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Everything posted by Bill1978

  1. Is it weird that I found Ray saying goodbye to Gideon and her tear to be quite moving. I am glad they put that scene in because Gideon is part of the team and it would be easy to forget that AI (or whatever she is) have feelings too. Is there a way to have the Loom of Fate plot without Astra, cause seriously I don't care about that plot even though it is driving this season. Always seems to be the way I don't care about the big overarching arc of the season. I'm just hear for the fun.
  2. If Max was called Bob Barnard and if this show was Insatiable they definitely would have had that moment.
  3. I'm not really buying Disney's reasoning for dropping Li Shang. To me is sounds like they are trying to shift the criticism into self proclaimed congratulations. https://www.msn.com/en-au/entertainment/movies/disney-drop-mulan-character-following-supernumbermetoo/ar-BB10EhZ1?ocid=spartanntp&pfr=1
  4. Thank you. I had read he had appeared previously as a different character. You've saved me having to watch the episode to discover who he actually was. Overall a weak episode, but most time Part 1's are. It was nice to see Grace and Karen interacting again, even if at one stage I thought they had stand ins (during the kitchen chat) I did enjoy Will & Grace looking down at the To Be Continued at the end. I chuckled a little at that. And I'm guessing I really should know Coco Peru, for them to keep bringing them back like they are someone important. I like them on the show but I really am clueless about the drag scene and confess I really only know RuPaul. Glad to see the show knows the limitations of Gu Kenworthy's acting unlike American Horror Story.
  5. I think Grace may be part kangaroo and has paused her pregnancy, to allow Will's child to catch up with hers. Once they are at the same stage, Grave will resume her pregnancy so that she and Demi can go into labour at the same time.
  6. As long as they have one big major choregraphed number every episode I'm sticking with this show. Maybe it will fill the void left by Insatiable's cancellation
  7. I think Grace has one of those TV pregnancy where time has no correlation to her progress. She is only pregnant when necessary. This was an OK episode, I do prefer the show when the episode has everybody in the same story instead of clear distinct separate ones like what was shown in this episode. I enjoyed it, but it just felt like a series of skits, instead of a plot. And I really don't miss Karen when she is absent. Even though I have bagged out this piosde, I feel this season is stronger when her character isn't present. I would still love to know what caused the issue amongst the staff, cause honestly these people are paid to act, so they should be forced to act like they like each other. That's what they are getting paid for.
  8. At this stage I feel like they should just jettison Karen from the series. I know it probably happened in the original run, but I don't recall Karen (and to a lesser extent Jack) having so many solo adventures. I know Jack was on the plane with Karen but it easily could have been a different plane. I prefer this show to be the 4 characters in a location together (although I know why that can't be now), if it's such a hassle just make it literally about Will & Grace and pop in appearances by Jack (minus the annoying husband). re: Jacki O joke, I felt they didn't need to explain the O. I already chuckled before Karen explained the joke. I thought it was clever at first, but when Karen outright stated it, it felt like the writers didn't trust the audience to get it. It's so funny, whenever I see Billie Lourde I automatically think Carrie Fisher. And I know Carrie Fisher is Debbie Reynold's daughter but until this episode I never consciously connected Billie to Debbie. Weird. Is Grace going to have a magical baby growth before the series ends? Or are we not ending with the babies being born?
  9. At least the team said a collective goodbye to the Hawks. This episode implies that Mona walks off the Waverider and it is up to Rory to tell the others that Mona has left. But then this is the episode that had Charlie appear for 5 seconds and then disappear never to be seen again, not even at the press junket.
  10. So great to have the team back...and the show. I try so hard to get into the other CW DC shows but I can't because they are ridiculously serious with their execution. I love my comic book shows to be less serious. I don't care how ridiculous the storylines can be, the fact they embrace the stupidity makes me love the show even more. I was so impressed the show went the Antman/Thanos route to destroy Rasputin. Bravo for having the guts to do that. After one episode I'm hoping when they find Zari that thy don't just boot her brother from the team. Is it possible both can stay? As much as I don't enjoy the character of Mona and her wearwolf (I think mostly cause the werewolf effect was terrible and werewolves aren't comic characters in my book), I hope that wasn't the end of her time on the show, cause honestly that is a terrible terrible farewell for a team member.
  11. Unpopular opinion. I didn't miss Karen.
  12. I agree, I like the scores because they are full on orchestral and not the standard minimalist electronic melodyless soundscape that so many movies have these days BUT in terms of memorable themes he didn't make many. Except for Rey's Theme I can't hum anything from the new Trilogy. I would have loved more clear themes for Kylo and possibly the Trio. A similar thing happened with the Prequel Trilogy. Only Anakin got a orchestral suite of a theme. Not saying Duel of the Fates, Across The Stars of Battle of the Heroes aren't great but they really don't serve the leif motif approach of the Original Trilogy. I can listen to the scores of the OT and follow the onscreen story. Sadly I can't do that with the PT and ST scores.
  13. The Bond songs from the Craig era have bored me immensely (even if they have won Oscars). I know why the producers have chosen Billie, but she sounds bored singing her own songs, I can only imagine how bored and underemotive she is going to sound singing a boring Bond song she wrote. I could be proved wrong but I doubt it.
  14. Wow that trailer achieved something amazing. Throughout my whole viewing I went from 'This looks interesting I might watch this' to 'Nope that is turning me off watching it' to 'This looks interesting I might watch this' to 'Nope that is turning me off watching it' Its like there are two movies in one and I am so so conflicted. Maybe some one will need to excise the bits that don't appeal to me from the trailer so I can watch the bits that do appeal to me haha
  15. Welcome back LoT, how I have missed you. Glad they are still prepared to be crazy in their crossover episode. I'm probably one of the few people who only watch these crossovers because of LoT, it's the only Arrowverse show I watch.
  16. I can't believe I am writing this as a major fan of Disney animation but I am thrilled that Frozen II got snubbed in the Animated Feature category.
  17. Disney were also banking on Into The Unknown replicating Let It Go's success. Unfortunately the Disney crew forget to tell the song writers to make the verses as memorable as the title. And with the newish rules the Academy has for the Song Category it would make Show Yourself the better option as the rules state the song and the visuals should compliment each other and that voting should take into account the presentation on the screen. It's why many end credit songs no longer get nominated. I must confess though that I'm one of the few people who didn't think Let It Go was the stand out song of the first movie.
  18. Because Disney is only pushing Into The Unknown for the awards season. It was the only song submitted to the Academy, for example, for consideration.
  19. Yes we did. It's been so long that I can't remember but it was told in the episode that followed I believe. Or maybe it was the episode before. There is definitely an episode where we get to see/hear alternate views of the homecoming debacle.
  20. Because it has be so long between episodes, is there any significance with the 4 random Yes people of The Good Place? Should I have recognised them?
  21. I'll lead off with a very superficial comment but that's the best Debra Messing has looked for a while on this show. She actually looked like Grace of old. A combination of fixing the eyebrows (or something) and her wardrobe not trying to hide the fact she has put on a little weight- the wardrobe has normally amplified that fact. It was nice to see all four in the same room, feels like its been a while. A nice that Karen's story actually linked with the main event. Not as funny as previous episodes but hey I've come this far with the show I'm not gonna bail on it now. Still trying to get my head around the fact we are heading towards the same ending that they wiped out at the start of the revival. Really nice tribute to Shelley at the end. Was not expecting it and I found it very touching.
  22. The most surprising thing from the Rocketman Golden Globes wins was learning that the John/Taupin writing team had never won an award, not even a Grammy. Mind truly blown.
  23. Here in Australia we got no censorship, it was just Joaquin dropping the F bomb in sentences where it wasn't really necessary. I would tell you the full sentences but the speech was so boring I fell asleep.
  24. And the Thanos that was dusted at the end was a Thanos from an earlier time period which means Thanos now doesn't exist in the time period where the stones exist.
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