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Everything posted by MostlyC

  1. I'm very interested to see what Bram and Charlie will be doing, now that they are together. They both have some Post and Present Trauma to deal with. And they both loathe the aliens who've taken over.
  2. I was hoping to see what was going to happen in season two. I didn't realize the ratings were so soft. Huh.
  3. Oh silly grounders, you have released the Kraken. Bellamy loves his sister; and he's the only one of the 100 who has an actual biological sister, and he's been super protective of her from the second she was born. It was interesting to see the contrast between scruffy, dirty people inside the sterile white lab. I still like Jasper, especially at the end of the episode, but lately I want to smack him upside the head because he's wearing my last nerve.
  4. "One shot and we're at war." "Dude we're always at war." "No, we're at war on Thursdays and Fridays. On Wednesdays we brood, threaten and maybe knock-off one or two redshirts. We don't go to war." "Oh right. Let me remind the grounders...." " You know the rules- no posting until AFTER the episode has aired.
  5. ...so who was the mole? Or were there several of them. I was hoping Joelle was going to be The Big Bad. Oh Granger/Miguel. :(
  6. Guess who it is? No, it's not him. And it's not her either. Furthermore, it's not him. Or....Anyway, don't post here until after the episode has aired. Unless you've been given a deadly toxin. You can guess then, but you'd probably be better off calling 911, or 333 or whatever your emergency phone number is.
  7. ....did the americans implode at 4CCs? Their placements are pretty low (ice dancing excepted).
  8. I'm going to try an experiment. I'm leaving this thread unlocked, trusting that no one will post until after the episode has aired. If people start posting prematurely, it gets locked. Back to our regularly scheduled apocalypse...
  9. So, they can't irradiate the big cavern with the dead people and move in? Why don't they use Luna's blood to make a serum/vaccine that will keep everyone alive? Romantic or not, I like it when Bellamy and Clarke are on the same side and working together.
  10. How many moles are there anyway? You know the rules; no posting until after the episode has aired. Hetty's gotten pretty strict about the rules these days.
  11. All this age discussion seems to be coming dangerously close to being off topic. Let's keep it to discussion about the episode here; you can discuss ages/relationship in the relationship thread, or if there is another thread you'd like to see, let me know and I'll create it.
  12. Series Premiere! Does this mean he will get to work out sans shirt???
  13. Please be mindful- spoilery speculation belongs in the spoiler thread.
  14. I'm still confused. How many times have vampires pulled the hearts out of each other, only to put them back in? Best part of the episode was Damon and Alaric together. Wish we'd gotten to see them have that drink together before Kai showed up. Otherwise, the episode felt like one big long set-up for the coming episode.
  15. No, Swim mom, you are not. I can't wait.
  16. I didn't know Tom knew who his father was. I like the scenes between Tom and Red- the actors play well off each other- they could talk about the weather and I'd find it intriguing.
  17. I wonder if Aram can pull off playing eeeeeevil and menacing. Same rules- no posting until after the episode airs.
  18. Do you think we'll ever get an episode where no one dies?
  19. Looks like we're moving closer and closer to Redemption. Same rules apply here- no posting until after the episode airs.
  20. tap. tap.. Is this thing on? I don't think the thread is locked. Okay, I'll start. A little too much political jockeying, but love it when the OG are together. Also, Show, please don't kill Jasper. No matter how Emo he gets. Nice to see King Roan and his abs. And Skye and Bellamy working together. Why is Jaha still around? I don't get the point of his character. I think they're trying to set Bellamy up with Echo, but I'm not feeling it. More adventure and stopping the end of the world, less the 100 13 clans/who-gets-to-keep-the-flame politics.
  21. I suppose a three week wait is preferable to a 3+ month wait. A pretty good episode. I like it when there's some skin in the game.
  22. Please refrain from posting here until AFTER the episode has aired. I do not wish to lock the thread, but if this keeps up, I will.
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