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Everything posted by Temperance

  1. 19 kids and counting? They're not still counting. Grandchildren should get their own count. I don't really know who Erica Hill is. I'm happy for John David, Joseph, and Derrick for getting out of this interview. Rather than asking why modesty is important, I would have asked "how do you define modesty?" Jana has been the oldest in the house since Josh got married. Erica seems confused about how old Jana is. They're talking about laundry, and it's then I realize Grandma Mary is conspicuously absent. I'm glad she's not there, but I also kind of want to see and hear from her. I am tired of them replaying Josie's birth over and over again. The viewers have seen it, especially since it's gone over at least every four episodes. I also think that making the family relive it is and showing it to them again is unfair. Most people do not video-tape their traumas and force themselves to relive them over and over. To certain extent, the parents chose this (although I'm not sure it's fair to them either), but the children didn't. Josie is not demonstrating perfect pitch by singing Amazing Grace. That's when you pick a key to sing in based on memory without the benefit of some external reference. I would say Josie sings on key and is singing in the same key as the piano. Her singing was very nice in that clip. Do most parents think "Mission Accomplished" on their child's wedding day? I like Jessa's dress. It's chicer than Erica's outfit. Erica's outfit is weirder than Michelle's. Michelle "We also encourage them to set their own standards." Yep! They showed the onesie Instagram photo, which is interesting because it opens the door to all the other things on their social media pages. Erica says "And with 19 kids, there's no lack of musical talent in this family." In other words, forget the Willis family! I like Marjorie's outfit, especially the red sweater. What happened to Michelle and Jim Bob's new season of life? Both in this episode and the last one there was mentioning of the hope of another Duggar baby. I liked that Josh knew and said TMI. I wonder why he thinks there will be another courtship. I wonder if there might be some pressure on some of the older kids who live at home to start courting soon.
  2. I just read an article which had pictures of Marjorie with Josiah in skinny jeans; her jeans were flattering! But then the article says Jim Bob and she had a conversation where she decided to be modest and wear skirts and dresses so people know she is a woman. So it seems she is prepared to do what it takes to be a Duggar. Eyeroll.
  3. She bought all pink ones like the ones in the link, and they painted half the pink ones blue.
  4. I went back and looked at my old comments. I thought Sierra looked pregnant at Jessa's wedding with another baby (like one or two months). Jessa got married November 1st. Jill got married in June and Sierra was 8 or 9 months pregnant. It's possible having previous children could mean she looks pregnant a lot. I'm surprised she doesn't bring her baby (and/or other children) to be on the show.
  5. I remembered to watch the show. Yeah! What a show! I agree with others; I think Beverly's a goner. I think Juliette has something bigger than PPD, but I'm not sure what the name of it is. I hope the show addresses that more than PPD is going on with her. I'm no expert, but I think her neglected childhood leaves her in more vulnerable place that most mothers with PPD in that she has little to guide her in terms of intuition and memory (even if internal) of previous care. I'm tired of Micah and didn't recognize Kylie as a blonde, (I thought she was a brunette). I knew when he turned out to be Gunnar's nephew we wouldn't really be rid of him. I liked the song Gunnar wrote. I liked Gunnar and Scarlett singing. I think Rayna is smart enough not to be too worried about the business with Juliette considering she knows a lot more about Juliette's mental state than Luke.
  6. In the scenes where Courtney was talking about Michelle's patience and saintliness as a mother, we saw Michelle questioning Jackson on his behavior. Courtney also described both Michelle and Jim Bob, but particularly Michelle as "the most patient people you will ever meet." This goes against how I think of Michelle, but maybe some people see apathy/disengagement as patience?
  7. Did Frank Sun have long hair? The crew seems to have the language skills of the family. The crew seems to be the biggest fans of the family. Seriously this was really boring.
  8. Josh "I think it's a great starter home. There's only so much you can do in 960 sq. feet." A) That's actually a good size home for a young couple family. (My grandparents had children in a much smaller space.) B) eww! The giant bear is the only prize they could have won? Really? I'm glad Anna is ok with morning sickness, but I have known people who had healthy babies with none to little morning sickness. Josh on the trampoline: "I'm honestly wondering what I've gotten myself into." I bet he thinks this a lot. I can't believe JimBob thought telling Michael not to get paint on his clothes would be enough to keep paint off his clothes. He's three years old! Seriously! You have to supervise kids that age around paint if you don't want a mess. Why would Boob thinking telling a three year old would work? I have zero kids and I know more than that. I think the signs are weird as is the whole big party gender reveal. why not just do the ultra-sound? I liked Anna saying about the flamingos "Is this supposed to represent how many grandchildren Jim-Bob and Michelle are supposed to have?" The frame is an okay gift. We knew Josh and Anna were having a girl before Israel was born, and they showed footage of him (out of the womb) at the gender reveal party. Continuity, TLC?
  9. I'm watching Celebrity Jeopardy and Aaron Rogers looks like Derrick Dillard in the face, but it could just be me.
  10. Just saw above....came here to post about the bad Duggar diet... I don't think they were trying to eat healthy for much of their life, also look at Josh,etc. Since they can't show their stomachs publicly, they probably had slightly rounded stomachs to begin with (nothing wrong with that), and yes that pose. Also my friend had a first baby due three weeks earlier than due but born on her first wedding anniversary. Then I saw the picture of the coffin ... WTF!
  11. Who is Johannah nn Hannie's buddy? (She clearly is young enough that should have one, but she isn't listed on the buddy groups.)
  12. Thoughts on the episode: Jill was the special daughter doing the right thing even from birth. She was the first natural delivery. Michelle "We are grandparents now." while talking about Josie's birth. Uh, Michelle you were grandparents were when Josie was born. (Kynzie was a baby and had already been born.) I am too excited by Anna saying "before you know it you're little one will be in kindergarten". I really hope that means J and A have found a kindergarten for Kynzie beyond the SOTDRT! All of the little girls would want to help take care of the baby. What wouldn't little girls wouldn't? (Being sarcastic this seems to be the thought process behind the teaching the little girls how to hold and take care of a baby.) I liked seeing Jill and Derrick learning about each other through the Pistol Pete trip. I was really happy seeing Derrick state that he feels his kids should go to college if they feel they should. He sounded assertive too. Good for him and I'm glad Jill wasn't fighting with him about it. I wish they had broken up this episode into two or something. It felt long and I got a little bored. The note from Derrick's Dad was so sweet! Beyond words! I can't believe how long it took to decide to a c-section. I'm no expert, but it seems they could have decided it earlier in labor than they did. It also seems they really didn't play up the health risks, which after talking with older people who knew people in similiar situations, seem much more serious than indicated. I'm glad Jill and Israel are ok. In general, the episode was nice and they seemed to be more bonded as a family than usual, although Jessa and Ben seemed caught up in each other. On the other hand, I can't believe anyone talked about Michelle having another baby! Not likely to the say the least.
  13. What's really strange about the "gap" between Josh and Jana and JD is that it's less than 2 years! (According to Wikipedia, Josh is born March 1988, and Jana and JD are born Jan 1990. That would have been two years if they were born in march.) So in less than 2 years they recovered from the birth of one baby, had a miscarriage, and got pregnant with twins. I do think it's possible, but that's such a lot to happen in a small amount of time. Michelle and jim Bob were married about three years when they got pregnant with Josh. By their fourth anniversary, they had one child and having the wild two years mentioned above.
  14. As names Thorn/Thorne or Cruz OR Cross or Creed. I'm still unconvinced they're having twins.
  15. Watching the episode again and here are some more thoughts: Boob has learned about real estate values since the show started. He's fixing up Ben and Jessa's house for resale value and equity.Maybe he even watches home and garden television. Jessa seems to be finally receiving the affection she's been looking for all her life. Ben and Jessa handled the kiss from the Italian chef much better her parents would have. Jessa talking about her cooking made me think about Ben and his ministry dreams. Jessa may want Ben to go into the ministry, because she'd get more opportunities to leave the house and other roles than housewife. Then the congregation would bring her meals when they have a new baby or a lot going on. It really annoyed me that Jessa had to mention she was one of 19 to the Italian chef. Albeit in a more low key way than her parents would have, but still. I'm surprised that they only see Jill about once a week. I'm happy for Joy she got to see Jill. Michelle didn't seem to be acting weird in general; just unusual for her in the thrift shop scene. Ok I've never been to Arkansas, so do they not have pigeons there? It seemed to me that they were acting like they've never seen pigeons. They were adorable at the thrift store. My favorite hat was the first one Jessa had on with the sunglasses. I don't think Anna needed to bring the test into the bedroom. I don't think Josh seemed particularly anything when Anna told him except tired. I thought he was very sweet talking and telling each one of their older kids. I find traveling exhausting and I think it would be exhausting being around his family. He seemed less than thrilled in the announcement, but it's hard to say what it is exactly is causing his seeming indifference. I think Josh could be tired of the show and having to do announcements and come up with creative ways to break the news and keep things interesting. I also wonder if he feels his parents take him for granted or something along those lines. I didn't like Jim Bob's asking Ben and Jessa if they brought him another grandchild and Michelle's line about being the multiplication times is just scary, but I liked their joke about Jim-Bob being pregnant. Not haha funny, but humble and silly and acknowledging an imperfection, so there was that.
  16. Jill and Derrick announced the gender on TLC with just the two of them, and they announced In People. I assume there will be a living room announcement with Ben and Jessa. They just showed their honeymoon. On the show she isn't pregnant for another 2 or 3 months yet. She did wait until she was 12 weeks; I'll give you that though possibly to not conflict or be overshadowed by Israel's birth. As for morning sickness, not every woman has terrible morning sickness or even the same amount. Younger women have less morning sickness in my experience. Also both grandma and my aunt had bad sickness, but my mother (their daughter and sister) did not have bad morning sickness. Again she may talk about morning sickness more when TLC gets to airing episodes where she's actually pregnant. I wouldn't give her too much credit yet, wait on til the episodes starting airing.
  17. I wish we got to Ma and pa Duggar's the reaction to them not doing a first kiss at the ceremony. I wonder if the internet is the main reason they're fixing the mold. Jessa you don't have 9 sisters, you have 8. Your parents' 9 daughters include you. I love Jessa's outfit in Paris at the restaurant. I have never seen Michelle as excited as she was at the thrift store. Jill: "If you're in a Duggar home, you're probably not far from a box of pregnancy tests." I won't say anything about it, because that sounds like internet bait if ever I heard it.
  18. I really dislike the look on Jessa's face in the picture with Anna and Jill. It's so immature. I can't say I'm surprised by any of this much. I wish the Seewalds had explained some stuff to Ben, but then they married him off to a Duggar. I wonder how the Seewalds are reacting.
  19. She reminds me a little of Jim Carey, with the way her face moves. Yeah the free Jinger thing was in part, because of her spirit. Also I think now it was Jinger and Jessa who were happy best friends who almost always did their interviews together. Then it was rumored their parents tried to split 'em more. Jinger did seem sad talking about the tough times. I think she's the next Duggar girl married, but that's just a prediction.
  20. Also Joel. Or even Jeffrey or Jerry. Jasmine, Jacinda, Jerusha, Janet, or Jewel. I thought Jinger was just a Duggar thing, but then I was reading a book and the author dedicated it to her family members including her sister-in-law? Jinjer. So apparently unique spellings are common in the fundy.
  21. IF she is pregnant (and she probably is) then how far along do you think she is? I'm guessing about 3 months and the baby will be born in October/late September. (Jessa is shorter and in my experience short women deliver early.)
  22. Don't the Duggars still own a car dealership? and couldn't they get them a great deal on a car? As for babies, again not very experienced but they all kind of have the same personality. Also I have been told by my mother that I have different personality as a child and an adult than I did as baby. (I was a laid back baby and not so much any more.) Of course the "real" reason she doesn't know anything about his personality is that he is not eating food yet. How does she know whether or not he likes pickles yet?
  23. I'm not really a baby person, so I don't understand this much. We know his statistics and his name, and he's a baby. Aren't all babies alike? We've seen the pictures. I don't there is much to say at this point. Also I think many young (and may be even older) people only know birth the way it happens in the movies. Jill had many unusual experiences so I think people are interested in that or the media thinks this is more interesting.
  24. Two things 1) First of all, just because he's the first one to enter a courtship since Jessa's wedding doesn't mean necessarily he's the next one married. Look at Jessa and Ben. They started their courtship and then all of a sudden JB and Jill met Derrick. And Jill and Derrick got married first. (Mainly I think because he had a good job.) Then I think Jim Bob didn't seem to be in rush to marry off Jessa; I think he would have been happy to let her court longer. She and Ben were the ones who rushed it. So if Marjorie and Jo want to go slower, I could see JB and Mechelle good with that. I also think that any of the older children would end up married first if they found someone they wanted to be with (Even Jana). 2) I was just thinking about the covenant marriage. It seems like Jill is the only one who has one. I wonder what kind of marriage Si and Marjorie will have.
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