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Everything posted by MostlyC

  1. I'm embarrassed to know this, but the whole bra flashing scene was a product placement for Victoria's Secret New bra line.
  2. I really like the ribbon- especially with the team competition.. Why did I think there were more apparatus? (apparati?) I'm okay with this being a sport- good god it definitely is athletic in that these women have to be strong and flexible, have amazing timing, and stamina. Figure skating has music, athleticism, glittery costumes and make-up and it's considered a sport. So I'm fine with this being one. I think the american had the highest placing ever- good for her.
  3. I thought something was a little hinky from the get go. I suspect (but have no confirmation) that there may have been women involved that night (not at the gas stationI think). They just won Gold, they think they're invincible, they're in in a foreign country (what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas thing), they've partied their heads off- it doesn't surprise that it devolved to childish and irresponsible behavior. Assuming that it happened that way- we still don't know the full details, and maybe we never will.. It's the lying (to the Mom, to the media) that confuses me. Why did Locate bring it up at all? Was he still drunk when he publicly told his version of events to NBC? It's become a PR nightmare for all. This may be the scandal of the games.
  4. Their interview was great- it was fun to see them so giggly and happy. From all the talk about Vanessa Atler back in 2000, I recall that later it came out that she was struggling with a massive eating disorder along with all the other drama. My spec is that Gabby is seriously injured. Which is part of the reason she hasn't been standing a lot, and I think, that she didn't do more than one event in the team final. It's not uncommon for gymnasts to hide the injury.
  5. Since I've got amnesia when it comes to Franco's background (because. plot. ABC's not going to change things so might as well go with it), I'm on board the Liz/Franco train. The actors brought it today. They seem to like working together so fine let them become a couple blah blah fishcakes.
  6. Meh. Now Maya has a functional family and her dream came true. Now she has zero reason to be the troubled kid. She got her happy ending with a full Mom and Dad. That was part of the reason the character was on the show, to be Shawn to Cory's Riley. There was WAY too little Riley in the episode. And I'm still going to 'ship Riley with Farkle.
  7. As long as Hayden stays (preferably with the doctor but I'll settle for the Cassedine), I'm good.
  8. Marta force people to retire? What does she do? And why wasn't Marta on the floor during the team final? Wasn't she there for 2008/2012?
  9. Wow. The men's AA was pretty intense. I'm still grouchy at how Ukraine behaved in the team final, but wow, Oleg is a gifted gymnast and it was a pleasure to see him perform. Given how amazing Kohei during the team all around and today, I wouldn't blame him if he took all the event finals. Guy (and his back/stomach) deserves to kick back and enjoy his victories.
  10. Al should be fired for that tweet. Ask any adoptive parent or child out there. A parent is someone who loves, cares and is legally responsible for their child. Dna does not a parent make.
  11. Lots of surprises today. Someone needs to check that vault. Or the lines on the mats for spotting their landing. The tricks they are all doing is jaw dropping- and as we saw, dangerous too. These gymnasts are seriously hot. And petite. They're hot hobbits. Talk about being in shape. M'rowrr! /shallow.
  12. Did the US not show the north korean contingent?
  13. Yes, not a fan of commercials- let us see this marathon opening ceremony uncut- I'm not being glib. I want to be able to watch the whole thing.
  14. MostlyC


    In my dream world, the US men would win a team media (doesn't matter the color) t, and Aly would win an all-around medal of any color. Also, Levvya would win a medal for the high bar. Again, this is just my dream world. I don't expect it to happen.
  15. Kirsten Storms looks like she has a seriously bad case of jaundice. Someone give her injections of vitamin D STAT. Whatever is up with her, I hope she will be okay soon.
  16. Oy this week. Yawn-worthy When do Hayden/Finn come back? Hook Nicholas up with Ava so they can get frisky and scheme- how refreshing will it be to have schemes that don't involve the mafia?
  17. I wonder if the Russian Gymnasts will be tested for steroids. It's hard to imagine, because all of them are so tiny.
  18. Grassy Knoll spec: Jeremy will find out about Olive and shoot her. Then, somehow, Rachel and he will have to get married because of "spousal privilege" or something. Or maybe it will be Chet and Quinn. I am 99% sure I'm wrong, but I wanted to put it out there on the remote chance that I am right.
  19. I ain't gonna lie: I'm super charmed by Hayden/Finn. Also, I'm going to stop worrying about "Franco being a serial killer/evil do-er/Satan-in-training" and just go with idea that Franco is just a son of Scotty's who is a mostly reformed criminal. Hey it's worked for Sonny, Duke, Jason and even Ric. So Liz/Franco is all right by me. prepares for fiery dissent
  20. It sounds as if Josh is speaking as an actor; As people we find reasons for our behavior (even bad behavior), and it reads to me as if Josh is explaining/justifying where his character is coming from. I do not for a second believe that Josh agrees with what Jeremy did. But it is Josh's job to act the character, to find reasons for Jeremy's intentions, and not play his personal opinions.
  21. I suspect that Jones' ex-husband is the Witness. But I will be happy if the Witness is not Cole/Cassie or any child they may have. Haven't tv writers learnt that introducing a a kid is a Jump the Shark Moment is 90% of the time?
  22. Rachel was definitely on a high, in a manic state. I don't blame her; after Jeremy hit her, she was deeply traumatized. I suspect she does have some kind of illness especially because we had hints of her breakdown in the flashbacks when she broke up the finale and crashed a car. I see her having some kind of emotional crash. Chet is growing on me; he truly does care for the little dysfunctional family. I laughed when he called Rachel the little weirdo. he sounded a bit like an exasperated father or Uncle. And I cheered with Quinn took Jeremy by the balls, literally. Madison needs to go. And Yael has me more suspicious than ever. Nice to see Adam again! He looked very, very hot with that scruffy beard and that smile- I look forward to the next episode.
  23. MostlyC


    Possible reason why Gabby turned in a less than stellar performance? http://www.mercurynews.com/sports/ci_30116501/gabby-douglas-ordeal-disclosed-after-making-olympic-team
  24. MostlyC


    Yes, I wonder about this too. I think it would give the other countries more of a chance to medal (not that ANY team is guaranteed a medal, but I think you know what I mean). I would love it if Aly got to compete in the AA and won a medal. Because she has worked hard to come back, and I feel like she's come back just to complete in the AA. But Marta will do what she thinks is best. She appears to be the (mostly benevolent) dictator of women's usa gymnastics, and she is all about the medal count. My grassy knoll theory is that if someone on the team messes up during their last practice at the camp, that they will somehow be "injured" (i.e. replaced) and an alternate will take their place. I feel sorry for Gabby- I feel like she's damned if she does, damned if she doesn't. For that reason alone, I hope she takes an EF medal somewhere. Definitely looking forward to the olympics, both the men and the women's competitions.
  25. To be fair (and it pains me to write this), Rachel hit him first (in terms of the hitting). Prior to that he was being a drunken, desperate dick. The man-handling was NOT cool, but he didn't hit her (which is something a lawyer would be sure to point out). He was working on the misinformation that Rachel was behind his demotion. Still, no excuse. Or it could just be that I am super relieved that he didn't sexually assault her. I cheered when Chet hit him, and I am so glad he fired Jeremy's Ass. I feel sorry for the actor (NY article), but them's the breaks. Coleman is shady, and so is this billionaire. I really miss season one.
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