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Everything posted by MostlyC

  1. Oh Ms. Dent...we hardly knew you. Seriously, who are you again? Logan is still recovering from Arron's asshol-ishness I guess, which is why we don't see him. In the meantime, hello Jonathan Bennett! Even with the over the top eyebrow dye, he's hot. I wonder how he's aged. Don't worry Ramos, you get first refusal.
  2. Now I'm going to have to examine every blazer I see on the show now. Ack.
  3. I loved the comment of "If you told me birds braided your hair this morning I would believe you." Okay it's not an exact quote but you know what I'm talking about. I like Meg a lot (for now). Her sister was great. The whole not liking your sister but loving her too is very, very teenage sibling behavior. Re: Meg. Will you be recapping season 2? If so, I will have many questions. According to MIT, they invented the first purity test. My sister had a lot of friends at MIT and they had a hard copy the purity test. I got a copy. My friends and I sat around drinking (as rebellious teen-agers were wont to do) and asking each other the questions like it was an group exam. We all (secretly) lied our asses off to appear more experienced and adventurous. Because we were cool like that. I like Mac too, but I found her a little holier than thou in this episode- she was letting people buy other people's purity tests, which is mean. I guess Kimmie is now hanging out with Paris Hilton in a corner of the yard where we...(say it with me), Never See Her Again. I missed the lack of Logan. I feel like he would have had a field day with all the mayhem. I wondered if he called in sick for the episode to heal from what I am imagining is a pretty ugly beating. We don't hear it, but I suspect that Aaron (being short 250K) would use the buckle for this one.
  4. I thought Aneela was beyond the whole connection/sex human emotions. That Hullen scoff at the feelings of love/compassion. And now she's killing people shrieking "Where's Seyah?" I hope the show will explain that somehow. This episode felt like filler to me. But I enjoy an moments between D'av Dutch and Johnny. I like their interplay/relationships. I don't know how many of the 9 are left, but I wonder what will happen to them. They've done a spectacular job disguising Mayko Nguyen's pregnancy. I much prefer it when writers don't write in a real life pregnancy, and rather find interesting ways to hide it (Or uninteresting, like plants and grocery bags).
  5. Dammit, I blame Veronica Mars because now I'm watching. This did feel like Filler, but man, the actors Turin and "the designated asshole". (Still learning everyone's names) did a great, gritty job. I felt Dutch's running around the ship in her underclothes was pandering to the fans, but oh well- sex sells. The beginning of the episode was hilarious- Dutch wanting to bleach her eye and brains while Da'vin wanted to let them finish. Etiquette. Hee. Not thrilled with Aneela still. She seems more like a sulky brat than a Big Evil Bad. Gander and DSK are far more fun to watch- and they seem pretty human for all their Hullen-ness. And have they explained why Da'vin is immune to the green slime?
  6. MostlyC


    Who is airing the competition? What network?
  7. MostlyC

    Tennis Thread

    Wow. Novak retired??? At the quarters? His shoulder/elbow must be really bad. I don't know if he has ever done that before. Go Roger!!! I really want him to get at least one more major. Sadly, I will have to read about it because I won't be able to watch it for another 10 days or so.
  8. MostlyC

    Tennis Thread

    The commentators keep mentioning Novac's shoulder? Is he playing injured?
  9. MostlyC

    Tennis Thread

    I think I heard on the news that Tomic lost a sponsor over his "I was bored" comments and something else he did that was "unsportsmanlike."
  10. MostlyC

    Tennis Thread

    Why did the players retire? Did they give a reason or where they, "I'm not going to win so why bother?"
  11. Not only does it sound painful, but I'm having trouble visualizing it (ew, not like that). Duct taping like wrapping around to torso or vertically like straps? Off to google?
  12. I loved this episode. Even though the Con bit was kind of lame, and it hasn't aged well at ALL. Lilly is great but I worried (In my head) that she had it in her to be a mean girl, and when she was, that she was beyond terrible. I wonder how Veronica felt about Lilly running around on Logan (although Logan ran around on Lilly, and they definitely had the high school tempestuous "do I date you/do I hate you" relationship). But I loved all the flashbacks- they were epic. And the night was worth the (probable) weeks long grounding Veronica got.
  13. I must be getting old...I was thinking, Lily's dress is too low cut. And Duncan and Logan are so cute that evening. I like Logan- how he was with Lilly and the look he and Veronica shared at the end. As for the con part....ah well, I guess they had to embrace the cliche.
  14. I liked this episode a lot. The kid and his Dad/Mom broke my heart, and I'm choosing to believe that they are able to work things out. I thought Ghost Lily/Duncan's subconscious was telling Duncan is that his parents/doctors were keeping him drugged up so he wouldn't remember what happened that night. Because this is a noir-ish kind of show, and I wouldn't put anything past Camille/Celeste and her husband. IceTwin is a good boyfriend.
  15. http://tvline.com/2017/06/23/blacklist-season-5-megan-boone-promos-equality/
  16. Wow. They gutted the cast. I don't see this working out well.
  17. The hair...I had a friendly acquaintance who used to do hair/wigs at SNL and they were there when Paris Hilton hosted the show. Her hair was apparently so crispy it was breaking off it anyone touched it and there were chunks of hair missing. They said it was a nightmare (especially when performing a live show). And now I'm going to have to look for the twop interview with Rob Thomas. For me, this is one of the weaker episodes from the season. When WhatsHisName Ashmore showed up on the show it was yet another person who looked enough like Duncan and Logan that I had trouble telling the three guys apart. (again, thank god for the paluka shell necklace). But he does grow on you (why didn't that actor play Duncan? Maybe I would have warmed up to the character then). Who's your Daddy will never not be icky. Did the teacher leave because the actress got pregnant? I'll tune into next podcast to find out! /cue ptv theme song.
  18. I'm liking Amy a lot more these days. Nice to see her get more story/character, and more light shed on veterans, their medical needs, and medical bills in general, the better. My antipathy toward the character of Maxie (not the actress, the character) makes me want to see Nathan with Amy. Yes, I am easily marketed. If nothing else, it's a relief to get a break from the Mafia/Sonny/Carly/Jason/Liz storylines that seem to wash/rinse/repeat every 3 weeks. So bring on Nathan/Amy.
  19. Wanting more money? Bad breakup with a cast/crew member? More time off? Forced out? Someday, I am sure she'll write a book and we'll get some details then. The show seems heavily on the testosterone, and I wonder how that affects things that go on behind the scenes.
  20. MostlyC

    Tennis Thread

    I would imagine that after two intense weeks of competition, there would be massive relief combined with joy at winning. Lord knows if I won some international competition with the best of the best, I'd be blown away every single time.
  21. A quick, non-offical check in. Season five: Did you all survive? Too butter? Too bitter?
  22. I miss Veronica's season hair- I hated that she grew it out- it got too flowy and ingénue-y, and Veronica Mars was anything but an ingénue. I also remember that the only way I could tell Duncan and Logan apart the first few episodes was the paluka shell necklace Logan wore. Duncan's traumatic back and forth rocking was hilarious, and Celeste Kane's villainess wardrobe is fabulous.
  23. I'm in like Flynn. Season one is almost perfect.
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