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Everything posted by turbogirlnyc

  1. I know a lot of people will disagree with me but I wish they would have spread out some of the talent from TC Las Vegas. I'm having a hard time keeping up with a season where, once again, the competition isn't even close. That said, I'd be done with the show if Gregory doesn't win because it's "too obvious". Sure, Mei and the shorter guy (forgot his name) are pretty good. I'm not sure about Melissa. I keep reading she's great but in my opinion, her food hasn't really stood out from the rest. Bring on the flames or whatever, but so far this season has been dissapointing for me. Go Gregory!
  2. I wonder if she'll also scorn the man this time around or continue to place blame soley on the woman. Never mind, I already know the answer. I don't condone cheating on any level but this bitch needs new material.
  3. I guess your referring to my post and that's fair. I didn't hear Ariana's refusal to leave the room and after reading the post, I thought I missed it.
  4. This was the first time I watched the show. As much as I admire Bobby Flay, I couldn't help but think it's ridiculous to say the judging is "blind". I'm not a cook or a foodie by any stretch of the imagination and even I can tell which plates are Bobby's.
  5. I have a bad feeling Gregory won't be Top Chef because it's too obvious he's the front runner. I hope I'm proven wrong because I'd love to see Gregory win!
  6. Exactly. Regardless of what Yannick charges his customers, his girlfriend is insufferable. She's what, 24? I seriously doubt she's done enough work to make the big bucks. She obviously shows up to work at her own convenience.
  7. Lisa's girls are indeed pretty but I beg to differ that they're the "prettiest". I think Kyle's daughters are gorgeous. And although I dislike Yolanda, Gigi is a beautiful woman. Sure, she has blonde hair but it shouldn't be held against her. Her sister is also beautiful. I suspect Yolanda appears to favor Gigi because Gigi's fulfilling Yo's wishes. My mom favors my sister for the same reason.
  8. I thought it funny that she said her lips were getting smaller with age. I agree whole heartedly with a previous poster who was baffled that Taylor landed a wealthy man to support her and her daughter. Not because she's middle age but because she was a train wreck on previous seasons. I was a bit skeptical about her claims of being battered but the Housewives believed her so who am I to judge? I'm reserving judgement of Lisa Rinna. I don't know her or her husband from previous work. I suspect I'm the only PTVer who doesn't love Mad Men. It bored me to tears. I'm hoping Lisa R. won't bring it up in every. single. episode. What bothers me most is that we have yet another housewife that declares their husband is "King". Bring on Eileen! She's one of the reasons I'll be watching this season.
  9. I couldn't help but laugh at Brandi both times she mentioned the other Ho-wives being 72. Bitch, please. Brandi might see herself as young compared to some but she's no spring chicken.
  10. Kyle looked great at the White Party. She's much thinner than I remembered. ITA about Adrienne's face on WWHL. I don't know Adrienne's age but whatever it is, she looks much older!
  11. Maybe Mauricio did put it on the interwebs. It's possible he wanted prospective clients to think he's young(er). I'm sure most don't watch Bravo.
  12. I hope so too! Lisa also said she wouldn't give her friendship with Brandi another chance. I was happy about that. Lisa's never been my favorite (not that I have one) but I do enjoy her snark. Especially when the topic is Brandi.
  13. I have a theory that the insightful posts and popular opinions expressed on TWOP and PTV are not on par with casual viewers. I have several friends, aquaintances, coworkers who think I'm insane when I voice opinions discussed here at the forums. A good example is Caroline Manzo on RHONJ. I despise her and her family and many posters, not all, feel similar towards Caroline. That said, I've yet to come across a "real life" RHONJ viewer that dislikes Caroline. In fact, two of my friends say Caroline is their favorite housewife of all time. I suspect that TWOP and PTV posters take a deeper look into their favorite shows than the average viewer.
  14. Do you think those are her real teeth or veneers?
  15. My thoughts exactly. The Daily Mail is notorious for their screwed up facts and fourth hand sources. I highly doubt someone as successful as Mauricio would forget his 40th birthday celebration aired on national television. He certainly didn't lie then so why would he lie now? I don't see where he's quoted in that article.
  16. I cannot stand Bleona. So it was Isabelle alone that led you to believe Fawni is "unstable"? Bull sh*t. If Bleona is so close to Russel Simmons, why hasn't he called in a few favors for her? Please. Good for the guys that stood up to Bleona at Isabel's party. I laughed my ass off when Sasha was making fun of Isabel's "high school" party. Isabel's husband made it obvious he wanted nothing to do the Euros. I did think it was rude of Isabel not to introduce her husband to her "friends". I'm sure he had already met them by that point but still. Although I reluctantly watch this show, I wish there were more posters to snark with. The show is like a train wreck. I can't look away.
  17. Stassi is a famewhore so she doesn't need additional ambition. She's been on several other reality shows prior to VPR. But if she wants to work in the fashion industry, best of luck to her!
  18. I agree but practice makes perfect. If that's her daily routine, I also admire her dedication. She's young and obviously has time on her hands. And it can't hurt her tip money. I wonder how old she'll be when she finally says "f*ck it"?
  19. Ariana refused Tom & Kristin privacy? I must have missed that. I'm fairly certain that Ariana would've granted FI Tom's request if that's what he wanted. How do we know what FI Tom and Ariana discussed in private? Maybe FI Tom told Ariana in private not to leave him alone with crazy ass Kristin. I wouldn't blame him at all. Plus we all know that the tension and drama increase x10 if Ariana were present. I'm just shocked that people think this show is real. It's fun as hell to watch and snark but don't take this sh*t seriously.
  20. A thousand times, yes! I couldn't have said it better myself. Thank you! I also agree with many posters that are disliking Kandi more and more with each episode. I thought it was out of line for Kandi to question Kenya (even for Bravo/dramatic purposes) about giving the police a statement. Yes, Kenya likes attention, that much is obvious. But if things were reversed and Kenya attacked Porscha, you know Porscha would have reported it and pressed criminal charges with Nene and Phaedra backing her up 110%.
  21. Girlfriend can apply makeup. I'd love to have her talent with blending shadows.
  22. I love Schwartz, "dirty" hair and all. If Tom can support himself with modeling gigs, more power to him. And Stassi doesn't work either. I think it was more bothersome for me to hear her brag about sauntering around NYC for six months straight. She should be glad her rich parents bought her a chin among other things. Girl, bye.
  23. Well, the article did say that Brandi causes most of the drama this season. Maybe they were just speculating? I have little trouble believing this show has become a mini soap opera. Brandi's "slapping" Lisa looks awfully fake to me. Or at least half-hearted. I really wish I could get into Atlanta if it's truly the only "real" show left. Somehow I doubt that too.
  24. Amen. I was watching reruns on Bravo yesterday and I just don't understand why Brandi is part of this cast. I also can't wrap my head around why Lisa/Ken and Yolanda defend her constantly. I'm not a huge Kyle fan but I like Maricio (sp?) and he clearly disliked Brandi back then. Not that I blame him.
  25. No spoilers that I can think of. He did explain that him & Ariana are not living together. One of the viewer questions was about Tom's apartment being a mess & he explained that he had an extremely messy roommate at the time. I don't recall Tom & Kristen's place being a mess in previous seasons so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.
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