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Everything posted by TresGatos

  1. "their talents are what got them into yale; yale didn't bestow those qualities on them." Just like George W. Bush! Congratulations to Cody and Jessica! I hope to see them on Bridezillas soon!
  2. So...is David practicing a defense for when he finally snaps and fills the land with uppercuts and bodies. Seriously, can they fire these two and replace their segments with Barb and Jace?
  3. Here's a link to the story about Jilly Muffin possibly being pregnant: https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/m/dd06db6e-9ffa-374a-9d77-7c5c81f74c94/ss_fans-think-jill-is-pregnant.html Prenatal vitamins have been spotted! (Of course Jilly's a midwife so who knows who they are for)
  4. I thought Trixie came off like she was doing a bad Cher instead of a bad Ru Paul. I really don't like her drag either, I find it boring and one note. I did enjoy Bendala's Paul Lynde but I've always adored Paul Lynde. I've always thought he was one of those characters who, just be full force of his personality, made Gay people more accepted by mainstream society even though I think his life was made sort of tragic by being forced to be in the closet. His long term companion, Bing Davidson, fell to his death in front of Lynde while trying to perform a drunken stunt on a hotel balcony. A also enjoyed the lip synch but Bendala's costuming was so much better than Shangela's.
  5. How so? I'm really curious about this. I've read about CBBUK but have never actually seen an episode.
  6. I hated the Houdini episode because Houdini was so anti-spiritualist and worked to expose fake mediums. I would have liked it better if it were Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who was a great believer in Spiritualism, but I would rather see him chasing fairies at Bellacourt Manor, or better yet, Houdini's arch-nemesis, Mina "Marjorie"Crandon and then have Houdini appear to debunk her or even the Fox Sisters could have been really creepy. I still love Peepers and Garfield and I am so happy that Beatrice and Frederick really are twins. Never have I loved a Ritter the way I love Jason Ritter in this show.
  7. Passive aggressive dig toward Cathy? Derelik really doesn't know the meaning of "work"? Boomer here and my mother worked in a factory her mother worked in a factory and the great-aunt who moved in and helped take care of us worked in a factory before she retired. Topic? Derp is an idiot. No wonder, they should all be blanket trained by now.
  8. I loved the friendship that developed between Ron Jeremy and Tammy Faye Bakker Messner when they were on The Surreal House together. Jim Bakker is still a total grifter creep though.
  9. I don't think Metta's ever been on a Challenge but I did comment on the Episode 2 thread that his gameplay reminded me of Terrell Owens (TO) on MTV's The Challenge.
  10. I've been pleasantly surprised by most of these players except for Meta who is reminding me of TO's stint on a recent "celebrity" Challenge. Even James is filling a trope. I really like that there seems to be genuine BB superfans in the cast unlike other non-celebrity casts where people who claimed to be "superfans" played like they've never seen an episode before. I am really enjoying the lack of hookups. That aspect of BB has gotten to be really unpleasant for me to watch like in Matt and Raven.
  11. Is this some new Gladiator type competition?
  12. This reminds me of the "You touched my pee-pee" girl. Dr. Phil really didn't seem to believe the mother and the grandmother and really seemed to take the Dad's side and two years later the dad was arrested for possession of child porn. This episode still airs on OWN without the little girl's face blurred. Is anyone else having problems posting on some forums? Some forums if I click to like the page jumps up part way and then jumps up to the start and I can't post replies or quote but not every forum (obviously). Has anyone else experienced this?
  13. I don't think Indiana has any Carl Jr's restaurants. I've never seen one and their online store locator showed the closest ones to be in Oklahoma and Philadelphia though some of those were for something called Carl Jr's Little Green Burrito. I don't know what that is. Hardee's are pretty common & lots of Burger Kings in Indiana.
  14. FT reminds me of the former child actor John Cassisi He was in the movie Bugsy Malone starring Scott Baio and Jodie Foster. He played a character called Fat Sam. He was also an actor in the series Fish, the Barney Miller spin-off starring Abe Vigoda. Later in life he was Director of Global Construction for Citigroup where he was found guilty in a bribery scheme and sentenced to prison. (Another aside: my son named his pug Pugsy Malone).
  15. All this talk of Prison Wives makes me think of the dud who installed a toilet in his bedroom so he could experience what his beloved was experiencing and who had a mannequin dressed in a wedding dress in the living room. I wonder how that worked out?
  16. I watched this episode On Demand and fell asleep halfway through. I watched it again but when this network was Spike they allowed a person to fast forward through the commercials. Paramount does not. I mute commercials when networks do this out of protest but Paramount also tried to make me watch footage of a snow leopard with its leg caught in a steel trap so I had to close my eyes which puts me at high risk of falling asleep again and having to start all over from the beginning again so screw you Paramount, you are off to a bad start. I liked seeing the team members all tattoo the same subject matter. I don't know why they were so opposed to a hot Hades.
  17. I need a more in-depth description of this kitten. Can someone supply one? (Description, not kitten tho I would love another little snooki putzi).
  18. I think of Kendra the Vampire Slayer from Buffy. My dad insisted I be named after his favorite song and my middle name the name my great-aunt favored which saved me from mom's choice of Zelda Caroline.
  19. Also...Jay Mohr as Chip's strip club Daddy? I didn't understand that. The whole concept I mean. So Poodle and Mr. Poodle started out poor and stayed poor for quite a while? Poodle was a stripper before she met Mr. Poodle and later had an affair with the strip club owner because of? Why? It made more sense that Chip's father would be some random rich dude from the country club. I would have liked it more (mohr?) if Chip's dad had been played by the Michael Rapaport (who played Frank Stump on My Name Is Earl) and Jay Mohr was cast as his father, Chip's grandfather, who could have been a horny old dude hitting on Mickey. I think the actor who plays Chip and Michael Rapaport look something alike and the energy level would have been better while still keeping the creepy dude factor.
  20. I was watching Judge Mathis the other day (don't judge me!) and he often offers rehab to people appearing on his show and there was a woman who obviously was not ready to admit she had a problem and Judge Mathis said it costs them $8,000 each time they send someone to a 30 day inpatient treatment program so they weren't going to waste money on someone who clearly wasn't ready. Now I don't know where Judge Mathis is sending his people but that's a big difference from $50,000. Maybe Judge Mathis gets some sort of volume discount judging by the number of people with "crackish ways" who appear on his show.
  21. And she lost probably quadruple that amount on Old Matt. Amber and Jenelle. Saving Lives for Over a Decade. Plus "ignorant and rude" and "gross and ugly" is Amber in a nutshell.
  22. I came back to say Fula Borg! I love Fula Borg but had talked myself into believing it wasn't him until I re-watched with my spouse who insisted it was and looked it up to prove the point. I love Fula Borg and could stand more Chip if he was in Fula Borg's German class.
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