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Everything posted by MostlyC

  1. Maybe we should call her the Black Kitten?
  2. Once Upon a Time....This was a thread for ratings and scheduling. It looks as if someone has put a curse on our little thread and now it's meandering all over the place. I was giving you some latitude, but it looks like that may have been a mistake, Stick to the topic. Further off topic posts will vanish in a puff of smoke.
  3. So much this. I guess time is a flexible thing. Ramse was supposed to die; he didn't. Cassie wasn't supposed to go to 2043 and she did. I wonder how eerie the Red Forest Woman is going to take this news; if her unflappable-ness with be flapped.
  4. This topic will open at 8:59pm.
  5. Hey folks, We're veering very close to being off-topic. This thread is about the supporting cast members, not how we feel about relationships or fangirls/boys. There's a bitterness topic, or a relationship topic that is more appropriate for some posts here. If it keeps on, I'll have to move posts- and moving posts makes everyone (including me) cranky.
  6. Ahem. This is a spoiler free thread. Remember? It's on the top of the pages post where we say it's a spoiler free thread. For those few who have forgotten: We're not allowed to be bitter about episodes that haven't aired yet. At least not here. I hear the Spoiler Discussion Thread is a spoiler happy place.
  7. Racism truly puts me in a rage, so I'm not sure I can come up with a lame joke about it. If you can come up with one, feel free to post it (yes, even though we have a week to go before the episode airs).
  8. Okay, if Damon and Bonnie hook-up, can we call them "Pancakes?" It would be so much better than some acronym of both their names...
  9. Bye, Bye Elena. Body swap? Whole new character? Much brooding for Damon, I suspect. Or will he and Bonnie get together (over pancakes)? I sort of wonder why she's leaving- it is not like she has another show and/or movie coming up.
  10. I think Scientology is a Shake-down operation. It doesn't deserve "religion" status any more than the Mafia does. I truly hope this documentary has positive results. And that Miscavage (or however you spell the name) gets tossed in prison for the rest of his life.
  11. Here is the place to talk about what you want to happen, what you wish would happen, and what you hope will happen. For example, if it happened in Episode 2.4 and you wonder if it's tied to Episode 5.21 speculate what it means here. No Spoilers; there's a spoiler topic if you you have spoilers. Speculation. Wish Lists. Have at 'em!
  12. Maybe Oliver marries someone else? Like the crazy lady in black? Some weird kind of arranged LoA marriage? Think of the angst for Ollie and Felicity in season 4. It's not Arrow if Ollie's not angst-ing.
  13. Due to the sensitive and spoilery nature of the latest promo, please spoiler tag any discussion about said spoilery promo. We want to let the spoiler-phobic posters stay spoiler free. The Arrow Spoiler-phobes are as close to The Unsullied as one can be. And the Unsullied over on GoT are SCAREY.
  14. I'm cynical. I think it's a hallucination while Oliver is being branded/tortured. He always hallucinate during these kind of things. Also, I'm pretty sure Ray gets his heart broken. There's a frame or two with a sad looking guy, and I'm quite sure it's not Roy or (or Damon from TVD, because that would be the weirdest cross-over ever).
  15. Does anyone think that the Nanobot Shot will save Roy (or whomever bites the bullet) from death, or are we still going with the Spa of Eternal Life theory?
  16. Hey folks, If you haven't seen the episode please don't ask for recaps from other posters here. You can wait to read the PTV recap that goes up tomorrow morning, PM with your friends...or (gasp) you can watch the episode and risk Butterness! I like Felicity's Mom. She brings the Levity because god knows there's a fair amount of Angst running around on this show.
  17. NBC, that was the worst coverage of the World Championships EVER. And on the Universal network, you can't see the Men's freeskate- just the lame NBC coverage where they show only ONE program from the men's free program. I could not be more disgusted with the network.
  18. After getting Cease and Desist letters from Land O Lakes and Fabio from “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter,” we are forced to change from Butter Back To Bitter. I’d like to thank The awesome Moderator Stacey for helping me change the thread title, Shana for her typo, 10Eleven1210 for picking up on it, Lis and SilverStormm for their stellar moderating, and to the lovely and feisty posters who encouraged and laughed at the change. Back to the Butterness....er....Bitterness thread (Okay lawyers, I listen. Mostly. See?).
  19. Posts that say "Bitter" instead of "Butter" will be edited without mercy. And you might have to eat dry toast for breakfast and go to bed without dessert. Don't Say I didn't warn you.... ;)
  20. No one is talking about Deadshot (I refuse to believe he's dead) or Cupid? I they they are awesome Not So Merry characters. edited because there was a glitch between my ideas and my typing.
  21. Spoiled Speculation- maybe Felicity will break up with Ray because she doesn't want to put him in any more danger, and that he should put his mission first. Kind of parallels Oliver and his mission first decision.
  22. Ha! I feel like I should change the title here: "Toasted: Welcome to the Butterness Thread"
  23. Don't kill DeadShot. He is a fun character, and I enjoy the suicide squad episodes. Also: Shirtless Ollie! And shirtless DeadShot.
  24. Palmer is unpopular. We get it. This is the spoiler discussion thread, not the "I hate Palmer Thread" (although sometimes I wonder if we should make one). If you have nothing new to add to the "Palmer is an unwelcome varmint in these here parts," then move on and discuss other spoilers too, (because TPTB certainly love to tease people into hysteria, if they can). And it makes the thread from becoming static. Deep Breath, everyone. 82 minutes to the new episode. Let the countdown commence!
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