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Everything posted by turbogirlnyc

  1. Thank you for the link! Much appreciated. I couldn't place Rylance until I read in a post upthread that he played Anne's father in The Other Boleyn Girl.
  2. I've been anticipating this series and even finished books 1 & 2 in advance, but my dvr cut off at the 1 hour mark! I'm so frustrated. I got to see Henry and Cromwell meet in the courtyard but it stopped before their conversation. GAH! I wasn't able to find a scheduled repeat before next week's episode. Can anyone fill me in on what happened (major things) during the second hour? I saw Harry Lloyd (Viserys on Game of Thrones) in the credits but missed him in the episode. Either that or he showed up in the 2nd half. Not sure I like Rylance as Cromwell. But I was a huge fan of James Frain's portrayal in The Tudors. Perhaps I'll warm up to him in time? Doubtful. I was disapointed in this Cromwell's reactions (facial expressions) to his wife and daughters' deaths. Otherwise, the acting and sets are superb so far! Loved seeing Bernard Hill and Mark Gatiss. Gatiss is in everything lately, Game of Thrones, Wolf Hall, Sherlock. Can't wait to read the comments in this thread!
  3. Great post with several good points! The way I interpreted it was that Norma found out from someone else that incest was wrong. She then told Caleb it was wrong and they should stop. Some of my conclusion was in part due to the dialogue but much of it is Norma's raw, guttrral reaction to seeing Caleb. Her response was filled with rage and anguish, if not hate. It had to come from somewhere and my guess is that he forced himself on her. Why else would he need to apologize to Norma? Norma told Dylan he was something beautiful that came from an ugly, horrible circumstance (paraphrasing). I can't find sympathy for Caleb because of that. Also, the actor playing Caleb is straight up creepy and looks menacing. He tries to control of Dylan as well. That's his nature. I do feel bad for Caleb & Norma because of their terrible upbringing. I can comprehend why they turned to eachother for comfort. But at some point Norma told him no, it's wrong. He disregarded her words and wishes because he "couldn't let her go".
  4. Sounds a lot like a Kardasian/E! version of Vanderpump Rules to me.
  5. Did I hear wrong or did Eileen say the word "babyface" near the end of a sentence? She was commenting on Brandi's drinking but someone (I'm looking at you Andy) cut her off. Just wondered if she referenced Yo's party.
  6. What I can't begin to fathom is why she would get filler injections so darn close to the reunion. Unless she actually got 10+ syringes of Juvaderm Ultra Plus in either side of her face, she looked swollen.
  7. Darn, I missed this episode! I'm sure I'll catch a rerun of it sometime in the future. I didn't realize Yo had a son until this season when I read it here.
  8. Caleb admitted he raped Norma. There's nothing gray about it.
  9. Yes! Bizarre is the perfect word to describe it.
  10. If Jimmy can't take the case to another firm due to some "loophole", I'm sure Hamlin would've called him on it.
  11. I felt bad for Dylan, too. He was in a tough spot with the Caleb situation but I doubt Norma will be understanding. I hope the relationship between the psych teacher & Norma stays friendly. I can't see them romantically involved. Poor Emma. I'm glad she walked out on Norman but now I'm scared for her safety.
  12. Isn't there another law firm in town Jimmy could work with? HHM must have some competition. Poor Jimmy. Chuck is a jerk.
  13. Girl, yes. I turned off the tv when the ladies hopped into the golf carts. Not sure if I was bored or just restless. Nothing personal against Gamble but I cannot stand her voice.
  14. Someone mentioned Jennie Garth upthread & I think she'd be an interesting addition. While binge watching her HGTV show, I definitely saw some crazy lurking just below the surface. Unfortunately, her newly renovated house is lacking in the wow factor department.
  15. Her husband was in Silverchair? Interesting. I used to adore Silverchair back in the day. Their wealth (or supposed wealth) can't be all Silverchair money, right? I've only caught this show a few times so...
  16. I just rewatched the episode with Yo's mom and holy cow, Gigi does look just like her! Until now I had assumed Gigi (who is stunningly beautiful) had Yo's light features and Mo's exotic everything else? But damn if she isn't grandma 2.0! Facial wise at least.
  17. I thought it was really telling that the finale ended with Brandi saying, "why am I always the bad person?" Or something to that effect. Typical and forever Brandi.
  18. D. Caleb Could be wishful thinking on my part though.
  19. I had hoped the Caleb story would last three episodes at most. Since his name appears in the credits before Romero's, I guess he's here to stay. So much for watching Bates Motel in real time. Caleb gives me the creeps big time. I'm curious about the wannabe sheriff. Did anyone else get the idea that there won't be an election unless Romero wants to give up the position? Or will there be an election regardless? If that's the case, I smell trouble ahead.
  20. Thanks to the brilliant title of this thread, I could not stop staring at Norman's (non-existent) chin last night. Lol!
  21. How the hell did Norma scale that wall at the party? When Norma sets her mind to doing something, there's no stopping her. Gotta love the crazy! I'm not sure what's going to happen with Emma & Norman but it can't end well. Poor Emma. Please get Caleb off my TV. I believe Norma's accusations of rape and the guy creeps me out. I don't know if it's the actor or what. Freddie is so spot on that I often wonder if he IS acting. Creepy! And VF deserves an award for her performance.
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