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Everything posted by Temperance

  1. She also still lives at home. Doing these kinds of videos may raise her favor with JB and Mechelle and make them easier to live with, etc. Most of the people, if not all, are Christians. She may want to stay in with peer group. I doubt if she wanted to be an atheist or talk about evolution, that would go over well.
  2. I don't think or know if it's that boring, but many women who work with babies (even at the fertility stage) are baby crazy themselves (There are exceptions.) Plus she's getting older and is surrounded by people who have trouble getting pregnant some of them probably are even younger than her. She works at a job where she literally is surrounded by babies and pregnancy and all that so it makes sense she has babies on the brain. I also think she could get another job in Iowa. They probably need medical professionals out there, especially if she could do something else with her nursing degree. I thought Kaitlyn was going to the next round. I don't like her that much, although I don't dislike her. She seems rather goofy for the Bachelorette, but maybe that would be good. Still I hope she doesn't rap again or I have to hear it. I don't think it's been clear who F1 is. I hope they don't have to watch much of the season considering Chris seems pulled in a million different directions. Then again I don't expect this to last.
  3. What was Jeff thinking? This was a really stupid plan. No, really really stupid! And I thought Teddy was dumb. If there is one thing Teddy is good at, it's telling the truth so people can bail out his mess. It reminds me of his shady real estate dealings in season 1. I kind of liked Luke drinking with Gunnar and Will. I'm glad Layla seems a little more well-adjusted. Hopefully Jeff won't derail her too much. Scarlett always seems to have one guy yelling at her while in emotional pain while she cries and tries to cheers him up. Deacon's doctor is cute! I liked seeing Deacon with Maddie and acknowledging Scarlett at the end. No to Avery and Sadie as more than friends! Juliette and Avery forever!!!
  4. A lot of children are taught little songs as beginning violin pieces, especially if they start very, very young. For small children, they usually either sing the song first and then work on playing it on the violin. Sometimes they sing in performance while playing the violin. This is common among children under 7/6 who play violin. They can usually sing better than they play and gives them a chance to participate. Jill doesn't have a lot of education and Derrick is not used to talking in big family. It makes sense they're inarticulate. I also think Derrick talks slow, but I'm not from the South. (despite my Southern roots) I was surprised the oldest sisters were as happy as they were. I would think it's been there, done that, and more "helping", but maybe helping Jill is still better than home. Sounds right. I'm with everyone else on the mold. Mold affects everyone eventually. I'm wondering if Jill got the better house because of Jessa's eventual nursery comments versus Jill's sporting the family line.
  5. I was cringing in the beginning. I lacked proper faith in Peggy. I totally felt for Dooley. Particularly after his dream of being with his wife and family! RIP Chief Dooley. It totally leaves Peggy in charge for now. And leaves the door for next season to start with a new chief from outside. (Like the various directors on NCIS, Montgomery followed by Gates on Castle, etc.) And maybe a new boarding house too! (Haven't read any spoilers.) I agree Dottie had better hair in this episode. WTF was the point of creating the Monsters-on-Maple-Street in the theater?
  6. Math problem: If you have 19 kids in general and only 18 live at home (at a time) and there are two parents and maybe grandma living there, then how many people actually live in TTC house? Correct answer: 20, with grandma 21 Michelle seemed to be surprised at say the austerity of Jessa's wedding plans. Considering she should know how limited her budget is and how Jim-Bob probably isn't willing to pitch in finances, what does she expect? It annoys in real life and on the wedding dress shows, etc. when anyone expects the bride and groom to increase the budget without offering to supply the funds. I know JimBob probably controls their finances but still! Aunt Frieda? Jessa: " Probably a guest room for us .....Maybe eventually a nursery" ...?! I liked Ben's reaction to hearing Anna gave birth in the bathroom. (I originally typed to the bathroom haha) I like that Jessa picked a dress that didn't need alterations. Better for Jana. Also impressed Jessa included friends in her wedding party. Jim Bob (on modesty for men): "Normally the boys wear jeans and a shirt." Who knew pretty every guy is modest! Considering I don't think Michelle actually needs a pregnancy test, I don't care that Jill "took" it. Jim Bob wants 190 grandchildren! Good Grief! The promos showed Michelle telling Ben's mom that she could be a grandma next year. It makes Jessa's line about the room someday being a nursery all the more interesting.
  7. So Meri is one of 27 (!) children. Her mother had seven children and her father had 27 children with all of his sister wives in total. Yikes! I was somewhat surprised that Kody asked permission to court her from her father before he asked her out or even let on that he liked her. Her initial relationship with Kody reminded me strongly of the Duggars, including the young age, the passing on of the family's beliefs, etc. I thought that that explained a lot about her. Her obsession with fertility, her desire for a big family and her general belief and acceptance of polygamy. It's probably been handed down the generations since the beginning of the church. (In the episode where they went to see where Joseph Smith died, Meri mentioned one of her ancestors (and a follower) was present at time.) I think the family wants to give the kids choice particularly since both Kody and Janelle made the choice on their own, but the rest of the wives probably feel some sense of wanting to pass it down as it was passed down to them. Mariah seemed more mature in this episode.
  8. I have three fundie-lite friends who had babies 14 or 13 months apart. They all assumed breast-feeding would keep them from getting pregnant right away. 14 minus 9 means the baby was about five months old when they conceived, although it's confusing because almost all of the second babies were premature (but grew to be relatively healthy.)
  9. At points it felt like we were moving backward, but overall I was okay Maddie: Why does everything that happens between you and Deacon have to affect me? For once hitting the nail on the head. Maddie is right tonight, which I don't always think so. I liked Rayna and Daphne talking. I enjoyed Rayna working on her relationship with her girls. And I enjoyed "Real Life" their song. I love the song sung by Deacon, Beverly, and Scarlet. I liked Deacon at meetings. Juliet and Avery were great tonight. I knew as long as Micah was family, we wouldn't get rid of him so easily. Then again I respect Gunnar trying to do right by that kid. A i-phone isn't necessarily the best gift. You might want to child proof the internet and pay the bill for the plan so his grandparents, but we'll assume Gunnar has thought and taken care of these things. Teddy walked yourself into this mess, shame on you for bringing Maddie into it. Jeff you also can do better..
  10. 3-25-2015 ; 25 since Jesus was born on the 25th. (Yes I know it probably wasn't his real birthday. Not sure the Duggars believe it isn't.) 8 pounds 2 oz not sure length 18? in. Jesus Duggar Dillard (kidding) more seriously Rick James since I'm sure Jill has no idea who he is. Maybe Derrick does though? Although I'm not sure, they could go with something biblical or trendy from left field. Rick Duggar Dillard (actual prediction)
  11. So I knew someone who was drafted in WW2 as a psychologist. It was a relatively new field at the time and the army considered imperative to have as many psychologists as they could. He was drafted to be a psychologist despite not being in top physical shape. I don't think it was so much discounted as much as not well understood. It was beginning to be offered in colleges (not just Ivy league), but not every school had one. I'm sure what the backgrounds would be of the men at SSR and how much they would know. People probably saw psychologists/psychiatrists, (the Russian in my understanding is the latter) as doctors and people tend to trust doctors. Also Dooley started drinking on the job which probably impaired his judgment and was unprofessional. I'm not sure why psychologists started being consistent candidates for villains in shows. I agree they should have trust him less, because he was Russian, even if he did save one of their guys lives. I reminded of Anson on Burn Notice (also the bank robber episode where Michael tells people he's a doctor.) I also reminded of Beverly Barlow on Eureka. Both of these shrinks were trusted only to turn out to be villains.
  12. I really liked the beginning. Particularly Peggy and Jarvis working together. I liked when Jarvis was explaining Howard's talent for leaving and Peggy described it as "premature evacuation". I loved more Angie. and the boarding house lady was great tonight. "Men are not allowed above the first floor. Let me speak to your supervisor." I thought the Russian doctor was interesting. Was Dottie trying to kill the Russian doctor or Dooley? I couldn't tell. I wish Carter had pointed out that Dottie was the Russian even if she was woozy from the lipstick when they were at the boarding house. Peggy is going to have a tough time explaining this to the SSR. She has more chemistry with Thompson, but I'm not ready to see her married yet.
  13. Are the new episodes the start of season 10 or a continuation of season 9? Considering how behind they sort of are, I wish they were starting tonight.
  14. Maybe Stewart to stay on as a consultant like some of the other old news guys (Rather, Cronkite, etc.) I also hope maybe he can come back to bits and continue to be their senior New Jersey correspondent. Sniffs. Sigh. My roommates want them to bring in John Oliver. Anyway, I'm so sad to Jon go.
  15. I also have to say I have never heard of shower-for-the father-to-be. The bridal/baby showers thrown by my friends are usually all women by design to exclude men and be as 1950's as possible. I think it's very nice Derrick's office through him a shower. I hope they do this for all the father-to-bes and not just the famous ones. When I was baby, only women got maternity leave. Now some men are starting to get two weeks or so paternity leaves for their babies. I think the idea of parental bonding for both genders is a good idea when possible. I like others' acknowledging men's importance in their children's lives. Jill and Derrick probably do have too much stuff, but that's the common and cultural for well-to-do and/or famous people. I'm sure that baby stuff will come in handy. Either in mission work or being given to Jessa/other Duggars or for the next few babies of their own.
  16. I loved Dayton's line too! Kody is the worst. That being said I can't imagine a man with four wives who doesn't like to be the center of attention. I continue to think Madison is great. If I were the family, I would worry about Madison fading out of their lives, but not for religious feelings. For example, I can see her getting married and feeling a sense of peace while being with her in-laws.
  17. Also TLC is in many ways a baby centered network. They probably wanted to make sure there would be more babies for them to film. It's hard for me to see Robyn as the master manipulator, as she's not the sharpest tool in the shed. Janelle and Christine seemed quiet and cowed. On episodes like this, I think I've seen this before. Imagine if you've lived and possibly seen it since. Robyn doesn't seem to get her main role is to have children, by children I mean babies. Her running the business isn't as important, since it doesn't really make the money they need. What looked better about this in the beginning (although there was still problems) was that Janelle was working and Christine was the homemaker. For all Robyn's privileges as legal wife, she still has to do it all. As for Dayton see the other thread, but Janelle's boys are rowdy and get into fights. I don't they mistreat him, because he's autistic. It's possible they rough house he's nervous about being caught up in it. Since he's a boy, and about the same age, the adults may be tempted to treat them as a group.
  18. What people know or don't know about sex is hard to say in cultures where that's not really talked about. I have to say I was supposedly well-educated about sex, although I was raised it was for marriage, but there is/was a lot I didn't know. I was missing some crucial information which I found reading books later in my twenties. Three things 1) yes teenagers and young adults talk, but they don't necessarily pass on reliable information and they lack an understanding of how different people experience sex differently. I can think of several things that may true for one person versus another or times people told me stuff that's not true. 2) Different religions and religious individuals are better at explaining sex or portray sex in marriage as a good thing. Not all religious people become comfortable talking about sex after marriage. Some are definitely. Some aren't. I've known both kinds. Many of the people I know will tell you it's wonderful and glow about it, but then tell you, you'll figure it out (with your spouse) once you get married. (This seems particularly like advice given to young women.) 3) If you've been your whole life that sex is bad outside of marriage and then it's only for procreation, you may be freaked out hearing about it. It's also possible that you'll start self-censoring. I have a friend who does that. The minute sex is mentioned she either changes the subject or goes away. Her fundie-lite parents are so proud. Anna seems the most likely source for Jana, and I have no idea what she [Jana] knows or doesn't know. Michelle doesn't seem like she's capable of handling a sex-ed discussion. I think it's a reasonable topic post considering the avenues most of us have to find out about sex are either shut down or restricted. They do have the internet although if that isn't a source of misinformation I don't what is.
  19. I hate Micah's grandparents. I think we're supposed to respect Gunnar, but I really wanted him to say to the grandmother something like, "I told him I was his father, because that's what your daughter told me, and I trusted her. Your family tells lies like that. " I also thought for those who are angry with Rayna, Cole's interpretation of Rayna's personality was in some ways spot on. He described her as "thinking she's a princess in a tower looking down on everyone else." I could certainly see where the kid got that impression.
  20. I loved that Layla is alive! YAY! Something may be wrong with me, but I kinda hope she and Jeff find their way back to each other. I feel like there is enough drama without Sadie's ex storyline. I can't with Rayna, but I felt for Maddie tonight. Deacon having liver cancer is soapy, but at least it isn't a case of suddenly an alcoholic. I also understood why he didn't want Rayna taking care of him. Rayna needs to be without a man for a long time. I have mixed feelings about Luke, but I felt for all the kids involved. Poor Gunnar is never happy! But I loved his tackling Avery when he found out those two kids got married.
  21. That's interesting. It'd be interesting to have more information on this. I would think polygamy being illegal it would be hard to keep statistics, but I'd be interested if there was a blog or article that talked about this.
  22. I'm not convinced Robyn wants to be #1 wife. I think she's still #4, just the legal wife. I think she wants and has wanted to feel like a fixture or a permanent member of the group. It's not that she want to be #1, the favorite of Kody, and the wife all the others are jealous of; it's that she wants to feel like she belongs and she's so insecure that she can never be certain of her place with them. The religious nonlegal ceremony didn't make her feel enough like part of the group, moving away from Utah where the other three wives shared a house wasn't enough, having Kody's baby wasn't enough. Becoming the legal wife is yet another step in reassuring herself that she belongs to them and they're not going to leave her. The next step is getting Kody to adopt her kids. But nothing may ever be enough. I don't feel sorry for Meri, and I don't think she's a victim here. Meri is the one who was jealous of Christine and Janelle, jealous of how many babies they had and their friendship with each other. Meri, after years of resentment, seemed in on the plan to bring Robyn into the family. Meri was happy to have Robyn as her best friend and replace Christine as the young wife with the last child. If Meri had wanted to, she could have easily fought this divorce. There's a reason she never did this for Christine, even though she had more children who probably needed say insurance given that Christine wasn't working. She did this for Robyn, her best friend, the one who had the baby Meri feels exceptionally close to and the one who offered to be her surrogate. Kody is probably clueless and maybe willfully so as usual. Kody probably believes they need to protect Robyn's kids from her ex. As for her ex, I have no idea what kind of person he was. I think if he was amazing Robyn would have stayed with him or he would have custody. I think it's obvious he has some issues, but it's not obvious how severe they are or even what exactly they are. I think their decision to leave Utah is relevant here, because that's the last time they made a big decision out of fear...
  23. I may never watch Snow White the same way again. As someone who's never seen the movies or whatnot I'm surprised the death of a Howling Commando isn't a bigger deal, but I'm guessing he wasn't as big in the movies. It also seemed like everyone at SSR was relatively cool (with the exception of Thompson) about the death of an agent. (Not nearly as upset as they were when the jackass agent died.) I know I'm alone in this, but I don't like Dottie very much. Not sure why. CMM has really grown up well. I always found him a little whiny but still likable as Tristan, or Lucas. If he didn't seem so honor bent, I'd almost wonder if Sousa blackmailed Peggy into marrying him. I totally see those two together, although I'm not sure I want to. Sousa proved he was a good agent when he noticed the marks on her shoulder while looking at Peggy in her slip (not just gawking at the pretty lady). Totally didn't recognize Lionel Luther. I used to be good at spotting people from other shows. Either I'm getting old or the forties are throwing me off. I'm definitely hoping for more Agent Carter when these eight are done.
  24. First of all most of the people I know who watch this show are younger women 20s-midthirties. Not all middle-age women. Second, most of the people I know watch are not supporters. Now it could be that most of their supporters are middle-aged, but I tend to think people who support them either A) share the wives' perception Kody can do no wrong or B) think they're idiots for putting up with each other but it's their choice and people should be allowed to make their choices to please themselves, etc. Third, Meri not 15 years older than Robyn. I would have guessed maybe 10, but according to wikipedia, Robyn is 7 years and 9 months younger than Meri. (So more like eight years.) Now they could be wrong but wikipedia is usually very good and very useful when it comes to tracking reality tv stars. According to wiki, Meri is 44 and Robyn is 36 (her birthday is in October). That being said I'm blown away that this happened. I'm even more shocked it happened four months ago and we are just learning about it now. Seriously isn't the point of reality television to share your lives with the world? It makes me wonder what else they sweep under the rug! Is it them or is it TLC? Hard to say, given how slow they are to broadcast stuff, but then they generally let the Duggars make special tv commercials to break their news. I don't think it matters much. I'm still waiting for a wife to up and leave. Meri this is your chance. Run, Meri, run.
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