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Everything posted by Bill1978

  1. I honestly believe that the split time of S4 and S5 meant that we could never really latch onto the Newbies. Just as a plot point with them got going we jumped to NY and all momemtum was lost. And throw in the fact that most of the 'last song' of every episode was jumping back and forth between the two meant we were constantly being reminded of what we had but no longer have. S6 didn't do that, so the new newbies could develop more and we could connect better with them. Even if I think S6 is a hot mess, the newbies were pretty good. Glee is one of those shows that I regularly think 'What If/If Only' the producers approached it differently. I think if they had mapped out the series from start to finish they would have had better luck with the new characters. I feel the newbies should have been slowly introduced while the OG were still all there, like how Sam and Blaine were introduced. I would have also split up each school year into 2 TV years. That way its 3 years on the show but it spreads over 6 real years. And it concludes with them winning nationals with all the kids we know and the OG graduating. But that's all hindsight and I'm sure there are flaws in my thinking. But I feel the Newbies get blamed for a decrease in quality when in fact I feel its the poor writing and decision to remove the OG from high school but still focus on them in NY. The show was always gonna be about high school and should have stayed in high school.
  2. I recall reading somewhere that Rhys-Meyers refused to have aged makeup or play fat. I can't recall where I read it and who knows if it is correct because the series originally aired years ago, but if my memory is correct the article painted Rhys-Meyers as being arrogantly vain.
  3. I was the same, it was a pleasant surprise. My only complaint about the movie was the misuse of Just A Girl. It just didn't match the action that was occurring on screen. The song and the action were at two different...tempos. I think that's the word I want. It took me out of the movie, whatever the issue it was creating for me.
  4. This looks like it has appeal and it seems to also be a musical. Can't wait to my to do list has shrunk so I can have more time to work on my to watch list.
  5. Bill1978

    The Prom (2020)

    I'm sold. Any time a trailer to a musical embraces the fact its a musical I can't help but want to see the movie. And throw in the fact that Ryan Murphy appears to have filmed a musical and not a realistic musical just makes me keen to see it even though I have no idea about the music at all.
  6. While the cancellation is sad news, I'm not devastated by it. I really enjoyed the series and would happily watch more BUT honestly I'm not sure I would have felt good watching the series slowly kill off all the gelflings to get it to where the movie needs it to end. At least this way all the characters get a kinda happy ending. I know there was a cliffhanger so to speak but it still had a nice conclusion as a series. Also very happy it won an Emmy. It was a very well made show. And I think just like the movie, it's reputation will grow over time.
  7. Take That will always be the #1 Boy Band for me. No other group comes close. So a student of mine is a major, major BTS fan and through their perseverance they have made me a sucker for Dynamite. That song is a damn earworm. Maybe it's the years of One Direction's jump up and down choreography but its nice to see a boy band prepared to actually dance. Having aid all that I still don't get the large mass appeal of the group while other better boybands just disappear. What happened to the days of Battle of the Boybands. Seems today's crowd act as a collective and can only handle one group to support at a time.
  8. Thanks for the heads up. I will stop pondering if its a possibility and focus on the story and wait for his appearance.
  9. I just watched the first episode and really enjoyed it. That song Julie's mum wrote was lovely. It definitely has a Disney Channel vibe but the absence of canned laughter and lame jokes really elevates it from 'kid show' to 'family show'. Just one quick question - does the 4th surviving member of Sunset Curve ever make an appearence? Out of all the possible plot points that I'm curious about this is the main one haha. Not sure why.
  10. I find dolls and little kids in on the scary stuff really creepy in this genre. I'll definitely be watching this during daylight hours like I did with Hill House because I'm a wimp like that. This looks really good and I'm intrigued with what it is all about. Next month needs to hurry up.
  11. I'm with Scott Mendelson in regards to what that trailer presented. It does look like the same movie and it should be since Whedon was required to use pre-existing footage and squeeze it into a movie madated by the studio to be under 2 hours - so there is a lot of scenes that can be extended. I feel all Snyderr has done is removed Whedon's part (the humour) and returned unnecessary long secnes and removed all colour and replaced it with his yellow tinge or is it blue tinge. I can't remember, all I know is all the colours will look faded. I also hate the idea that if it is humourous and colourful then it is for kids and can't be taken seriously by adults. I predict this will be Snyder's response to anyone who doesn't enjoy his cut - 'You aren't a grownup!! It wasn't made for you!!!'
  12. The only issue I have with the flashbacks (and it goes for any that involves immortal type people) how the hell do young ones age to adults. It's all I kept thinking about with the last WW movie. How long was she a child for? How does immortality work, does it not exist until you become an adult? I have questions. I don't need answers but they are questions I will always have, just like with time travel. On other things, that new trailer looks good and it seems they have kept the same tone from the first which I am happy with. Not sure about the swinging on lightning thing though. It looks cool but it does my scientific brain in.
  13. Holy mother of tornados Batman!! I had no idea this cut was gonna be 4 hours. Based on his previous Superman movies this is gonna feel like 8 hours. I forgot that Synder's plan was for it to be originally released in 2 parts. I admit I'm not that knowledgeable about the BTS of Justice League but reading the comments on YouTube for that trailer has me questioning what I thought happened in production. The comments are implying this version is going to be incredible and much better than what we originally got and 100% different to Whedon's cut BUT didn't Whedon work with what was already shot and did some reshoots and tweaking of scenes? In other words, most of the original theatrical release is going to be in this version just with additional scenes, rearrangement of scene placement, all colour removed, less humour and more seriousness? I quite enjoyed the original JL but I understand why Snyder's fans would want to see HIS vision but I haven't been clamouring for it. Plus this version still won't fix the main issue I had with caring about the JL and them being created. Aquaman, Flash and Cyborg should have had their own movie before JL so the teamup would feel more earned and incredible like what Marvel did with The Avengers, rather than shoehorning their origin stories into this film. True Synder's version now has the benefit of Aquaman having his own movie but my complaint still stands DC rushed the formation of JL. I'll watch this eventually out of curiosity but I'm not desperate to see it. I'm quite content to re-watch Whedon's version, even with its flaws.
  14. ITA that the Netflix output hasn't been fantastic but at least, IMO, each season was tonally consistent and the episodes fed off each other. Shows like Glee, AHS and Scream Queen often showed signs that the scripts were written almost the week before the episode aired and reflected moments happening in real life or course adjusted due to criticism. Glee was especially guilty of this in trying to shoehorn the latest big song into a plot that it made no sense in. While the Netflix shows may not be brilliant, it is obvious that they have been mapped out from beginning to end without any crazy last minute adjustments because something became newsworthy.
  15. Bill1978

    Disney Films

    There was outrage with Hunchback's original release from some Victor Hugo purists that it was sacrilegious that Disney gave Hunchback a happy ending by having Quasimodo and Esmerelda live. I could only imagine how they would have felt if not only did Quasimodo survive but also got the girl.
  16. I agree totally. I hate that the writers thought it was acceptable for a teacher to punish a girl for not wearing a costume that made her feel uncomfortable. But I don't hate Mr. Schue because he said it. I hate the writers for making Matthew Morrison having to say it. Unfortunately there are many lazy writers who just write lazy lines for 'plot reasons' and don't stop to think of a better way to keep the plot flowing. It's lazy writing like the above moment that often results in writers creating an affair story line because it's easy dramatic conflict. And that's usually enough to make me quit a show, especially when the drama isn't needed. By this time Glee had pretty much given up caring about anything other than selling music in my opinion and ignoring the fact they should never had split storylines and that they graduated the original cast way too early.
  17. If Will got fired for that (and not saying he shouldn't have) then Sue should have been fired in... I don't know... about the Pilot episode for her shenanigans. Glee never claimed to be based in reality, it was always a heightened view of reality with a strong dollop of black humour. In the end it's a comedy and was never supposed to be taken seriously as a reflection on real life.
  18. What exciting news to see a trailer has dropped for Season 2. I have been waiting since The Golden Compass was released to see the story continued on screen. I am pumped. Especially since the first part of Season 1 'bored' me because I had seen the movie but those episodes that featured the story after the movie had ended had me gripped to the edge of my seat, so I can only imagine what Season 2 will be like. And yeah I know I could read the book but that requires effort on my part haha.
  19. This comment reminded me of the story of Guildford Dudley having a tantrum in the Tower of London when Jane refused to make him King alongside her Queenship. Seems the husband of a Queen has been throwing tantrums since 1553 As others have said this was really only on paper, no one in England really saw him as an equal to Mary. And if my memory serves me correctly, Parliament only agreed to the marriage if Mary agreed to the terms that prevented him from really being King. I could be wrong on this as I only learnt last week that Louis VIII of France ruled England as Louis I for 15 months before signing a treaty that acknowledged that he was never the monarch of England. History really only ever talks about William III & Mary II as co-monarchs when it comes to monarchs of England.
  20. Hopefully this is the right thread for the news. I am so impressed with the British monarchy for being able to pull off the surprise wedding of Beatrice on Friday (British time). Apparently it occurred a couple of hours before the Queen knighted Captain Tom.
  21. I haven't re-watched the series either but will regularly listen to the music and watch performance clips on YouTube. However, the other night I felt the urge to watch some episodes due to Naya's passing. The episodes were the '2009', the one where they win Nationals, 'Quarterback', the 100th episode and the final episode. In that order. While nationals and Quarterback held up well from a script point of view (on a sidenote I didn't realise how much New Directions blew away Vocal Directions at Nationals until the rewatch), 100 and the finale really show how much the writers stopped caring about making the show feel real. The actors tried their hardness but the writers just didn't care. I consider '2009' a bit of an outlier for Season 6 but I think that's because the writers were forced to make sure tonally it fit the pilot episode. Season 6 smells of the creators having the poos that they were cancelled and just didn't care, which is a shame for everyone else involved in the show - especially the new kids. And the originals are trying their hardest not to show their disappointment with how low the show had sunk in quality. After watching the 5 episodes back to back, and combined with viewing other Ryan Murphy comedy productions, it has become clear to me that the man does not know how to make a 'real; comedy. He needs to go out of his way to tell us all that we are watching a TV show. Maybe because I've just finished binging Community, but that show did a lot better in mixing in meta-jokes about being a TV show than the blunt anvil Glee used to do the same thing. I've said it on other boards but Murphy shows work better on Netflix where he has to commit to an idea before it ever hits our screen so the story and generally the tone is consistent for a whole season. Even with all it's weirdness and downward quality I am grateful for all the musical performances it has provided me with.
  22. I really felt that bond when I re-watched the I Lived performance yesterday. The fact that nearly every 'kid' came back for that number shows how close they must have been. Regardless of any behind the scenes drama, the fact they all turned up to say goodbye to the show and the fans is pretty damn impressive for a cast that had a large ensemble over the years. You can tell by the end of the performance (I actually feel it when Matthew Morrison gives that little head kiss to Amber Riley at the beginning) that it's not the characters on that stage but the actual actors having fun for the last time. I was sad hearing the news of Naya's death, but reading all those Instagram posts from her colleagues really drove home the fact how much she meant to so many people and that she is gone.
  23. This is very sad news to wake up to. My condolences to Naya's son, family and friends. Such a random tragedy, but I am glad her body has been found so everyone (family and fans) can have the closure they need.
  24. Thanks, I might go back and re-watch Clay's speech. Guess I was concentrating too hard looking for everyone and blinked at the wrong moment. :)
  25. Random question - I thought Winston was a Senior but he wasn't in a graduation gown OR shown at all during the graduation ceremony speeches. Did I mishear in the first Episode 1 when he was talking to his mum about moving schools and he wasn't a senior? And if he wasn't a senior why was he on the senior camping trip - they explained Charlie going (which I felt was forced and absurd) so if Winston wasn't a Senior why not throw a lame excuse like he has to takes photos for the yearbook.
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