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Everything posted by turbogirlnyc

  1. Perhaps he was named Edward for St. Edward and his great grandfather. I've read how much Henry loved his mother, Elizabeth. It's possible she told Henry stories of him and how he was never defeated in battle. Even if some of those victories were part strategy and part luck.
  2. Can anyone explain the scene where Anne's fool "gives birth" to a cloth doll/baby and proceeds to stomp on it? At that point Anne had lost the baby. Why would anyone find that act amusing? If it was in the book, I don't remember it at all. Personally, I've never been keen to the "Henry had a brain injury and became a tyrant" theory. It smacks of revisionist/Tudor history to me. Although I strongly disagree with David Starky on many things, even he calls Henry a tyrant. Sure, the blow to the head may have caused a slight personality change, but nothing as drastic as that.
  3. I'm also confused as to why the book is titled Wolf Hall. Especially after I finished reading it. I get that Cromwell is looking for Anne's replacement but the significance and/or mentioning of Wolf Hall and Jane Seymour is fairly minimal. I suppose it's a catchy title so whatever works! I thought the episode was beautifully shot and loved the acting. Rylance is growing on me slowly but surely. Damian Lewis' portrayal of Henry is very different than I'm used to. His character is more subtle and not the "larger than life" Henry I've seen before. I can't believe there are only 2 episodes left!
  4. I struggled with Wolf Hall but flew through Bring Up the Bodies. Great read!
  5. Harry Lloyd was Viserys, Dany's brother. He did an amazing job!
  6. Oh man! I guessed Rylance much older than 55. My mistake. I simply can't stop comparing Rylance to James Frain. :( Didn't Anne want Katherine and Mary poisoned?
  7. I think she was portrayed well in The Six Wives of Henry VIII with Keith Mitchell. It's an older movie and very good, if not long. It also has my favorite portrayal of Catherine Howard. Keith Mitchell is wonderful as Henry. It was available on Netflix until this year. Sorry if I offended.
  8. If you want to read Anne as a saint, pick up an Allison Weir book. Hell, even her book about Mary Boleyn is basically about her "beloved" Anne. I think Anne is portrayed how she was described by her contemporaries. Did she deserve to die? Hell no. Was she a saint? Still no. Sorry but I never understood the Anne worship. And can someone please find an actress with black hair and black eyes to portray Anne Boleyn? What's with this series & The Tudors giving Anne blue eyes? This series doesn't portray K.O.A. in a good light either. This episode was ok. At least we got to see Harry Lloyd for two seconds this time. I just can't buy Cromwell as an old, old man at this point in time. No charisma whatsoever. I don't like Cromwell with Liz either but that's what's in the books so, yeah.
  9. Unfortunately, I haven't seen the episode yet. I do want to say that I totally agree about Norma's hair this season. She's still a beautiful woman but that haircut... just no. I finally watched Finding Neverland on Netflix a month or so ago. Although I've seen Freddie Highmore in Willy Wonka, I was truly blown away by his performance in Finding Neverland. He was so young and fantastic in the film that I truly believe he has a natural gift. In fact, I think Johnny Depp may have recommended him for the role of Charlie in Willy Wonka. I'm speculating, of course, but it wouldn't surprise me if that was the case. Anyway... I hope to catch a repeat of this week's episode soon!
  10. Better than the first episode! Calamity Jane is so on point regarding the actor/portrayal of Cromwell. And it's not necessarily because I adored James Frain's portrayal on The Tudors. When I find myself repeatedly thinking "Rylance is just so wrong for this role" while I'm watching the show, it's bad. While I understand Mary Boleyn hitting on Cromwell in the book, it's almost beyond belief in the show. I agree that Damian Lewis is believeable and good as Henry! Really enjoying his performance so far. Wolsey & Gardiner are superb as well. I find this Thomas More "off" but it's most likely due to Jeremy Northam's sympathetic portrayal on The Tudors. I understood how JN's More could become a martyr. Mantel's version, not so much. I thought this Jane Seymour looked more historically accurate than others. I've seen almost every movie/TV show about the Tudors. Netflix recently dropped their Henry VII (including Keith Mitchell as Henry in The Six Wives of Henry VIII) and Elizabeth I movies. Huge disappointment!
  11. James Frain as Cromwell, FTW!! I understand what you're saying about The Tudors' Suffolk. But let's be honest, is there a better reason to watch than Henry Cavill?
  12. Dylan definitely has a weak spot when it comes to Caleb. It's frustrating to say the least.
  13. I tried to give this my full, undivided attention but I was a bit bored. I get it already, Kim's an awful person, Lisa R. is the most awesome ho-wife ever (debatable), Brandi is a piece of shit, etc. I admit I've never liked Brandi. I'm glad she's getting hers this time around but Andy's kissing her ass is beyond tolerable. Andy dislikes Kim and isn't afraid to show it. Kim deserved to be bashed but it's not as fun as Brandi bashing. This is an unpopular opinion but... Eileen's styling was not to her best advantage. I don't know if it was the hair, makeup, dress or all of the above. I know she's a gorgeous woman so something was up. Lisa R. looked the best because her makeup didn't appear caked on like the others. So next season we'll get more Brandi drunken mean girl behavior. Unfortunately, Andy is not getting rid of his favorite shit stirrer anytime soon. At least that's my take.
  14. I don't see her being attracted to him. Plenty of friendship potential there but zero chemistry. It could still happen but I hope Norma doesn't go there.
  15. But hasn't Caleb admitted to it already? He was present in the home at the time but never mentioned their Dad. It seems like Caleb would've mentioned it to absolve himself. Especially to Dylan. I believe he and Norma were physically and mentally abused by their father. Their mother was sedated most of the time but she might've been an abuser or abusee (not a word). As awful as it was for brother & sister, it does not excuse Caleb raping Norma.
  16. It's possible he's involved but I never got that vibe. I really don't like him for Norma but he seems like a convenient man for her to get involved with. Hence the random meetings. But I really don't know. I totally agree that this show is more interesting than Mad Men right now. GOT hasn't started yet. I've been a long time Song of Ice & Fire reader/fan. Like way before the show. I know what to expect from GOT. Not so much with Bates Motel. This show deserves more credit and a larger fan base, in my humble opinion. It's a shame it doesn't get more love here and in the media. Has anyone noticed that Norma kind if hyperventilates when she gets upset? Nothing wrong with that. I love Vera.
  17. There was a young patient in season 1 (I believe) that was very successful and I can't recall her name. She had a thin sister or family member of a similar age she was very close to. It was the episode where Dr. Now mentioned that some patients develop anorexia. I'd love to know how she's doing today. I really liked her. She booted her husband or boyfriend because he was no good for her.
  18. When watching this show I can't help but wonder what type of insurance these people have. I just spent $548.00 for a medication I've taken since the age of 15 for thyroid disease. It's a generic, not name brand. It hasn't ever been this expensive but prescription prices are ridiculous these days. I have private insurance through United Healthcare (Obamacare) and pay $420.00 a month for gold plan coverage. Gold is the second highest of the plans. I can't afford platinum. I don't make enough money for a subsidy. Go figure. Getting insured counseling is near impossible with Anthem BCBS and United Healthcare. Many of these patients don't work. How the heck are they able to stay in a hospital for extended periods of time and have multiple surgeries? Not to mention the cost of an ambulance ride. I have my own food issues and I'm glad they are receiving the help they need. But when it comes to money, it seriously blows my mind. Does anyone know how much gastric bypass surgery costs? Not just the surgery but also the facility fees and pain meds?
  19. Her stomach is the size of an orange? Why is she not losing any weight? I get that she's not moving but still...
  20. Lol. The Tudors was only tolerable overall but it had Henry Cavill so...
  21. This was me after being diagnosed with ADD. I'm an emotional eater who swears by WW. But I do become OCD about it. You don't have to tell someone your dating about a diet. They can tell from other behaviors. For example, I drink vodka and water with lime when I go out. Who does that unless they're dieting?Regarding stress, I can go either way. I haven't been able to pinpoint the difference between when I overeat and when I stop eating. It truly baffles me. I think the main factor is how busy and stressed I am. Death of a parent type stress = no interest in food. New job type stress = I don't miss a meal or snack.
  22. My mom walked in while I was watching and had the exact same response. She said it was making her sick.
  23. I agree that those feeding tubes were shady as heck. The positioning of the tubes and number of tubes was bizarre. Why not give her vital nutrients through an IV and tell her to drink Ensure? I almost called producer manipulation on that one because, seriously? How can medical professionals be that sloppy? I am an emotional eater who has been on both ends of the spectrum. I havent topped 170 (I'm 5'6") since the age of 16, but if I'm not 110-115, I feel 600+ pounds and hate to be in public at all. I'm very messed up mentally. I was a fat kid and the scars from that haven't faded. I'm 33 now. Kids can be cruel. My extremely judgemental and perfectionist mother didn't help matters. I can't describe food addiction but unless you've dealt with it, don't judge. Even when I'm 110 pounds I feel fat. And I understand imagining life without an ED. I do it a lot because I've missed out on so many opportunities because my size 4 pants were a bit snug. I just wonder where I'd be or how successful I could've been if I'd never developed this disease. Anyway... Had to get that off my chest.
  24. SusanSunflower: Mathieu Amalric plays Eustace Chapuys, the Spanish Ambassador. He is in the scene at the supper party sitting beside Thomas More. Thanks Kierya! Henry Percy only dances with Anne in the beginning of the episode. What a waste of talent! Oh well.
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