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Everything posted by turbogirlnyc

  1. I'm struggling to finish the book. Partly because of the story but mostly how it's written. I read that Bring Up the Bodies is the better of the two books. I was hoping I'd get used to Mantel's writing style before diving into book #2 but it's not looking good. One thing I appreciate is how it includes bits of information about Plantagenet (York) family members. I've always wondered how Henry VIII felt towards his mother, grandather (Edward IV), grandmother (Elizabeth Woodville), etc. Henry's father obviously villianized the Plantagenets, especially Richard III. But in all my research I couldn't find anyone Henry VIII resembled more than his grandfather, Edward IV. I often wonder why Henry chose to name his son Edward. I'm sure it had nothing to do with his grandfather but it's nice to think about. I'm not a fan of Tudor propoganda or revisionist history. As someone who watched The Tudors (I know), it's odd to read Thomas More as a villain. Perhaps I should stop envisioning Jeremy Northam's More.
  2. As per usual, Emma will be distraught because her parents caused a villain to lose her baby. And I'm sure whatever The Charmings did was in the best interest of the entire realm and Emma. Whatever Show. I take it Henry is completely indifferent to his birth mother these days? Just weird. I found it odd how Ursula walked past Hook without a second glance. Did I miss something? I think some of the regulars are phoning it in at this point. Can't say I blame them. Glad I took time to read some of this forum. Saved me a lot of disappointment.
  3. Yep, taken straight from the movie. What did we expect? Originality? The very least they could do is give Mal a decent headpiece. One that doesn't take me right out of the story. Was it just me or did imp Rumple's voice sound too "normal" in the fairybacks?
  4. I also thought she would've been perfect as Cinderella but you have a very good point there.
  5. Isn't Holliday Granger Anastasia? She was great in The Borgias & Bonnie & Clyde. Also love Cate Blanchett!
  6. Aww... Alan Rickman. Priceless! I recall David's look and now that you mention it, lol, I totally see it!
  7. Looks like Jamie Dornan is playing the lead role in a movie called The 9th Life of Louis Drax. The movie also stars Barbara Hershey (heh) & Aaron Paul, (the subject of my Imdb search). It's scheduled for release sometime this year. http://m.imdb.com/title/tt3991412/?ref_=m_nmfmd_act_2
  8. I hope this is due to budget cuts in the costume department. Didn't Mary Margaret & Emma wear the same dress in past seasons?
  9. This thread title is brilliant! Not sure if it has anything to do with The Electric Slide but... I laughed out loud.
  10. Has the Zelena/Marian bodyswap scenario been "officially" confirmed? If so, wtf?? Seriously.
  11. This was exactly what I thought watching that scene. She was wary of Regina. Blue, unlike the others, hasn't forgotten Regina's unforgivable actions & most likely know the sum total of Regina's evil deeds. I also think Blue knows way more than she's telling but is understandably reluctant to tell Regina anything.
  12. Lol. I thought Ursula had a rather roomy NYC apartment for someone working at the aquarium. Why so stingy with the ramen? /sarcasm
  13. Hmm... Sounds a lot like the Maleficent movie with Angelina Jolie. More specifically, the "stole something" which caused her to go dark part.This is a bit off topic but I blame the recent villains are misunderstood trend on the huge success of Wicked. But what do I know? I'm dreading more Zelena on my screen. Her storyline dragged for me & I wasn't thrilled with the actress & her portrayal. And don't get me started on Lily. Nothing against the character. There's just too much going on as it is. I may quit this show. Better Call Saul is now my Sunday night "go to" show.
  14. Yes! It's going to take a while to get used to a different Cromwell. I loved Frain in that role. Here's hoping Rylance's portrayal is just as good. I won't miss the rest of The Tudors cast. Although I did like Sarah Bolger as Princess or Lady Mary. I'm stoked about this show. I guess I need to finish the book ASAP!
  15. Watching Bates Motel on Netflix and the Blue Fairy is Norman Bates' English Lit teacher. She's been in all 3 or 4 episodes I've watched so far.
  16. Not sure if this was mentioned but... I was tickled to see Sarah Bolger, Princess Mary in The Tudors, in the same scenes as Phillip Duke of Bavaria (Colin) in The Tudors, sharing the sceen again.
  17. I binged watched seasons 1, 2 & 3 on Netfix recently and signed up for Hulu Plus to watch season 4. I was enthralled with the series before watching this episode. Seriously? What a joke! I won't waste my time watching 4B. I'll 2nd, 3rd and 4th all above posts regarding the complete lack of emotional payoff. I've never been so disappointed in a television show. Ever. Thanks for allowing me to vent!
  18. Wait... someone posted this about Denetria's thighs? Let me guess. This same poster failed to call Porscha out for wearing that ridiculous black get up to Kandi's sex toy party. Same ole' shit on this board. Porscha needs to learn how to dress for her body type. And that black outfit she was falling out of is exhibit A. I like Claudia. She's gorgeous and educated and I agree 100% with Kandi's talking head comment that Claudia said ever-y-thing anyone ever wanted to say to Nene.. That's why Nene clearly apologized twice to Claudia. Claudia isn't afraid to shut any one of those 'ladies' shit down. Refreshing as hell!
  19. I think so, for sure. It was super uncomfortable to watch that scene much less be there. I thought Kyle getting up to ask Kim if she was "ok" was totally for show and a bitch ass move. She should have shut the entire thing down or gone elsewhere with Kim if she was concerned. I never liked or disliked Kyle & Kim. I reserve my hate for Brandi. But watching that wine tasting scene, I resented Kyle for some reason. Maybe it had more to do with her ridiculous crying last espisode. I wish she'd walk 2 miles in the shoes of someone with real problems.
  20. I'm semi curious about this episode. Mostly because I, like Spencer's sister, am only interested in men that aren't interested in me. Maybe Patti can shed some light on the issue. Ok, probably not but it's worth a shot.
  21. Just saw a commercial that began by talking about family and changes after a divorce. It went on to portray exes, new spouses, and kids all playing together in perfect harmony. Turns out it's a Honeymaid commercial. As in Honeymaid graham crackers. Total wtf?? moment.
  22. I actually feel a little bad for James at this point. He needs her to stay on the show but it must be extremely frustrating hearing about her ex 24/7. Free James!
  23. Does Kristin not realize she too is a home-wrecker? Pot meet kettle. Ariana bugs but I'll take her smugness over Kristin's soul sucking any day. The taxi ride/Ariana tears looked scripted to me. Lisa called it like it is when she said Stassi wants followers not friends. I guess Patrick is extremely busy. His girlfriend is starving for attention and validation. Note to Stassi : you're not that special.
  24. I lol'd when Claudia compared Nene's hair to George Washington's & then said Nene was one of the "founding father's" of throwing shade (paraphrasing). Upthread a poster was upset that Cynthia, Kenya or Claudia compared looks/beauty which a person has no control over. That's fair. But what about Nene calling Claudia a "half breed"? Like Claudia had any control over her conception. Glass houses for days.
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