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Madding crowd

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Everything posted by Madding crowd

  1. Mike was trying to teach Phoebe a lesson which she learned when she had to introduce Mike to her client using his “new name”. Ross would probably be worried if Rachel changed her name to something like that because it’s dumb and childish.
  2. I didn’t understand the snow product at all. Maybe if you want to sprinkle it around some decorations in a store or something like that. I don’t think a tiny bag of it would be much fun for kids and I was waiting for the sharks to ask about safety if kids got it in their mouth. The presenter then said parents could buy it to build a sledding hill but it would take a ton of this stuff and be really hard to do. And one part of sledding is that snow is cold and you get bundled up. Sledding on gallons of plastic just doesn’t have the same appeal. I liked the wrapping paper and the gnome cake.
  3. The Starbucks here in Chicago still make eggnog lattes and I’m willing to have the calories because they are delicious!
  4. Carla has said she and Nancy are close friends, they don’t always agree but I don’t think Carla would be cowed by her or anyone. Everyone has their own taste and I think it would look fake if they always agree on everything. I like the dynamic of the three judges plus Jessie and I hated it when Molly and her sprinkles were part of the mix.
  5. I’m glad I’m not the only one who can’t remember which team did each display. Each week when they announce who is going home I have to rewind to see what they made.
  6. I don’t like any of the artist this time around. Bobby has boring tattoos and Jozzy’s are all too dark for my taste. Ryan seems the most vocal of the judges and mostly votes for her own team.
  7. They also left out the child abuse stuff which they showed on Dr. Phil. Mother God would insist children who were crying be put in a dark closet and left there, and the kids were barely fed . She also screamed at babies and small children because they weren’t understanding her message.
  8. I want to know how Olivia can afford to go to Europe every month. I follow her on Instagram and she is staying in lovely hotels with scenic balconies, eating in fancy restaurants and going to museums and tours. She just spent a month in Paris and two weeks in Norway and Sweden. I just came back from a trip to Italy and we saved up for years. She does frequent Q&A’s on Instagram because her ‘fans’ want to know her favorite color, what she eats for breakfast etc. I don’t think she is wrong in a lot of this but I think she is full of herself and thinks she is better than Ethan and his family.
  9. Finally finished this and I think this was well made and better than the book. The book had many more characters and many more points of view. I also remember getting really annoyed at the author saying she had a particular dislike for tourists who sit on a beach and read. What's wrong with that? In my case, I have multiple spine fractures and can't walk much so sitting on a beach and reading is a vacation for me. I really liked the actors playing Edwin and Clive but found both Emily/Claire and Alison to be very annoying. It was especially annoying that it was a one week vacation and Alison expected deep relationships and acted like they had been there for months. Also didn't like the trope of the "plain" girl who was so jealous of the pretty one.
  10. I don’t remember hearing that but if that’s the truth it was still the responsibility of Kody and Christine to feed their children. Kody could have worked a real job instead of an MLM, they could have limited how many kids they had, they could have used the enormous food pantry rather than saving it. Meri is not responsible for Christine having kids she can’t feed properly. Should Meri have given her one child tater tot casseroles to prove a point? I’m sure that feeding one child was less expensive than feeding six but all of that is on Kody and Christine in my opinion.
  11. We don’t know that Christine couldn’t afford or even wanted to serve Salmon. She could afford to cook better now and still makes casseroles. None of the Brown kids said they didn’t have enough food.
  12. In terms of food, the Browns kept huge food pantries that they all used to feed the kids. None of them went hungry or went without clothes.
  13. I knew there was something I didn’t like about him. To shame a woman for gaining 10 pounds? Then he was dating a month after his wife died. I hope both of those nice women turn him down; everything about him is fake including his career!
  14. I still don’t trust Angie and think she wants Glen’s money. Glen barely knows Angie and Whitney and Hunter just lost their mom. It’s a different situation but after my mom died my father remarried pretty quickly and she talked him into moving across the country. My sister and I barely saw him after that and she intercepted all mail and calls so for us it was like losing both parents and we were 18 and 20. Of course Glen is Angie’s dad but I’m wondering if and why her whole family wants him in Alabama. What is he going to do all day while Angie and the rest are working? I’m betting she ends up having Glen support her.
  15. I never heard of Mont Blanc but I don’t like chestnuts so I would never order one. I wonder if the bakers are told ahead of time what desserts they might make; they all seemed familiar with it. I didn’t mind the smushed cakes, this has been on long enough that they have to come up with different challenges.
  16. Kody certainly seemed like he was in love with Meri when the show started; calling her his soulmate and constantly touching and kissing her. I think a lot of people who are left by their partner say “I was never in love anyway “ as a way to save face. I do wonder what Kody sees in Robyn since it appears she tells him what to do and say and he is all about macho posturing. When he met her she was pretty and dressed cute but now she dresses like a dowdy matron, doesn’t take care of her kids and keeps a messy house.
  17. Finally got around to watching this and I’m not confused because I read the book but there is a lot of jumping around. I didn’t see Emily’s parents as neglectful, it just seems like Emily likes doing things with her sister. I do agree there seems to be too much attention on Alison. Women and men noticing and commenting on her seems a bit much. This show does bring up some interesting issues about tourism. Tourism allows the locals to make a living yet they are contemptuous of the tourists and dislike having to serve them. I get the point but don’t know what the answer is although some of these tourists are indeed jerks but not all.
  18. This one had me sobbing https://youtu.be/xnZGEUA4oBk?si=3EhvBhRYC1ZHRmMB
  19. Olivia’s need to have deep conversations with everyone is not going to work. I’ve been married a long time and have never had a deep conversation with my husbands family. We say hello at family events and that’s it. My husband’s family doesn’t like me so I understand how Olivia feels but I also get it that my husband wants a relationship with them . I don’t agree with Ethan’s values but he has the right to have them just as Olivia has the right to have her own values. I don’t think Ethan is a bad person and I don’t think wanting to have a relationship with your family is bad. I think Olivia is a lot; she likes being the center of attention, expects constant conversations about her feelings and she feels entitled to live a life traveling the world and rarely working. After she divorces Ethan I think she will need to get a full time job and live a regular life and I don’t think she will handle that well.
  20. Just watched the second episode and I feel bad for the grandparents who had to take responsibility for their grandchildren because their parents wanted to party all day. I also can’t believe these people were getting donations for their rambling videos. Having had family members die from alcoholism it was hard seeing her body falling apart and no one did anything.
  21. I thought these owners wanted Gordon to pay for the broken AC, broken salad drawer, refrigerator etc, so they made up the burned out chef story. He sure seemed fine after everything was working well. I’m beginning to wonder if anything is real on this show.
  22. This was a tricky challenge; adding cheese to a fruit pie takes some finesse. Jennifer really wasn’t good at doing things quickly and she didn’t look like she was enjoying herself at all. I think I would try some the pies with mascarpone cheese but not blue cheese or goat cheese.
  23. I know that but the fact she thought only her kids would get this share would make any reasonable father say “ we have 18 kids and they are all going to get it.” Robyn cares only about herself and her kids and Kody cares only about Kody. I would like someone to ask Kody why he had all of these kids with women he says he didn’t love.
  24. I was happy to see Meri laughing at Robyn and Kody. Robyn expecting Meri to stick around for a husband that shuns her and appears to despise her is ridiculous. I 100% believe Robyn was crying because she is worried the show will end and she loves being on TV and the income it brings. Her whining about sitting on the porch with the others just makes me angry because she has made zero effort to get together with the other wives or kids. The idea that her parcel only goes to her kids while Kody’s is only for him might be the final straw that will drive Kody’s non-Robyn kids away. Knowing that your dad has zero thought for you would be enough for me to cut all ties. Once the cameras are gone I’m betting Robyn gets rid of the Sears junior secretary clothes and goes out to find someone new.
  25. I remember seeing this nutcase on Dr. Phil and feeling angry that people were subjecting their children to her. It’s one thing for adults to want to live such a chaotic, drug fueled life but subjecting children to that was evil. I still find it fascinating that people were so entranced with her considering she rarely seemed sober or had much to say beyond Love Wins.
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