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Everything posted by MostlyC

  1. Please do not post your thoughts/comments until after the episode has aired. http://www.spoilertv.com/2017/01/the-100-episode-401-echoes-press-release.html
  2. Will NBC be covering Europeans? Sounds like there's been (another) Ice Dancing Controversy. sacre bleu! (Also, if Frank or Gracie ever write a tell-all, I will be first in line to buy a copy).
  3. Here's the place we want to see in Season four. This is a spoiler-free zone. More Jasper, but the Jasper-who-wants-to-live instead of the Jasper-who-wants-to-kill-himself. More scenes with the Original Gang together. I miss our post-apocalyptic Scoobies.
  4. Wow. I think Nathan is a great jumper, needs a little more artistry, but mostly; that was a pretty weak field. Apparently, it wasn't worthy enough for Tara and Johnny to add their commentary. Wow. The Ice Dancing Short Programs was pretty amazing though.
  5. Johnny Weir seems way too catty, and I'd like a little more neutrality from him if he's going to report/call the routines.
  6. I hope it is not too late to put a note at the end credits about Miguel Ferrer. Please don't post here until after the episode has aired.
  7. Oh crap. I liked him so much. Sympathy to his family and friends. He put up a hell of a fight, and right up until the end, he was acting and doing what he loved best. Such a talent, and such a wonderful man. And yes, fuck cancer.
  8. As a friendly reminder, this is the media thread, so if you wish to post spoilers, or if you think it is spoilery, please tag them. Otherwise, there's a Spoiler thread you can post without adding spoiler bars!
  9. Remember our sweet mascot? Please do not make her sad. She wants us to treat each other with kindness and respect. If you feel that someone is working your last nerve, there is this awesome ignore feature that she (and I) would recommend you use.
  10. Same rules as always lovely people; do not post until after the episode airs.
  11. Small issue: The name Euros is in the masculine form (at least, this is what my latin/small greek/grammar studies tell me). I would think Sherlock's family would change it to the feminine ending- for example, masculine ending Hermes; feminine ending Hermia. Thusly, I would think, that even though Euros is the god of the east wind, that they would change it to Eura or Europa. I am nit picking, but nevertheless, I expect more from the Holms' family, and the EP & showrunners, given their brilliance. (My classics professors would stand up and cheer for me if they were here). Back to the episode: I wonder how much of Sherlock's addiction was to rescue John, and how much of it was his own relapse due to Mary's death/John's furious rejection. And what is up with Mycroft getting asked out on a date, if this is connected to the mystery or not.
  12. I really enjoyed the episode once the editing stopped being so choppy and "look how cool and edgy we are." I figured the woman from the bus would figure in at some point, but I did not expect it the way it happened. When the therapist starting taking off her contacts, I had a wild hope that it would be Moriarty. The show did a great job with misdirection. I love Molly, and Mrs. Hudson. They are so much fun. Also, Lestrange ('rowr!) The bromance between Sherlock and Watson was great, and their interactions are the best part of the show. I love their friendship (and in my opinion, it's an entirely platonic one). And as much as I enjoyed it episode, I truly wish we did not have a secret sister. I'm all for playing fast and loose with the source material, but to add on a mystery sibling? I had high expectations for the show runner/Exec Producer. Should have been Moriarty, dammit.
  13. I hope the episode lives up to its description. Please refrain from posting here until AFTER the episode has aired. Thank you.
  14. I'm calling it now: is the mole. Like Callen's chemistry with Anna.
  15. Same rules people; please refrain from any comments here until after the episode has aired.
  16. Dial it back people. If you cannot agree to disagree in a civil manner, there's a cool feature called the "ignore" button so you will not see a person's posts. Then there's one of my grandmother's sayings: "If you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all." If this sniping continues, I'm going to get cranky. And, like the Hulk, you won't like me when I'm cranky.
  17. I'm not locking the thread because there seem to have been difficulties with the thread opening on time. Please refrain from posting until the episode has aired.
  18. Everyone play nice. You can disagree, but you must, at all times, remain respectful of each other.
  19. Will there be Hetty Re-gifting? Will there be "Go for Santa?" Or scary strong EggNog? Hey! Maybe, if we've been really good this year, we'll get to see who the mole is.
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