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Everything posted by MostlyC

  1. YAY for Grand Budapest Hotel! They deserve some oscars. Such a gorgeous looking movie.
  2. I will totally call my parents- but since they both retire around 8pm, it will have to wait until tomorrow.
  3. If you don't have anything new to add to the discussion (and you know who you are), move it along. There are many other relationships on Arrow to discuss.
  4. Off topic posts have been moved. Further off- topic posts will be deleted.
  5. Gilda. Jan. Also? Jon Lovitz?! Noooooooooooooooooooo! I predict he gets a sitcom out of this.
  6. I would love to watch 90 minutes of scenes where the cast members broke (not just fallon and sanz but gilda and everyone). It would be far more watchable than a re-run.
  7. Finally someone on the show mentioned Brian Williams on the actual show). And somewhere, some NBC executive is having a conniption.
  8. Oh its whatsisname the guitar player who was on for so long!!!
  9. I think ALL the commercials tonight should be SNL-centric. Bad NBC, Bad NBC!
  10. I was glad that Roy set Ollie straight about how he was talking to Thea. Time to get used to the new status quo Oliver. Roy has grown on me a lot this season, in the good kind of ways. I never expected that to happen.
  11. I didn't realize how young Anna is so young. I thought she was 18 or older because she seems so tall and lean. Does anyone know enough about jump technique to tell me if the russian women (who can seriously jump) will be able to make it through puberty and still have the jumps? And the USA doesn't get to see the women's free program for another week? Universal Sports/Icenetwork, I think your coverage has been more fluff and less substance and I wouldn't call myself an expert at all. I expect more from you. Also, would it kill you to have more women commentators? /end of rant.
  12. The topic is Arrow. This is where we talk about things that have happened in the past on Arrow. If it hasn't happened on the show already, it goes to hopes and fears or some other more appropriate topic. Further posts will be deleted.
  13. Flash has its own media thread- if you wish to talk further about The Flash, then please take it there. Here, we focus on Oliver and the denizens of Starling City.
  14. My copy arrived this morning! Cannot WAIT to delve into it.
  15. While I am glad that there was a preview show of National's next week, I wish there had been more technical talk, more skating from this season, and less Johnny Weir hair. I didn't know about the pairs drama though. Hope they all skate well this week. And that they will show ALL the programs, not just the women and/or ice dancing. I want to see the whole shebang.
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