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Everything posted by MostlyC

  1. I unabashedly loved this episode. I think it was one of my favorites from season 2. I like Kelly and the unfair assumptions about her "sluttiness" but flirting with him. And Bobby was pretty cute. And then he grew up to be drug dealer a few seasons later. Talk about a change in "type." Although at that point she was all Coke Addled Kelly, so I suppose it works in a weird kind of way. The episode itself was heavy handed, but still I liked it. Kelly riding like a ralph lauren commercial- and Brenden flopping about- was great. And hey- Emily Valentine!- you're back. I wonder if she and Brandon are already sleeping together. I forgot about the whole driver's test subplot. Thanks, recap, for making me relive the horror. ;) Great podcast!
  2. Graceland has been cancelled. I think the original premise was so good, and then they went darker and it was all over (for me). I'm happy because Aaron Tveit deserves a much better show.
  3. I was hoping this was the episode where they did The Electric Slide That Cures Racism. Next season, I guess. Who knew Vivica Fox was on 90210. You're right about Emily Valentine. He was dating her at the end of previous episode. I guess this episode was supposed to be a stand alone.
  4. That's true aquarian1. You can't be truly evil unless you have Clevilege!
  5. "Put that thing down before you hurt yourself Guyliner." The guy liner jokes will never get old for me.
  6. As long as they keep Tom and Red, I'm good.
  7. Good evening lovely posters! Promos are not on topic for this Fandom thread- they belong in Spoiler Discussion, or the Storybrooke Daily Mirror thread. Fan or shipper reaction to the promos goes here. But if you, personally, wish to talk about them, please take it to the spoiler discussion Or Storybooke threads.
  8. In all fairness, I know many tax attorneys who advise their clients about tax loopholes and planning their estate (for those estate taxes & stuff). I suppose Jim could kind of do that kind of thing? But it's only a matter of time until Iris puts Jim in charge. Good call Cekrypton1! I hadn't thought of that. Talk about the competition for mirror time. Dylan Dylan Dylan. Such a 16-going-on-65 world weary attitude. Dawson had nothing on him.
  9. If I recall correctly, i one of her books (shut up) Luke Perry said she had eyelashes so long they were like camel eyelashes. So I've decided they were pretty good friends, hence the Zapruder Nuzzle. I think Shannon herself thought that her character had sex too soon, and was part of the whole "she needs to learn that sex can have Repercussions." In the hazy 90210 past, Dylan got a girl pregnant? Or have I been drinking the U4EA?
  10. This episode got three pages worth of comments- we all came together for the series finale. Mason-Style Group Hug!
  11. I want to know where the Grounders get all their elaborate face-paint. Is there a post-apocalyptic sephora?
  12. I don't know why, but this episode made me wonder if they were somehow trying to be like the The Flamingo Kid. Kid works at a club, idolizes Man who wants to take kid under his wing; kid learns Man is a bad guy. Even worse, I think Saved By the Bell imitated the whole "kids work at a hot beachside club for the summer." Oh the C plot of Brenda and Donna and Andrea in drama class is just beyond unbearable. Looking forward to the next episode though. The commentary alone makes up for all the music rights issue (what's up with that by the way? And why did they do the same thing with Dawson's Creek))?
  13. Exactly was I was going to say. Why oh why did Pope come back? Seriously, was there a reason he came back or am I completely overthinking this. How oh how did Moon come back? And why did she come back off screen? I kind of wondered if somehow Pope survived the whole damn thing, had reformed and was now hanging out in the crowd. But no, I guess he really did die this time around. I'm disappointed the show didn't end with one huge Mason Family Hug. I mean, come on.
  14. Why is our Bunting dying again? Or is she moving to Minnesota? A carousel goes up and down....so obviously 90120 equates it with sex. Because logic. I thought Cateris was only pregnant her freshman year a CU, when the character got pregnant too. I didn't know the actress spent most of her run on 90210 hiding her pregnancies. Drunk Again with This is hilarious. Bring on Season Two!
  15. MostlyC

    Tennis Thread

    Cheeky, Rafa. Never change.
  16. ...was this an actual band they got for this episode, like they did in later seasons with Wild Orchid and Christina Aguilera? Who were they, because the singer looked a little like a blonde ewok, and I must learn more about them. Dylan has smarm to spare in his let's go up to the hotel room and screw conversation. Opinion poll? And Brenda and Dylan's magically perfect post sex hair and makeup? I forgot how much I love it when Brinda and Kelly bitch at one another. The dress feud is great. I've decided that this must have been a two hour episode because there seems to be so many conversations that happen off screen.
  17. No body, no death. I hope to god the LexiClone isn't forshadowing some blade-runner style plot. This episode did seem random, like they were trying two jam two episodes into one.
  18. As long as it doesn't end with a child staring into a snowglobe, or an abrupt cut to black during Don't Stop Believing' I think I'll be okay.
  19. I got Emma. Don't ready too much into that either. (but if Hook and his guyliner showed up to woo me, who am I to complain?)
  20. Oh Chandler; you can play tennis, but you can't pull off tortured-potentially-murderous-but-sorry-just-suicidal student. Stay with Friends. Was there some kind of legal reason that they couldn't say exactly what learning disability Donna had? The SAT scores were kind of sad. Yes, they were super important at my school (if you didn't go to an ivy league school you were toast), but the scores Kelly/Brinda/Brandoon got surprised me. No one cleared 1200? Or did Andrea get some 1600/2300 score? Wasn't West Beverly supposed to be the best/hardest high school in CA? I'm overthinking is, aren't I.
  21. A new weapon? So Tom's Entourage-inspired "Hug it out" weapon hasn't worked on the bad guys yet? Do you think it would work on GoT Pope?
  22. Good lord, the producers are tying to make Pope a GoT character that met Fight Club. Not because I'm that invested, but I wonder which girl will Hal end up with? Actually, for Falling Skies it wasn't that bad an episode.
  23. A gentle reminder: Please take note of the pinned post written by the rest of the lovely Once Upon a Time Mods. I shall quote a bit: This includes chat about a single episode. If you wish to chat about a single episode, you can easily find the episode thread. Please, let us stay on topic.
  24. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hogan%27s_Heroes There were prisoners of war in Stalag 13- they stayed there by choice so as to help the Allies win the war. The commander of the camp was truly inept so it was easy to get things by him. It truly was a comedy. Also, the famous Schultz: But yes, I think the title actually refers to Stalag 17. Nonetheless, my mind immediately went to Hogan's Heros.
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