strangles him with a condom. They wanted Kelly to hand out the condoms because she is girl with the reputation. It's okay for high school guys to have sex, but not girls; such is the double standard. Poor David- all set to get frisky, and then he's shot down. For the next five seasons. "That's way harsh Tai." HA-hahahahahahahahahaha! You guys need to have a Clueless commentary.
  21. Tracey and Terry did the commentary for Cup of China. I wonder what is up with that. Mao is an amazing skater. Rika Hongo was also terrific.
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