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Everything posted by MostlyC

  1. Non-spoiler Alert: Julie Chen, in her acting debut, will be a guest star. The Topic will open at 22:58 EST
  2. Thank you Trey! I will fix this asap.
  3. I've moved a bunch if posts this morning, so please be mindful of the topic. Also, no fighting, no biting. You know who you are.
  4. Yes, the promo monkeys at ABC need to be flogged for Excessive Use of a Theme Song.
  5. I guess they're starting the year off with a bang. Lame joke aside, this topic will open at 22:58 ofter the episode airs on the East Coast.
  6. The best place to talk about Heros/Superheros/Can you Still-Be-A-Hero-If-You're-Wearing-A-Mask-Or-Do-You-Need-A Cape- As-Well is here: http://forums.previously.tv/topic/6472-mind-your-surroundings-arrow-with-the-flash-and-other-superhero-universes/page-17 In this thread, we love and/or hate* Team Arrow, but we don't need to bicker about their heroine/hero status. *Personally, I love but one's mileage may vary.
  7. Dropping in to say: Holiday cheer is in our grasp, Long as we have hands- I mean- Arrows* to clasp! I hope you all have a lovely, happy holiday. *Arrows, or the character of your choice.
  8. A gentle reminder, lovely Arrow people, that this thread is for all the relationships, not just one couple or friendship. If you feel you are dwelling on a particular relationship, or that the board is, then perhaps it is time to explore another relationship for awhile. I am now returning to making a bow and arrow out of candy canes, (now a bit grumpily)- if Ollie can't make an arrow out of a boxing glove, then surely I can pull this off.
  9. *sob!* His "The Word" never failed to make me laugh (and cringe).
  10. Please restrict your bitterness to Arrow. There are topics for Smallville, and threads for DC and Marvel.
  11. This thread will open at 22:58 on December 15th
  12. Please keep your bitterness posts to your own personal bitterness, not someone else's. Second hand bitterness is unverified and therefore unreliable bitterness. If your mother/daughter/friend's roommate/cousin/2nd grade teacher/Yoda really want to talk about their bitterness here, they can create an account and post to their bitter heart's content. Also no need repeat your bitterness if you've posted it already. Second verse should not be same as the first. Now I'm bitter because I've used the word bitterness or bitter 8 times in one post. Time to look for some synonyms.
  13. I am sure you will all be surprised, nay, shocked that Arrow-Flash crossover is tonight and tomorrow! I'm cribbing from Lisin: If the majority of your post is bitterness about what's going on with Barry and the gang in Central City it should go in The Flash forum not here. Thanks again! Meanwhile, I'm going to be putting Ollie on a salmon ladder on my wishlist to Santa.
  14. This topic will open at 22:58 on December 8th.
  15. Hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving- and for those outside the USA, a happy Thursday. A reminder: Flash has its own topic and thread. Please take it and Flash recommended episodes there- the latest Arrow/Flash crossover episodes have not happened yet.
  16. As for getting the 4 billion- why aren't people woo-ing the spacey, other twin to throw his lot/inheritance in with Reese and the rest of the Lansings. He seems like he's easy to persuade, and he might enjoy the news business.
  17. I think Ward is in love with Skye. It's not a healthy love, but I think he sees her as a way towards redemption- he thinks that she can save him and he worships her (she's kind of the antithesis of Garret). Again, not a healthy kind of love. And not that I relish the idea, but I wish we could learn more about Ward's childhood, his family, and what happened when he broke down and tried to kill himself. He didn't seem all that repentant last season when he was brought in, more pissed off, and with a broken larynx.
  18. Some posts posted here have veered from bitterness into posts that belong in the relationship topic, or perhaps the Felicity topic. I'm not going to move anything, but please be mindful when you post. Thank you and happy Friday!
  19. My current conspiracy not-taking-it-too-seriously theory is that Skye and Peter Quill are cousins. I don't understand the whole non-humans backstory, so I hope the show (or at least the movies) can explain it.
  20. So I'm unpinning the Warning Re: Laurel Bashing Language to Unacceptable Levels Post, because you've been so great and respectful. It will, however, show up ASAP the second people forget the rule- just because it's not pinned doesn't mean we're not watching. The post, in case anyone has forgotten: The repeated bashing of Laurel the character and Katie Cassidy the actress has crossed the line in many threads, including this one. We are not going to go back and delete or move anything, but going forward, let's keep this in mind; you don't have to like Laurel or Katie Cassidy, just as other posters are not required to hate either of them. Continued and/or repeated posts saying the same thing over and over again will be deleted. Also, just because you think it, does not mean it needs to be put on the internet; think before you post. There are people who are not comfortable with reading in here because of the vitriol against the character and actress, and frankly, that includes the mods. The tone of a number of the Laurel-hating posts leaves much to be desired, so reel it in please. Going forward, we will be watching and posts may be deleted or edited. Thank you for your consideration.
  21. This thread will unlock at approximate 22:58 EST (cue theme music).
  22. Bringing this over from the episode thread: I think TPTB left the whole "did Grant shoot his dog or not?" purposely ambiguous. Grant says he didn't shoot the dog (iirc). I think the actor has made the choice that he didn't shoot the dog. I think he didn't shoot the dog because he didn't shoot Fitz and Simmons, as ordered (not that what he did was much better). I think Garret shot the dog, because Garret was determined to make Grant loyal to no one but Garret, and the dog was a liability (as, eventually, his feelings for skye, fitz and simmons were). I feel like we'll never actually know.
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