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Everything posted by MostlyC

  1. So how does Jennifer show up in whenever to save Hannah and raise her if Jennifer '16 already been brought to '44 to replace the dying Jennifer? Ow. Time travel makes my head hurt.
  2. The Original Center Stage was a hot mess, but it was fun to watch (I can only imagine how many times they must have re-written the script on the fly). I was the character Jody would dump both those guys, and so I am perplexed that she married Charlie. Sadly, neither the actors who played Cooper and Charlie have aged well. It's not an insult, I am truly wondering what may have happened. Is being a full time dancer so stressful that it ages you? Did they blow out their knees and can't work out anymore? Does it just happen to cute guys as they get older? Peter Gallagher is back too (and either has a mirror in his attic or a great surgeon). It was nice to see all them, however little screen time they had. It's a sad, bad show when I am more interested in the icy blonde than the plucky lead. I know the show had a budget of about $2, but I was still disappointed in the editing and the image quality. Hopefully the inevitable "Center Stage: Ballet on Ice" will be better.
  3. MostlyC


    I am wondering if everything is all right with Gabby; something seemed very....off last night. Also, are the judges holding a grudge against Donell Levya or something?
  4. Is there a law that Matt Fewer must appear in every sci-fi/fantasy show?
  5. I like Fin and Hayden (and yes, even Roxy the lizard) and their scenes today were pretty good. I feel like they have more chemistry that Nicholas/Hayden. I would rather watch Hayen/Fin than Alexis/Sonny/Julian. And who knows if/when Nicholas is coming back to the show? So, bring on whatever (finchel? hyfinn?) acronym.
  6. So David gets to wear a black hat of addiction? No WONDER the cops were judging him. One can only imagine what the fashion police would have done!
  7. A friendly note here to remind people to stay on topic, and Be Respectful. Especially Be Respectful to each other. If you have an issue, it is best to report it and not engage in with the poster. Finally, there is this cool ignore feature: If a poster is driving you nuts (like, so nuts that you want to cast a curse that will send everyone Neverneverland, or to a small town in Maine), then the ignore feature is for you!
  8. Hey, isn't that goth girl from gossip girl?
  9. If the fans' violence and rioting are getting as out of control as reported, I would disqualify both teams. It's not fun to be at a match (or watch one) if the threat of violence prevents enjoyment of the game. I would hold this to every sport to this standard; I just happen to be very fond of futbol/soccer.
  10. I must be going to hell because I liked Jeremy last season, and while I am not of fan of the beard and possible weight gain, I think it will be interesting to see where the vengeful Jeremy goes this season. Because it's classic tv trope (and sometimes life), that you don't hate someone that much unless you've still got frisky feelings for them. And Hot Rachel and Rachel's reactions are hilarious.
  11. See, I like Jeremy. He's the only "normal" one there. His character shows up how crazy and hilarious and dark everyone else is. I love the feminist aspect, but I hope the show doesn't lose Rachel's ambivalence about her job as well as how good she is at it. It must be very weird to be so good at a job she may or may not like.
  12. Outdoor shoots = epic fail. Upstate New York does not look like LA and it never will. And Hayden/Finn? I could get on that 'ship. /back to lurkerdom
  13. Accordingly to my industry friends, they straight up said that if it's a primetime tv show or movie with actual 6-7 figure budgets, background extras are told where to walk, sit, run etc. at specific times. But never, not ever, have they been given individual motivation, unless it was something like, "this is where the cgi monster will be; it freaks you out so you run the other way when we say action." If Hook and Charming are deep in the background, they are probably making it up as they go along until they get their cue to saunter up to the foreground to say their lines and join in on the action. Seldom do directors discuss motivation and character on set; that is handled at the table reads.
  14. Shiny New Forum to talk about the spin-off! http://forums.previously.tv/forum/2507-the-blacklist-redemption/ See you there!
  15. @Earmuffs Mom- I thought the gun made another appearance when he came back in season 8 or something and he got a gun from his house to pay a visit to Marchette. Maybe it's a magic gun that walks in from the ocean, towels itself off, and then goes back to Dylan's house to wait 4 seasons or so. I don't understand the whole Stuart/Brinda thing. It seems like it was a romance to keep the character off screen whilst the rest of the gang dealt with con artists/love triangles/teenage pregnancy/fraternity drama onscreen. The replacement music- I just can't.
  16. Personally, I am disgruntled because the episode title was Only You, and we didn't get to hear the song.
  17. Yes, it's Sam Witwer playing Mr. Hyde. He's throwing furniture on our behalf.
  18. We must all work together! Everybody wish! uncorks bottles of wine for all.
  19. You know I wish that I had Jessie's Girl....80s soundtrack!
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