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Everything posted by MostlyC

  1. Pssst! Hey guys!I hear that Neal has his own character thread. I am sure you can discuss his life/death/possible undeath and zombification over there. You can even discuss it in the speculation and/or Things We Want to Have Happen threads. Unless OUAT suddenly has a zombie realm* this season, let's not dwell on it here. Actually, a OUAT zombie season would be kind of cool.
  2. Stalag 14? Great. Now I have the theme for Hogan's Heros running through my head. (An obscure tv comedy that you'd only know about if you were around for nick at night or the 70s).
  3. If Chet is back, I'd like both Jeremy and Adam back. Keep the band together, no matter how much they might hate/like it.
  4. Everybody has their reasons for watching this show. At the moment, my reason is to count how many hugs the Masons give each other per episode.
  5. Yay! (I like rooting for the underdogs, and the actor is hot). I hope the Paley Fest will have footage of their talk.
  6. Who is confirmed as coming back for season two? Has that been released yet?
  7. I still love Jeremy. In his own way, he's a messed up as the rest of them. I also love Adam, and wish there was a way for Rachel to be with both of them without a "she's a tramp" slut shaming that might/will happen. Quinn is on my hit list. If Rachel is like a daughter to her, then she is as awful as Rachel's biological mother. I liked how Adam's run away with me speech happened on the same rock where Rachel first went to collect Adam at the beginning at the show. The dog will stick around- I can feel it.
  8. I think Quinn realized that while she has moved into the "wife" role, that means that someone is automatically going to show up in the "mistress" role. It might be in her best interest to produce Chet into getting back with his wife, so that she can be the forbidden fruit that he craves. It reminds me of an old boss I had once. He cheated on his mistress and she freaked out. Because it was fine for him to cheat on his wife with her, but it wasn't fine if he slept with anyone BUT the wife and the mistress. The "logic" was mind boogling. I don't like Quinn. I want to like her, but I don't.
  9. Without going deep into spoiler territory, it is safe to say that Ross and Demelza haver strong opinions about the paternity of Valentine, but they don't overtly speak of it. Valentine was born under the black moon (as Agatha points out). While George says he loves Valentine, it seems that he only "loves" him because he told Elizabeth he would, not because he has any warm feelings for him. The Loving Cup goes into this more, when Valentine has grown up.
  10. Some of the dialogue from this episode was practically taken from the book (and in some cases, I am pretty sure it was verbatim). I was impressed by that. Obviously the show is not perfect, but as a fan of the novels, I'm enjoying this more than I thought I would. I wasn't sold on Aidran Turner but I'm a fan now. I'm not a fan of some of Demelza's make up this episode- she seemed so orange- what were the makeup artists thinking? I wish we could see the episodes uncut. I hope they'll release those versions in the USA, because having read about some of the deleted scenes, it seems like we're missing some crucial stuff.
  11. Please don't post here before the episode ends, otherwise we'll send the Mason family your house. They'll moralize, they'll lecture, they'll argue, and then they'll hug each other with emotional, tear-filled eyes. And you wouldn't want that, would you?
  12. I want this to be good. I really really really want this to be good. Even with my ambivalence about Ben Affleck as Batman, I want it to be good. So fingers crossed. If it's better than the Val Kilmer batman, I'll be happy. I was certain the first avenger's movie was going to be a clusterfuck, and they proved me wrong, so I'm going to do my best to keep an open mind on this.
  13. I think Maya said in the last season that her Dad had another family now. As much as I like Shawn and Maya's bond, I don't want Maya to have her insta family. But then, this is disney, so who knows. Wonder if the show will get more than 4 seasons.
  14. Isn't this also the episode where Kelly is locked out and she crawls through the doggie door to get in? This was probably my favorite episode from season one. It may be the ONLY episode I remember from season one. It certainly did a long way to humanizing Kelly. Donna = still a glorified extra. SO cool that we got two recaps this week. Does this mean no recap next week?
  15. Wow. That episode was.....bad. Dylan looks hilarious- he's much better season three, and when he's all DSD. Andrea- it's true. Why can't Brandon get her name right?
  16. I fear that Mary will try to kill herself after she and her daughter don't get their Ever After and it will happen at the house/set- Tampering with someone's medicine is beyond awful and illegal. Wow. I hope Shia loses her job and does some jail time. I wonder if we will get a Rachel/Adam sex scene. Hope so, because I think it will be pretty hot. The Jeremy/Rachel almost-sex scene was pretty hot. But I still want her with Adam. Is anyone else as cynical as I, since I think that Chet might find a way to screw Quinn once again, by rebranding the show or something? I wouldn't put it past him.
  17. Please don't post until after the episode has aired or we'll send some skitters to your house. (Don't worry though, I'm pretty sure you can kill them with a fly swatter and some soapy water).
  18. I spent most of the episode thinking that he was dreaming and then at the end of the episode he'd wake up back on the ship and repenting how cold blooded he'd become and that when he got home, he'd be level headed and find the balance between cold warrior and pacifist and then the aliens would bring him back to earth. I was wrong, so I'm trying to figure out what the hell is going on. But I'll attempt to role with it.
  19. @andysmith Sssssh! Spoilers! If they don't recap through their senior year, I will cry bitter tears. And offer to help them with their netflix bill if they will. (goes off to practice the electric slide that ends racism)
  20. I have zero memory of this episode...did they bother to air this on soapnet? Fashion Disasters aside, this seems to be one of the most inane episodes ever. Brandon's sanctimonious moralizing made me wince, and I wish that James (?) wasn't a one episode character. Now I'm going to have deep "With mayonnaise, You can't be too specific" thoughts for the next week. Is miracle whip a mayonnaise? Can it be mayonnaise if it's vegan? Do all condiments count, if we're not being too specific? Thanks Nat. Thanks Bunting and Tara. I wonder if they shot this before they decided to have a "mad bad and dangerous to know" Dylan on the show? Did they ever explain why Brandon had a job and Brenda didn't? Jim Walsh 90210 sexism at play to keep the little girl at home?
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