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Everything posted by turbogirlnyc

  1. See, I don't think Bella had to go through the usual DWI/DUI drill. If a person has the means (money) they can hire a top DUI lawyer to get that charge reduced to a traffic/moving violation. Unless you're a model, it would be incredibly difficult to get hired for a job with a criminal record, no? Just saying. Maybe California is different but my aunt & uncle paid a lawyer 10k so my cousin could get a job after college graduation. I can't speak to how Yo or any parent should punish her daughter. I'm not a parent and can't judge how another parent should handle that.
  2. Well, technically Porscha isn't a housewife either and we see way too much of her less than intelligent ass (to put it nicely) every damn episode. Yeah, I know it was a last minute decision but still... Too many teeth on my screen.
  3. I have no clue where Phaedra's shade came from but a poster above mentioned Phaedra wanting to keep her peach. Good point! Maybe Demetria is auditioning for a spot on the show?
  4. Go Claudia! Nene, Phaedra & Porscha are a joke. I'll watch next week to see Claudia put Porscha in her place but after that I'm out. I too am tired of Nene and her minions. The utter disrespect those 3 women showed their hostess tonight was disgusting. Also want to respond to the post about only black women being shamed for sleeping around. Where are you located? Where I live, white women don't get a pass from black or white men. As for Kim K., she can have her sh*tty marriage. I'd rather be single than deal with that sham of a relationship.
  5. I think she might be Swedish, too. I like the actress after watching The White Queen series on Starz. She played Edward IV's wife Elizabeth Woodville/Wydville, mother of the Princes in the Towers. Anyway... Love her and love Iain Glenn. Agree with most comments here. Especially about the payoff of watching a mini-series. I wanted to see more of her first husband, Hottie McHotterson, and Dinah's son. I've never read the book but I too thought Dinah's opinions were very advanced for the time period. Oh and it was Debra Winger playing the Grandma? Geez that woman stuck out like a sore thumb. As for Joseph, I figured he took after his father more than his mother. That said, his appearance was still OTT compared to his brothers. Dinah also stuck out but at least she had dark hair.
  6. If they started the seasons with blind judging it might work. When I read "blind judging" it makes me think of the FN show Beat Bobby Flay. It's so obvious that every single judge on that show knows which dish is Bobby's due to aesthetic, taste, etc. I don't see how it would be any different on Top Chef unless Tom & co. don't know anything about the contestants and their cooking styles. As far as LCK goes, it's probably not difficult for Tom to figure out if he's tasting a dish Katsuji made vs. a dish Katie made.
  7. Keri Ann's time was limited. That said, part of me wanted Katie to pack her knives and go. When the teams were forming and Keri Ann was told she'd be on the orange team, Katie's facial expression was so uncalled for. Yes, Keri Ann was weak but Katie's not much better herself. And then we get Katie's talking head right after expressing her "concern" about Keri Ann being on her team. Well Katie, you were way out of your league as well. Terrible executive chef. Katie's sudden self-importance grated tonight. Mainly in the form of facial expressions. I've lost respect for many of my favorites tonight. Gregory going the "safe" route, Mei (although not a favorite of mine) saying women make better line cooks, Katsuji refusing to help Keri Ann, etc. What ass holes these people are being. Sadly, I'm done with this show. Or at least this season.
  8. I might give this show a shot but going by the previews alone, I won't like it. In one preview, the main character states she and her (ex) husband graduate college in 1989. I know it's bleak but her chances of finding love again aren't that great. It's the opposite for her husband. That sh*t drives me insane. Maybe it's true that Andy hates women because this series doesn't appear to show the main character in a good light. Just my opinion, btw. It shows the husband cheating with a younger woman and ridiculing his wife. Not to mention their son looks super young for a couple that graduated college in 1989. It's so freaking cliche. Do I think it will inspire tons of women who experience this in real life? Not a chance. Somehow I doubt "real" women divorcees (sp?) are that exstatic about chasing men 25+ years younger than themselves. Perhaps it would be different if all women had the body and money to upkeep a "youthful" appearance. But I digress... I think this will be a flop, as well. That said, I couldn't make myself sit through an episode of Sex & The City. I was much younger than the main characters and barely thought of marriage when that show aired. We know Andy Cohen is BFFs with Sarah Jessica Parker so SATC after divorce is highly probable. Side note: I noticed the actors playing the husband and wife have the same last name. I guess they're married in real life or it's a huge coincidence.
  9. So much word. I cringed so hard during the Brandi / moving men "show me your abs" scene. It just confirms (for the billionth time) that Brandi "forgets" her age when she's pumped full of botox, juvaderm and god knows what else. Sorry boo, you look like a woman in her 40's with massive injections. Not that I wouldn't get that shit at 27 if I had "poor" Miss Brandi's money. To each their own but she really should save herself the embarassment and let the men do their job. And lol at her perched on a couch in an empty room for her viewing pleasure. Who the hell does that? Besides Brandi. I have refrained from saying anything "not positive" about Rinna because of the general consensus (or love) on this board. Yes, she's "on". Always. I don't want to watch a "reality" tv show and see actors that are obviously acting. I much prefer actors that blend in as opposed to actors that make me feel like I'm watching a middle school play.
  10. So many things bug me about Bleona but what annoys me most is when she says "Albeeny or Albeenay" instead of Albania. Am I the only one to notice this? ITA with the poster that mentioned Bleona's obvious boob job. What's funny is that Bleona has repeatedly made jokes about Fawni's uneven, fake "tits". Glass houses, Bleona! I sincerely hope Bleona doesn't get off for bullying Fawni by blaming it on Isabel. Yes, Isabel was horrid but Bleona egged her on and refused to drop the topic. Bleona reminds me that being a good person doesn't get you anywhere these days. She hasn't found success in America but I'm sure she's still raking in the money thanks to her 100% fan base in Albania. /sarcasm
  11. After last night's episode, I'm almost convinced that Todd is on Kandi's payroll. Otherwise, Todd's involvement just doesn't make any sense. It could also explain some of the resentment Kandi's staff has towards Todd. Just my opinion of course.
  12. 2nd your comment about Don Juan. People work their asses off and give up a lot for jobs that pay way less than this guy is making. I like Todd and agree with him on many issues he's addressed. That said, he still benefits from Kandi making more money while they are married. Unless I'm completely mistaken, the prenup comes into play if and when they divorce. As long as they're together, Kandi's money is Todd's money and vice versa.
  13. Carmen said he was 35 when they taped this season. From what some of the cast have said on WWHL (including Lisa), it's been some time now since taping.
  14. I recall seeing him when Stassi and another cast member (can't remember who) went to stay with her parents for a few days. It was last season or a flashback shown last season.
  15. If only Brandi could stick to calling out the faux pearl clutchers and stop with the "poor me" crap every. five. seconds. The poster above that mentioned Brandi's lying and carrying on about being sued kindly reminded me why I dislike Brandi and want her off my screen. I also wouldn't call Brandi poor. Poor people don't have money to pump their face full of fillers and botox every three months. Well, maybe 6 to 9 months between filler injections. She should blame her own vanity for taking food from her kids mouths.
  16. For me, it's the fact that Camille did change. Karma (or whatever) bit her and therefore it's pointless to continue to hate on her. I don't think anyone has forgotten how Camille acted prior to her being dumped. When people are wrong, see the error of their ways (or get knocked down a few pegs) and make an effort to change, it's difficult to hold a grudge. Again, I'm only speaking for myself here. I'm not saying I'm a fan or love her but she's not on my TV screen a lot these days so whatever.
  17. I know I read a post here (PTV) that explained the call was taped in advance. After reading that, I started paying closer attention to the calls and it seemed obvious to me due to the lack of response or caller involvement once hellos are said and questions are asked. Is that because a caller is not allowed to say anything else or do they cut the call off immediately after the question is asked? I'm just curious. Sometimes I think the usernames and questions on Andy's cards are actually written by Andy or his staff.
  18. I agree with your entire post. Massimo does seem to be a wonderful person and although it's sad, I also don't think he will make it big as an actor here. I wish this show was more popular for his sake. I loved watching his Skype session with his family. They obviously love him and believe in him. I'm glad he has emotional support and a family that will standy by him no matter what happens.
  19. Sorry to be posting again so soon but I had to ask if anyone else thought Stassi's conversation with her dad was odd? My dad is the farthest thing from a strict father and he's even more liberal minded than myself! Still, as his youngest daughter, I cannot imagine speaking to him like he were one of my close girlfriends. It was just odd to hear her gossiping with daddy. Anyway...
  20. My post was harsh and I honestly did not mean it the way it sounded. I was wrong and I am sorry. I keep telling myself to wait one second, review what I typed and then click to post. Like Persnickity1, I too appreciate that gif. Thank you!
  21. The thing I will always love most about season 9 is a comment Chris Jones makes in the Charlize Theron episode.
  22. Lol! This reminded me of Lisa on this past week's Vanderpump Rules episode. She shouts, "Ken, come look at my box! If I had a dollar for everytime he's heard that." Or something along those lines. Oh Lisa! Someone here mentioned Lisa's overuse of the word "sexy". I was so confused after she claimed red cabbage was the sexiest food when discussing Pump's menu with the chef. I figured this was above my head since I live in NYC, not LA.
  23. I'm not a fan of Mei either. I recently watched TC Las Vegas again and Mike Volt. said, and I quote, "There's no room for arrogance in the kitchen". While watching last nights episode, I thought Katie might well be the dark horse this season much like Carla was in her season.
  24. Does anyone know what kind of ratings this show received? I know a ton of PTV and TWOP don't like the Manzos but we are not the average American viewer. The Manzos obviously think their big sh*t. Is it possibly they know something we don't? Then again, I wouldn't put it past Andy to push this drivel to satisfy his own agenda. Someone here kindly reminded me that Caroline almost won favorite housewife of all time last year.
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