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Everything posted by Temperance

  1. Anybody who's read Harry Potter, knows Boarding school can be appealing though the horse thing reminded me of Catcher in the Rye. I thought it was a twist on cliche to have the girls think it was cool. Usually the kids freak out about being shipped off and they automatically hate the potential step-parent. I liked Avery and Juliette. Not much else.
  2. I thought when Jane was delivering the mojitos it was going to be to Rogelio. I don't like Raphael as much as other people do. I think Jane's too good for him or anyone. I really don't like Rose. At all. I thought she and Luisa had great chemistry, but she's awful. There's nothing redeeming about her that we know of. I was disappointed Jane dropped her lawsuit and the reasons she did. As for Nadine, I hope she's on the up and up. It's Michael who seems more shady with his brother and his helping Petra, which will probably come back to haunt him. My guess is
  3. I don't understand why if Evelin is so close to her family, she isn't pushing Justin to fly her in mother. If I were marrying someone who seems to have a decent amount of money and I was as close to my family as Evelin supposedly is, I would be pushing for at least my mother if not my brothers to come. I don't understand why Evelin is so accepting her family won't come, but it's a huge red flag to me. The more I think it about it, the weirder it seems. I know lots of people as family obsessed as Evelin and all of them would put more effort into getting their own mothers into the wedding. Justin folded like a card table, (he is so weak). Jason "We're making some sacrifices, both you and I." Ok correct if I'm wrong but as far as I understand Jason and Cassia, (which isn't much I usually don't pay attention) isn't his "job" to sell crap on ebay. So my understanding is he buys stuff at the auction, then sells it for a "profit". If that's his job, then he has to "work" sometime? He should get Cassia in on the family business. That being said Jason should do more about Cassia's loneliness. I also feel like the wedding isn't really designed to cater at all to Cassia. She deserves a say in her wedding. I'm glad that Amy's family is able to travel from further away. I'm glad they are coming and in such numbers, Danny still has more family, but Amy's family seems loving and supportive. I also have not been Danny's biggest fan, but if he knew what his dad was like, and still saw Amy as a catch, then he deserves credit. As much as I think Amy can do better, I kind of want them to get married. I don't want to see that old ignorant man win. I kind of want love to win. "We're creating unity between two cultures, two peoples." I think Danny came off stronger tonight. It may be easier for his brother to deflect the conversation since there is less at stake for the brother. I wonder if Danielle's girls are upset Mo may be leaving since currently he's kind of the buffer between them and their mom. Without him, they are her main comfort when she's upset. I like the one daughter's purple hair. My tv's schedule was totally off, but I blame TLC for creating confusion.
  4. And maybe she'll be able to escape.I feel bad for her being stuck in that family and in that lifestyle if she doesn't want it. I don't see marriage as a real esape. However I think age panic led the Kellers to pick David for Priscilla. There also seems to be a "Brady Girls get married" that if younger sister marries before the older sister that's bad (not that I care). Priscilla is Anna's older sister and yet Anna was married first. The Kellers seem to be a slightly different strand of fundamentalism than the Duggars. I don't think all fundamentalists think the same. There are probably as many variations as there are people. I could see this easily being true. I've always thought Jim-Bob and Michelle started marrying off the girls when the internet (such as a Jezebel article) started criticizing the fact that they had so many adult children living at home and they were saying the adult children couldn't leave until they got married. The articles were implying if they want to leave and they're adults, is it stockholm syndrome or something else that is keeping them in the house? Are they allowed to leave or are they sent to some place like ALERT? Or is the thought of alienation from the only world they've ever known, etc. etc.? I personally think the Duggars would have been ok with only Josh married, I think they started the courtships in part to divert criticism and possibly help ratings. I could see the needing to be married to be true of Josh and Anna and Ben and Jessa. I think when Jim Bob met Derrick he knew Derrick was a catch. I also Jill was not particularly risky, just particularly interested. I'm not sure what is normal in terms of courtships, a lot of courtship sites show women younger or around the same age as Jill and Jessa. It's also worth noting that what constitutes normal age usually has a lot to do with individual parents. I know my parents were close to thirty when they married. Michelle and Jim Bob were 17 and 19 respectively. I am sure Michelle thinks Jana is relatively old to be unwed. Jim-Bob may also feel that way about his boy-girl twins.
  5. I'm personally hoping Micah is not Jason's as that is very boring choice that goes nowhere. Gunnar is desperate for family, it doesn't seem like it would matter nephew or son---bottom line, family is family. If his brother was alive, I could see him being angry and confrontational, but with his only sibling dead, that makes his only sibling's child all the more precious. So he's going to be more mad at Kiley (huh) she's such a flake abandoning Micah as it is and it's hard for me to believe he trusts her now anyway. None of this makes any sense. It would make more sense if Micah's father is crazy psycho who wants to kill Kiley or her son. That might even make Kiley's choices make more sense. Or if Kiley kidnapped Micah (made from the real dad). Anyway I think Gunnar is the male Juliette on this show, he can never be happy.
  6. It's hard for me to get upset at Anna when 1) Jill's been pregnant for months, has months to go... 2) I read a few articles wondering if Anna might be. (I think if other people are asking, you might as well admit it.) 3) There will always be pregnant Duggars and Jill will be pregnant a lot. 4) Presumably you're only engaged once and Jill trumped Jessa on that. Anna doesn't have a chance against female descendant of Michelle who wants to be Michelle.
  7. Any thoughts on the spoof article The New Yorker ran? Clearly they could have done better, but I wonder if we'll see an official response.
  8. I actually really enjoyed this episode, but then I had a really bad day. I wasn't that interested in Terry's story line, but I like the idea of Scarlett as a manager. I liked Scarlett and the boys together. I laughed at Juliette. It was a bad day. (for me) I did think it was in character. Somehow I didn't think Juliette lost all her dignity like Will and .... Deacon. I still love him though. Rayna didn't bother me. I know it's traditional, but Baby It's Cold Outside goes with that slightly off vibe many people have have about Ruke or rather Layna. Jeff and Layla are cute together. I like Joni Mitchell before she was trendy.
  9. Josh looks to me like he's headed towards a mid-life crisis, a midlife crisis with acting out or a bleeding ulcer or some combination of those mentioned things. I think it was his idea, maybe to have sex and that's all it takes. I think he loves Anna and the kids, but could be bored and sick of it especially since he never got to experience anything else. Anna is also possibly bored, but compensates by throwing herself more into motherhood and pregnancy. I think it might. However I think Jill or Jessa is more likely. It may not seem like it, but Josh and Anna are far less fertile than his parents and they're still young. It's only going to harder as they get older. I had the opposite reaction. Lucky Jana! This could her life.I think as bad as it is for her, I think it's probably worse to be Jichelle and Anna even if it's their own fault they have to go through so many pregnancies. I understand the Cinderjana concept, but sometimes I wonder if she makes herself useful to avoid being married off and become the mother of dozens. It's something I could see myself and my friends doing if we were in similar situations.
  10. You have to be 35 to be president. Smuggar is 26. so, not before 2024.
  11. I agree nobody cares much. They have to get to at least ten before people care again. Four is not that weird. I'm surprised they announced before the second trimester, given Anna has miscarried before (in my experience it increases the chances she'll miscarry again.) Given she's nine weeks, you'd think she'd have noticed no monthly gift. Maybe they just waited for the whole family to be present. I agree Mason seems right, but then also Malachi, Matthew, or Moses. For girls, Michelle, Mary, Mia, Madison, or Miriam.
  12. In Tara Ariano's wrap-up she's says Danny's dad is from Pennsylvania. I recently read that Pennsylvania is "two cities with Alabama in between." Exhibit A for this theory is Danny's dad. 2) Someone should tell Danny's dad about Loving vs. Virginia, a 1967 supreme court decision that made all interracial marriages in all states legal. A lot of these people should think through their decisions.
  13. I didn't watch all of it... but here are my thoughts on the points I saw: Brett and Daya seemed as viable a couple as I've ever seen them. Not that I think they're all that viable but still they seemed to actually sync up which was nice. Mo and Dani actually might split up! Please! Justin and Evelin are the only couple I really like and I don't think it's international thing, I think it's a cultural thing. Justin the correct way to stop Evelin from teaming up with your mom is to fly her mom in. I also think you owe your fiancee and possibly the viewers an explanation on why you dislike your family so much particularly your mom. (Jake and Jennifer we get). Justin himself reminds me of his mom, but I can't figure out why other than they're both really passive. She also reminds of Michael's mother on Burn Notice. (Only more whiny and less awesome) Finally looking for that perfect protest destination vacation! Somewhere like Fergusson only less crowded or more up and coming right now. Might we suggest a trip to the vicinity of Danny's dad's house! The perfect place to make your feelings known, this unique protest opportunity allows you to both celebrate love like you would during a gay marriage protest and stand against racial injustice! Just remember to book your return ticket to wherever you came from and to escape this unpleasant jerk! Seriously Run Amy run! and maybe take Danny with you. I wish he had stood up to his dad more but he was so embarrassed that his face was bright red. He didn't stand up, but he didn't give in either. At least his worrying this week seemed to be about whether Amy will still marry him (probably) rather than what does Dad think. Meanwhile how does the mother stay married to the father? Still the rest of the family is ok, except for some of the brothers.
  14. I think on the episodes I've seen recently and otherwise there's some Claire Pettibone and Lazaro. Lazaro is a big name on this show. But of course Pnina is the biggest. I think part of the thought process of the producers (totally guessing of course) is that people want to see unique or at least not what they have in real life. Based on my Facebook feed (and the weddings I've been to), the majority of the brides don't dress like the people on this show, they dress generally more conservatively and less on-trend than these brides. It's escapist fantasy, but the dresses do seem uglier recently. You also have Twilight to thank for sleeves.
  15. No offense meant, I don't follow football so I don't much about Mr. Tebow. You know more than I do. He may be obnoxious but I don't know if they can really find a "good" match. I don't think there is a good match possible for her or for anyone unless they leave the Duggar cult. I think as long as Jim Bob can pick their mate, their stuck with someone who will be part of the fold or willing to enter the fold. I have trouble envisioning what a good match would be within courtship rules, especially for the ones I like. (For example, Jana)
  16. I just want to point out a lot of my fundie friends had babies right after the wedding (9 monthes) when they were older than Duggar girls. And yes pretty much if you have unprotected sex, you should or will expect to get pregnant. Sometimes it's slow like Anna, but yeah that's why birth control is or can be a good idea. I'm always surprised people are naive enough to believe it just won't happen, (particularly a few members of my church). As for Jessa I think it's possibly too soon to know. Right now there's a lot of speculative articles about the Duggars. Josh and Anna could be pregnant. John-David, Jana, or Jinger could be courting. Michelle could be pregnant (kidding!). No with the exception of the last one, all of these things are possible, but none of them are happening or at least they aren't yet. News about the Duggars makes money and right now there is no news. When there is no news, speculate. They speculate about lots of famous couples and women and it doesn't seem to matter if they are right or not. So they throw it out there whether it's right or not. I believe Jessa's wedding will air in March or at the latest May. May would be six monthes from her wedding day (not enough time to have a baby). I believe I read it will be in March maybe when Jill has her baby. I personally don't mind the delay. Once they show Jessa's wedding there's nothing exciting to air until Jill has the baby. I'm not overly enthralled with Josh, Anna or Amy, but I also don't look forward to anything better to show than Jill eating pickles and ice cream or throwing up or writing out quotes, etc. As someone with a lot of pregnant distant friends, pregnancy is mostly a tame event if not happening to you or someone extremely close to you. Weddings are, in my opinion, the most exciting thing, so waiting for March sweeps seems somewhat reasonable.
  17. Jill was featured briefly in the beginning when they showed Amy singing at her wedding. She explained that they wanted to incorporate as much family as possible, which is typical of the weddings I've been to.
  18. Amy imo is an ok singer. I think she's a good karaoke singer, but actually not a great quality church soloist unless she's your cousin. She could do really well at singing at she practiced more and spent time and money on learning vocal technique. She has a decent if untrained voice, but she seems to me to lean more on her talent rather than building skill. I have a lot of friends who are singers and they have studied music consistently before just getting a label. I was amused by the lyrics of her song she sang to the execs. Something about you lying next to me. I was amused when a record exec said "It was effortless." I bet. It was kind of boring. Her music video seems very boring to me. And very tame. Amy with the Duggars was nice. She's someone close to them who brings a different view of the world. However I do wonder if Jim-Bob ever tells his daughters to have more exuberance like their cousin Amy. She's seems so happy, she's makes her cousins seem joyless in comparison.
  19. Okay I don't think Anna wants nineteen, she's talking about four. There's a big difference. I think Josh doesn't want more kids now or maybe even ever, but it's hard to believe two people in their mid-twenties could not birth control and only have three kids for the rest of their lives. I think Josh doesn't particularly need more kids, but is resigned to the inevitability of having more. It's not just being around Priscilla. It's also that most of the women around her including the models of her mother and her mother-in-law have bigger families. Also around the time this episode was filmed Jill was on the cover of People. Josh and Anna have been married a little over six years. If you think they're nuts to want a fourth child, wait til Jill or Jessa is announcing their fourth child or more!
  20. I think Kiley's child is neither Gunnar's or Jason's which will devastate Gunnar. I think they won't hurt Juliette's baby considering Hayden is really pregnant. I'm not even sure Kiley's kid is Kiley's.
  21. I preferred Layla's hair in the updo. Sadie and Rayna are still my favorite potential couple. Then again Sadie has chemistry with Luke! This woman has chemistry with anyone. I like the music in this episode. I want to the professional (Teddy's girl) to go away. And Teddy is good-looking enough and has a good job and could have his pick of women over 30 in Nashville and even a few under 30. Gunnar is officially the new Juliette. He never gets to be happy. I thought Zoey made a tough but somewhat understandable decision. I like the idea of her having a career. Love Juliette and Avery, but couldn't she ever have nice in-laws? Or at least ones that wouldn't judge her for being the daughter of a drug addict and having a crappy childhood? Those two things are sh***y reasons to blame anyone.
  22. Rayna being freaked about the pre-nup is the DUMBEST thing I've seen on this show. 1)Rayna owns a record label and a company. She is worth a lot more than Luke. 2) Rayna and Luke are both successful but both have kids who could use finanicial security. 3) Rayna divorced Teddy over bad financials decisions and financial matters and worrying about their shared credit rating.So you think Rayna would have trouble trusting a man with money. It seems out of character that Rayna would be upset over a pre-nup. It also seems more in Rayna's character to ask for a prenup versus the man who got her name tattooed on his arm.
  23. I can't really blame Anna for her constant pregnancy tests. One of the reasons I would never live their reproductive lifestyle is you never get to know. When you take precautions, you can assume more or less that you're not pregnant. But when you do nothing to prevent it, then you constantly have the worry or whatever nagging at you. I think it would drive you crazy. Especially if you didn't want to be pregnant, the idea you might be pregnant could drive you up a wall. Marcus is already a year old by fundie/Duggar standards and for these people that's a long time to go between kids, especially since they don't seem to be pregnant yet. Anna and Josh are young enough that it seems reasonable to be concerned if she's pregnant or not. I think they are relatively not that fertile and living healthier and losing weight might help that. (Not that I think they need more kids). I also think that part of the taking the pregnancy test on television is to quell internet rumors about whether or not they're pregnant, whether they're taking precautions, etc. That being said I would put the stick in a ziploc. I think Josh is more conflicted about taking precautions. I think he still has his principles and he has the problem of most of his sources of income come from the big family principles. I think Jill or Jessa could easily take over their slots as they are potentially more fertile.
  24. Gender reveal parties are very current. Someone pointed out to me recently they're a way to get gifts past the first one or two children. I have friends who've had them, but I didn't attend (they lived too far away). Gender reveal parties aren't my style. It's a recent trend. I do prefer the idea of knowing the gender (especially if it was my baby) ahead of time. Most of my friends announce which gender prior to birth. Some of my fundie lite friends insist they want to be surprised, but they're even more obsessed with gender. During one pregnancy they told everyone they wanted to be surprised, then asked for predictions, then said they were 100% percent sure of what they were having based on feelings they were, and then eventually the baby was born and their feelings were incorrect. Meanwhile they had announced both names (one for a girl and one for a boy, completely different names) and referred to their unborn child by their preferred gender. It all seems very strange to me. Since what you're having is already determined, why not know? But that's my two cents. I can understand why gender isn't a big deal to a lot of people. I just seem to know a lot of people who care. I realized Priscilla and David's children share their initials. I wonder if they'll stick with the P and D letter theme in the future.
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