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Everything posted by turbogirlnyc

  1. I have to agree with you on this. Maybe the boy didn't feel well on the day of the shoot. Even then, I'm sure they have makeup artists on the set. A little bronzer goes a long way. I still love the commercial and the kid! Pretty good acting on his part.
  2. I've read a lot of Alison Weir and yes, she is extremely (in my opinion) bias in every one of her books. Anne Boleyn can do no wrong, nor can Elizabeth I, etc. She is very bias against the Woodvilles (especially Elizabeth). I became interested in this period because of The White Queen. I've read books more recent books about the Woodvilles and Elizabeth because they've been cast as the most "infamous family in England" by most historians. Anyway, Alison Weirs' War of the Roses is bias towards Margeret and against Elizabeth. One surprising thing about Alison Weir is that she believes Richard III guilty of the murder of the Princes in the Tower (Elizabeth Woodvilles & Edward VI's sons). I think that particular book is "The Princes in the Tower" though.
  3. Love this one! The kid is adorable. It never gets old. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=bFvqpAT9YQk
  4. I want to gouge out my eyes and ears when the Care.com princess is on my TV. Same with the Amazon Fire? 9 year old "beyond their years" kids. Smug as heck. That said, I never get tired of the car commercial (can't remember the brand or model) where the boy is driving in a toy car and his dad offers him the keys. The kid envisions what it would be like to drive a real car and then promptly tells the dad "No, I'm good". The way the kid acts when he's in traffic, "you're killing me" or buries his head in his hand (wearing pj's) when dad asks to be picked up at so and so time? Brilliant. The little boy is adorable. I agree that the Vanilla Ice Mac & Cheese commercial is cheese but I smiled the first time I saw it. I forgot Vanilla Ice did the title song to the old TMNT movie.
  5. Tardassian, I recoiled when Georgia described her usual fare. Nothing beats shrimp, butter, Zesty Italian and champs! Glad to see familiar faces from last season. Not sure about the newbies just yet. As of now, Andrew appears to be more of a liability than anything else but we'll see. Chef Ben is my favorite but I found his adoration of Kate a bit off putting. Surprised to see Adrienne in the previews. I'm wary of more Kat and Adrienne drama. Let's hope they switch it up this season!
  6. Peyton for the win! He's excellent considering his day job.
  7. Absolutely love the first pic. Classic Goren shifting his head from one side of Huntington to another during interrogation. Good times Absolutely love that first picture! Goren shifting his head to the right and left of Mr. Harrington during questioning... Classic. I first saw Vincent D'Onofrio in a film called Feeling Minnesota with Cameron Diaz and Keanu Reeves. I've been a huge fan ever since. I'm so sorry about my response showing up in the previous post. Obviously, I need to read up on responding with quotes on this website.
  8. Thanks for the link and responses. I should've Googled their names first. Being BFF's with Kate Moss is impressive to me but I work in the fashion industry.
  9. I'm almost positive one of the Ladies mentioned Annabelle's best friend was Kate Moss. I think it was one of Caprice's talking heads. Not sure which episode. I'm almost more curious about this than her "ties" to McQueen. Did anyone else pick up on this?
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