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Everything posted by Temperance

  1. I saw the one where Anna went to prison on a ministry trip. They were in Florida visiting her parents. One thing I remember is that it was a women's prison. I vaguely remember women were supposed to go only to the women's prison, but that could untrue.
  2. Maybe Kaitlyn wonder if Ben H was a virgin since there were a few last season with Chris Soules. She knows the producers like to cast virgins on the show. I find the drama not fun to watch. Usually they go from 6 to 4 (one episode) to 4 to 3 (one episode) to 3 to 2. This time they were down to five this week and from 5 to 3. Ben H is my prediction for the next Bachelor.
  3. We've seen both Jill's and Jessa's wedding on tv, and Josh was invited and attended both. Jill even went so far as to make Anna a bridesmaid. I am not convinced that because neither Derrick nor Ben made Josh a groomsman at the wedding he was excluded. In most of the weddings I've been, all of the siblings of B and G were included but these were much smaller families than 19. My experience with larger families is that in some weddings not everyone is in the wedding party. Generally the groom picks his friends for groomsman and the bride picks hers for bridesmaids. I'd say more, but risk getting of topic.
  4. The section I highlighted could describe the entire family from what I've seen of their show. They come bland in a lot of the time, but are peevish (about not wanting to really encounter anyone who doesn't share their values, etc.) or crude (JB and Michelle constantly talking about increasing the brood; everyone obsessing about so and sos' first kiss, etc.) I could probably think of a better example of peevish, but my brain is tired today. I don't know if she likes them or not, but she's baffled by them and the fact they aren't married. Michelle was married at 17 and JB at 19. She's surprised she could have children 25 and unmarried. Likewise she's the Cheerleader who had a boyfriend (husband at 17!) and they are the nerds? (not sure which clique to place them in, but definitely a less cool clique than cheerleaders) who are unable to get dates.
  5. I'm confused by the whole timeline events versus the normal course of the show. Normally they do hometown dates, but then normally they get to six people and two eliminated and get to four and then hometown dates. According to Bachelorette website in the cast section, there are five men left on the show. (Nick, Shawn, Jared, Joe, and Ben H) so it would seem that there is one too many guys to hometown even with the two hour format. While I realize there has been a lot of drama this season, I'm not convinced a lot of what goes on in terms of editing is simply TPTB trying to mess the format to make interesting, different and trying to mix it up and see if the audience sticks.
  6. I can't say for sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if he did get the reference. I'm not too far off in age, from Derrick my parents are around his parent's age (his dad's if he was alive.). I can't be totally sure they didn't play him a few Beatles tunes growing up. He may not know that exact haircut, but he could google the hair. I could easily agree with this. I think a lot of people are looking for something to fill them up. I also he's in crisis mode and running scared.I think his father's death has him worried that any of the people he love could die in the middle of the night or at any moment and I think he's scared of being alone. Almost losing his mother has magnified that. I think part of the appeal of the Duggars for him (none for me) is he can marry, his wife will give birth to a quiver, he'll have hundreds nieces and nephews and never be alone.
  7. Except when Ben and Jessa were courting, her sisters (Joy I think) helped their future brother-in-law with his hair. Including running their fingers through to make it spiky. I think if Jill is cutting Derrick's hair, it's because she thinks she's good at it and it saves money. (People like the Duggars always need or want to save money.)
  8. This could be good for them, particularly if it's longer than a few weeks. For people saying Jill isn't expected to actually do work on a mission trip, keep in mind her parent's approach to parenting, i. e. the buddy system. The youngest baby is Michelle's buddy, but the next child up is handed off to their older sisters. She has done plenty of work raising those children, as opposed to her parents. I think she could be useful baby sitting local children while the parents rebuild. I don't think Derrick is forcing her to do this necessarily. The Duggars have always claimed they could do anything no matter how they're dressed or how many kids they have. Jill is still trying to prove this. Cathy is improving in health. She may want them to go and live their lives. She may be glad to her daughter-in-law, grandson, and son leave JB and the Duggars. (Which now include Josh) I think Jill is the biggest kool-aid drinker of the bunch. I think in a lot of ways Derrick follows her lead. This trip may be a way for him to get her to focus on each other and away from her family.
  9. I want to say I really liked Chris Soules on Andi's season. He really seemed to balance her out. She had a lot of energy and he was mellow and helped her calm down. And then Chris was cardboard in own season. So Ben H could have a lot of personality yet to be revealed. It's hard to tell. I dislike Josh Murray, he had very little to say, little going on, and living in the past. If he is the next Bachelor, he would have to become future-oriented. I initially came here to say I read an article that say Britt and Brady broke up. Not surprised.
  10. According to the internet, an Irish wake is where the body is placed in the house and people sit with the body, people come in and be with the family. I don't read spoilers either, but Nick is infamous for oversharing. I couldn't believe they decided to do a wake date. Britt and Brady meeting her mom was hilarious. Also I didn't recognize her as a blonde for a minute. This show feels like it goes on forever. I don't have tivo, maybe I should wait watch on line to fast forward. I don't enjoy people crying. I'm trying not to be too hard on Kaitlyn, but I dislike Nick in general. His appeal is that he's both take-charge (bossy) and extremely flattering (I think he's a salesman? so he's good at selling himself. ) No I don't want Ian to be the Bachelor. Just saying you could be should disqualify you. Jared maybe for Bachelor.
  11. On the other hand, the baby was wearing a waldo shirt and not a matching green tee.
  12. I liked Kaitlyn's date with Ben H. The two-step was cool. Less cool was the number of times she said authentic. Still that date was more romantic than anything else this season. I'm going to watch the group date later. This show is too long for my taste (two hours)! Finally Ian lost me when he said his ex is hotter. That may be true, but it's tacky to say.
  13. The first Bachelor ever Alex didn't propose to everyone. I remember I watched Aaron Burke's season (2) that Chris and he made a big deal that he was going to it right and actually propose. The Wikipedia entries for the Bachelor/Bachelorette series (listed separately) have every season listed and it says whether there was a proposal or not. (more often than you think, there were no proposals.) Nick is now trying to date Whitney (another Chris Soules ex). She seems more his speed, but it's Nick dating yet another Bachelor girl for me.
  14. So I just saw the interview about the dress for the first time.Thoughts: 1)Anyone who read the Gawker piece knows TLC has tried to keep the Duggars culturally pure and living in the nineteenth century. I wonder who defrauded the Michelle into using the word bling. 2) I am sure the door opens all the time at casa Duggar. I didn't notice Michelle ignoring Josie until Josie start calling her. 3) I was expecting worse, but Michelle does say something about modesty in regards to lost jacket. I thought Josie looked fine and not immodest just a four year old with bare arms.
  15. Yeah the old TWOP (televisionwithoutpity) site has been pretty much trashed, but they used to do a list every week and then every year of the worst people on reality tv of the year.(The site, not the Duggar forum). As far as I remember the only one of the Duggars to make that list was Josh and this was long before this current scandal erupted. Josh made the list for falling asleep and not being at Anna's side consistently while she was in labor with Michael. I can't remember all of the reasons, but I think the car lot was also a part of it. Also for letting his parents make him and his very pregnant wife go on tour around the country on speaking engagements with his family. Does anyone else remember this?
  16. Yeah I didn't think any of the guys sang too well that I heard. I realize none of them are singers, but still many of them were never on key. I just realized too that maybe the guys aren't as unhappy that Nick is stealing Kaitlyn as much as he might get to be the next Bachelor. Is possible ABC brought him on to test how the audience feels about him? I don't like him and I think he's a bad match for Kaitlyn, however other people clearly do and he seems like someone ready to spout lines about "His future wife being in the room."
  17. Absolutely agree that the lead spent more one-on-one time with the contestants and I definitely noticed that Kaitlynn seems to spend less time with them than other leads.
  18. I don't like Nick. Just don't. However if I thought he was a more genuine match for Kaitlyn, I would tolerate his presence so much more. Nick showed his true colors on Andi's season. He's a really intense and family-oriented guy. For people who didn't watch Andi's season Nick is one of eleven children, and he clearly was ready to settle down and have kids. Possibly a big family. His behavior after the show came down to he felt Andi didn't share his values, and he had values (mainly that it was ok to spend the night with someone on a reality show as long as he was the only one.) Now he's back to date.. Kaitlynn. I don't blame either Andi or Kaitlynn for their choices or decisions just they don't vibe well with Nick Values. It's like Marshall (Nick) dating Robin (Kaitlynn) from How I Met Your Mother. I also find Britt and Brady fake too. I've seen the show before, but is it just me or are most of the group dates this season less about the contestants spending time with the lead? Has it been tapering off slowly? I guess in Andi's season there was the lie detector test, but I feel like they interact less with Kaitlyn than the contestants on previous seasons interacted with the lead.
  19. My feeling on Derrick is that Jim Bob met him and was over the moon. A conservative Christian with a real job, someone religious who could reasonably support the quiver or brood? Jim Bob probably thought his prayers had been answered. So my thought has been Jim Bob wanted to get Derrick into a relationship with one of his daughters. I don't really think he cared which one. I think he did want it to be either Jill or Jana since they were the oldest. Jessa was out since she was already courting Ben. That Jessa was courting with Ben shows they don't care which girl was married first. I think probably he started sharing his correspondence with both of the girls and telling them what a good guy Derrick is, and seeing who was interested. (Jill said on the show in one of her interviews that her father was mentioning Derrick and she became curious. ) I think Jill showed interest first. She started skyping with him. If Jana was interested, she seems like she'd be more cautious and slower to move. I'm not sure she was, possibly because she hadn't met him. I do think JB talked Derrick up, and then looked to see who was interested.
  20. Like when TLC showed the certification on the wall at Jill's midwife.
  21. I feel very sorry for these girls. I only saw a quick portion of the interview. 1) Jill was crying. I noticed this, but couldn't tell why. Something seemed off to me. She could be crying, because of the abuse. She could be crying, because she's overwhelmed as both a new mother and having to deal with the past abuse. She could be crying, because she feels everyone is attacking her family and she is losing her reality show. I honestly am not sure why she was crying. It broke my heart. 2) These two women have the most interesting lives of all the girls. Even if Jessa is financially dependent on JB and show, she and Jill are starting their own lives. They're married; one has a baby and one is pregnant. These are two most likely to get a spinoff. 3) This is not a family known for being overly physically affectionate towards each other. People learn to show affection as children by receiving it from parents, siblings, friends, extended family, etc. Jessa seems cold, like a lot of her family. Particularly the older people. The Jacksonville idea comes from Gothard himself. It's one of his ideas. I've heard JimBob say it.
  22. I love the idea of them working the night shift at Walmart! With like three of them as the person who greets people at door! At 3 am! Also Kaitlyn is Robyn from HIMYM.
  23. Keep in mind they have Jessa for that! (Her baby is due November 1st. Jill would have to have a Josie to have the next baby.) I'm disappointed to hear Dan defend Josh. Not cool! If the Dillards are okay with this, I wonder if they would have felt differently if Jill had given birth to a baby girl. (Also on a side and unrelated note, I wonder if Jill has some sort of gender disappointment. Now given she is a Duggar, she no doubt intends to have plenty of children of both genders, but something about the first episode where all the little girls came over and played dress up made me think she wanted a girl. She also mentions she thinks she's having a girl, but that could just be random.) I've always see Derrick less as a kool-aid drinker and more just infatuated with the Duggars and Jill.
  24. It may be wishful thinking on my part, but here are my thoughts: 1) Ben has never seemed as into the Duggars as he has been into Jessa. She seems to me to be more important than her family to him. 2) Which is good, because this whole mess doesn't change who she is. It doesn't make her a bad person. They seem to be growing closer as friends on the show. 3) Ben has a good heart. He is sweet and kind to the people around him. His heart is probably breaking for her. I don't think he will judge her for this mess. He may be mad at Josh, but who cares? 4)I don't agree with Michael Seawald's political views, but I think he and Guinn genuinely care for Jessa. I hope they will help Ben and Jessa as much as possible. I wish the best to both of these kids.
  25. Also speculating or she doesn't want or isn't ready to get married and start making about a baby a year for the next twenty years. Or she's resenting Josh for putting pressure on her to do something she doesn't want to. I'm not convinced Jana necessarily wants to get married, even if that means escaping. If I were a Duggar girl, I would put off marriage for as long as possible. Yes Josh seems to want to not have as many kids as his parents, but then he isn't pregnant; his wife is. If I were Jana, and seeing Jill's troubling labor (Jana also a midwife probably understands very well how scary that was) and seeing all of Josie's health problems, (and yes I know many births go smooth and kids don't have health problems, but you never know what will be) I might not be eager about jumping into marriage and motherhood. I would have liked it if they had asked if any of the other adult "kids" had any plans like their brother Joseph. It occurred to me I might not mind soft questions if they could come up with new soft questions. I did think asking if they were jealous of each other was a new one, but mostly it was a matter of routine. "They have 19 children. They have traveled all over the country, and all over the world. They have had opportunities that most people can only dream about, and yet... they are still telling the thirty year old story of J'chelle in her bathing suit." I was laughing so hard at that line. Still am. It also proves my point that there are far more interesting soft questions. Jessa and Ben talking about Europe. Showing more footage of the family on their trips. Something. It seems to me and I could be wrong that this is by far the longest season of 19 kids and counting, but I'm speculating. Still it's what 20/21 episodes and some are half hours and some are full hours and some are two hours. Is it over already or what?
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