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Everything posted by turbogirlnyc

  1. Luckylyn, Please reread my OP again and note that it clearly states the following: "No, I don't believe unfaithfulness = killing a person." I don't mean to be rude but I feel you may have overlooked that particular sentence along with a few others. In fact, I think you missed the entire point of my post. Anyway, how did Nick know in advance (like, while he was cheating on Amy) that he was dealing with a killer? Maybe I missed that or maybe it was mentioned in the book but not the movie?
  2. I get your point but I don't agree completely. I worked retail all through high school and college & even though I make great money now, I still have the utmost respect for any one working in service, retail, food, etc. I never take clothes or items off the rack and leave them on the floor or in a pile for others to pick up. I never go into a store within 10 minutes of their closing time. And I certainly would never stay in the store or dressing rooms once the store was closed. I've been there before and therefore, I treat any employee with the respect they deserve. Or how I would like to be treated if I was in their place. Maybe Kate comes off as bitchy or jealous on this show. But I'm not sure if editing monkeys or producer manipulation played a role in her portrayel. She seems more well liked than Adrienne from last season. Kate isn't all smiles all of the time like Amy but who is? It's always fun to play devil's advocate.
  3. That's because of Tom Hardy & Chris Pine to a lesser extent. I posted Tom Hardy as my crush further up in the thread.
  4. I enjoyed the movie. Saw it twice, actually. What bugged me most about the audience and the whole story is that if a married man cheats, it's no big deal. No, I don't believe unfaithfulness = killing a person. But all the audience rage over Amy (understandable) and no detesting the man for f*cking a 19 year old girl behind his wife's back? And most of the audience reactions/comments were from men. Old men. Also, this movie feeds into the thought that any woman (ok Amy was not any woman but hear me out), that wants her relationship to work is psycho. In this case, that is true. But I still hated the stereotype. And this movie was written by a woman. Perhaps I'm turning 30 and know what it's like to compete with young 20 somethings for a 36-49 year old male's attention. I've given up competing and dump the guy when this happens. I'm better than I used to be about that. I hope I'm not bitter yet but the whole "women are useless after the age of 30" is starting to grate. I'm personally a type B like Nick and not a sociopath but men do tend to want younger, prettier, sexier "cool girls". I've had many friends that are on their 2nd divorce because of husband's unfaithfulness. Rant over.
  5. All Bran wheat crackers. Weird but true.
  6. I just saw commercials today and wow am I excited this hot mess of a show is back! Not so happy to see Stassi although she does bring the drama. I'm freaking stoked to see Arianna's back as a cast member again! I liked her last season. She's a great twerker (lol), she's chill, and she kinda marches to her own drum. That might change this season according to the script but fingers crossed that she'll stay cool.
  7. Nah, it would make you a smart person. From what I've seen on the show, Eddie is a more relatable, mature, level headed and an all around fun guy. Bonus! Kelley might outdo Eddie in the looks department but looks fade. Plus I would rather be with a man that's not gawked at or stalked by young females constantly.
  8. I'm watching the Below Deck marathon and I seriously don't think Kate is anorexic. She has lots and lots of hair for someone who starves themselves. Yes it's dry, but it's also processed (colored) so it's not surprising. Anyway...
  9. Another vote for Devil in the White City by Erik Larson. Also, In the Garden of Beasts & Thunderstruck by the same author. He has a wonderful way of writing non-fiction that reads like fiction. Highly recommended!! I was delighted to skim the posts about Alison Weir, The Princes in the Tower, Richard III, because that's the non-fiction I live for. That said, Alison Weir's bias is obvious. She loves anything Tudor (and Boleyn) and she must worship Elizabeth I because the woman can do no wrong in Weir's eyes. Mary Queen of Scotts was the devil, according to Weir. Let me just say that to this day I'm shocked that she points the finger at Richard III for the princes' murders. Not to say that it's not possible. But as far as Princes in the Tower goes, she writes it in stone. Well, almost. Weir's latest book about Mary Boleyn is actually about Anne but I suppose she couldn't possibly write yet another book with Anne Boleyn in the title. *rolls eyes* I will say that her fiction book about Lady Jane Grey (forgot the name) is a decent read. She should stick to non-fiction. Lately I've been reading more recently published books about the Woodville family. I find the family fascinating and perhaps not as horrible as many "historians" (looking at you, Weir) claim them to be. Anyway, I'll have to come back here and actually read all the posts instead of skimming them due to lack of time.
  10. I thought I was the only person on the planet who bought Susan Johnson books. I agree that she and the other 2 authors you mentioned know how to write erotica. Robin Schone is my least favorite of those three but still... So in short, thank you for this post. I didn't touch any of the 50 shades books and as it happens, I didn't miss a thing.
  11. I was a Harry & Luna "shipper". Both lost their mothers, both were optimistic, etc. I really think Luna was a better match for Harry than Ginny ever was. I just can't with those two. Especially after seeing the movies. 0 chemistry.
  12. Yes, filler under eyes and in cheeks, possibly in laugh line areas & lips. Along with being darker, her eybrows begin closer to the nose with the help of brow powder or pencil. Which is weird because her nose looks a bit thicker in the picture. Usually the further apart the eyebrows start, the wider the nose looks. Just my opinion, of course.
  13. I'm interested in watching the show but Sam Talbot is one of the last freaking cheftestants I want to see. I've only watched a half episode of Knife Fight because I can't with Illan. I don't love Marcel but what Illan, Betty, Sam & Ellia (or whatever the shrew's name is) did to him in Season 2 was unacceptable.
  14. It's funny that you say humorless and cardboard because one of the things I loved most about Bryan (Brian?) V. was his laugh. It reminds me of my brother in law's laugh. Like spot on. I understand where you're coming from with that comment, though. Especially regarding Michael. Has any contestant ever been so freaking boring & monotone in their talking heads as Mike Volt? And don't say Harold D. because he will always be my most favorite cheftestant and Top Chef! ever. I need to watch season 6 again because it is my 2nd favorite season. Season one will forever be tops in my book. So many characters!! Or maybe it was the newness of it all that I loved so much. I watched it when it first aired.
  15. I was a season 1 watcher and I've seen most of the episodes on season 2. There is no way that season 2 (and perhaps even season 1) was not 92% producer manipulation. And that includes attitudes, fake relations, reactions, primary guests. Season 1 was probably more like 50%-65%. But that's just my opinion.
  16. Aww... that's dissapointing to hear. I guess I'm not as upset about missing the episode. I love Kat and Ben.
  17. Tom Hardy!! I first saw him in a Masterpiece Theatre movie about Elizabeth I, The Virgin Queen (I think) on Netflix. He played Lord Robert Dudley *swoon*. I've seen him in This Means War with Chris Pine (also hot) and other lesser known films and dude can act. He's also in a Masterpiece Theatre's Wuthering Heights which is also available on Netfix. Whether he's built or a bit more on the skinny side, he's gorgeous and incredibly talented. Love the accent as well.
  18. I watched this for the first time tonight and flipped the channel before the winner was announced. There's entirely too much going on and don't get me started on the lack of actual cooking. I'm an Alton Brown Good Eats fan but he annoyed the heck out of me on this show. I'd rather watch tired old Chopped than this.
  19. Word. I can't wrap my head around Lauren being "blessed" with so many opportunities when she's never been anything but a horrible person. Sure, her parents & Bravo are to blame but come on... This goes for the entire fambily.
  20. Fair enough. And she did outlive him. Karma took care of that one. The last name was Wydville and was modernized as Woodville. I sure hope my last name isn't an anagram for dirty old whore or something like that. Not much I can do about my father's or husband's last name. I'm not claiming the family didn't have faults. But Sunne In Splendor is written from Richard III's point of view. I'm still undecided on his "innocence". Why kidnap your royal nephews and behead their uncle and stepbrother? Why lie about "stockpiles of weapons" that were clearly from Edward IV's reign. I could go on but in the end, Richard denied his nephew his birthright and imprisoned the princes. Wrong on all levels. Sure, Richard was scared of Woodville's influencing the boys but in my mind, his actions were drastic.
  21. TSIS is a great book as is Here Be Dragons and all the Sharon Kay Penman Welsch Princes' books. I took issue with TSIS because again, the Woodvilles were evil and Richard III was a paragon. I'm also more of a Elizabeth of York fan and not so much for Anne Neville. It's a splendidly written story for sure. I've done further reading on the Woodville clan and choose to believe they aren't the evil people Tudor history makes them out to be. Just wanted to also say that I'm also a huge fan of Janet McTeer. She's extremely talented and I wish to see her in more films. On a side note, she is the narrator in Disney's Maleficent (sp?) with Angelina Jolie. I'd recognize her soothing voice anywhere! It's worth watching if only to hear the narration! Edited to add that I just purchased Phillipa Gregory's 6th installment to the War of the Roses series. The King's Curse is about Margaret Plantagenent Pole, George Plantagenet, 1st Duke of Clarence's daughter. I'm not far into it yet but I know how it ends thanks to all my reading on Henry VIII and HBO's The Tudors. It has a good rating on Amazon which means nothing, I know. But I have all the other books in the series and I believe this is the final book. Fingers crossed for a Starz mini series on The White Princess. I love coming here because I'm the only person I've ever met that adores topics such as these.
  22. Point taken. I've been super thin like Kate and it's not at all my body type. It's hard to maintain that thinness if your not naturally the type. Carrie Underwood is the same way but she's much more disciplined about diet and working out with a trainer.
  23. I'm in the minority here but I don't think Kate is older than 34 or 35. Everyone ages differently. Living in places like NYC can wreak havoc on skin especially if under stress. I speak from experience. She's super thin. Lack of sunscreen, stress, drinking, etc can take a toll on someone who is in their 30's. A lot of it is genetic. Not everyone wins the gene pool lottery. All that said, her shape/physique makes me believe she has a fast metabolism and probably doesn't need to work out. That can be a blessing and a curse. But I firmly believe working regularly can go a long way in terms of looking younger. Of course there's exceptions to every rule. Perhaps she does have an ED. I've never noticed the bloating mentioned in previous posts. I'll pay more attention. Girl always looks tiny to me and the camera tends to add pounds.
  24. Depends on what you consider young, I guess. Gwen is around 45, if I recall correctly. I might be off, but I know she looks darn good for her age. I never understood why her hair never fell out. She's been bleaching it forever. I once read an article about her (People In Style) and she said she has to get her roots done every 2 weeks if not sooner. Great genetics!
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