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Everything posted by MostlyC

  1. Oh look, Henry is going to fix everything. eyeroll.
  2. So I think there needs to be another thread here about BlackList Redemption so we can stay on topic for the episode threads. But for the moment, does anyone have any pithy names you would suggest?
  3. I remember reading something about how during Shannon's last season on 90210 she was doing her own make-up and hair. It seems as if both the actress and the show couldn't wait to part ways with each other. I also think there was a haircut issue that messed with continuity? Claire, I think, had a double major in French and Physics. Because she's so super smart, you know. I also thought Steve majored in poly-sic, but maybe that is because at my university the saying went: "Poly-sci/Why try?"
  4. The adult son is from a previous relationship. His daughter is still young and like hot chocolate. I think the audience first meets the adult son at a christmas episode a few seasons back. Other more knowledgeable posters can probably be more accurate than I. @anna0852 @betsyboo @Trini - what's your take? I thought they ended the season in a nice way: glass of something strong and ignoring the ringing Phone-of-Probable-Catastrophe.
  5. New Forums just in time for the season finale!
  6. When I was in LA a few years back, I actually walked by the "beach apartment building" when I was on the beach. It's not an apartment building. It's a whole freaking house.
  7. People died. Bad Stuff happened. I liked the episode. It's more fun when the OG are together fighting against a common enemy.
  8. Well hey, something spoiierish in the episode description.
  9. I like the show best when the Original Gang is together.
  10. I believe Cathy Dennis went on to write the theme "song" for American Idol, so I am guessing she has enough $$$ now to buy better dresses. At least I hope so. Based on the ending credits, I wonder if Jason Priestly directed the video for her song. IF there was a video. I loved this episode. So Much. ETA: Thought it was a remix video and not the original. Apologies
  11. My Nana used to say, "No fighting no biting." Agree to disagree and move on. Seriously.
  12. As Stinger97 said: I would also add that "politely agree to disagree" might also be something to remember. With super sensitive topics, sometimes tempers flare and feelings get hurt. I don't want anyone on this board to have their feelings hurt.
  13. "[McConnell's] saying Give the people a voice, but he is silencing the one voice who the people choose." Trevor just dropped the mic tonight.
  14. I am hoping Anna will be a guest star who shows up once or twice a season. Adding her to the cast would be a travesty, I think. Anyway, she is far too tan to be Russian. Those cold winters in St. Petersburg. ;)
  15. This Case Will Stop You In Your Tracks. "Get everybody out of the house." Sam is awesome.
  16. Given what my friend's 8th grader tells me, every day of her (and her friends') life is A Momentous Occasion. The woe! The angst! The crushes! Every little thing is the end of the world! I kid you not. So if her own life is any indication, this show is spot on. At least they didn't t resolve the crush in one 20 minute episode, like I thought they would. Thusly, I'm looking forward to season 3. Mostly, I thought it was a well done episode, everyone getting to say goodbye to their teachers, and a good way for Corey to follow his kids to high school.
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